709 research outputs found

    Complex training routes and the results of insertion among young people

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    The theory and methodology underlying this paper reflect the research on training routes and young people's occupational and social insertion carried out by the Education and Work Research Group (GRET) within the Institute of Educational Science of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The data and the specific analyses presented in this paper are based on a retrospective longitudinal survey carried out among a representative sample of 31-year-olds in the metropolitan area of Barcelona including variables with reference to (formal, non-formal and informal) training routes, occupational routes and family routes (family of origin and own family)

    Developing prospective tools for the observation of skill requirements in Spain

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    In the last decades various tools have been developed in Spain to observe skill requirements and to translate these requirements into provision of adequate initial school-based training, occupational training and continuing training. Although the tools developed in Spain were at first oriented to the different types of training, different territories and different methodologies, they all played an essential role in the general orientation and modernisation of vocational education and training in Spain. This paper describes the tools for identifying skills requirements in Spain and informs on an observatory (OBINCUAL) which is now being set up. This observatory is closely associated with the creation of the National System of Vocational Qualifications. OBINCUAL has been conceived as a 'network of networks' which can function as a nucleus of information and exchange on skill requirements and vocational training between the different vocational training subsystems in Spain

    La relación entre educación y empleo en Europa

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEste artículo pretende sintetizar los principales ejes de la relación entre educación y empleo en Europa. Parte de analizar la relación entre la evolución histórica de los modelos de producción de competencias para el empleo y la evolución de las principales corrientes téorico-metodológicas que estudian los vínculos entre educación y empleo. A continuación, el artículo estructura, en base al modelo de análisis basado en las competencias, los resultados de la investigación comparada sobre la relación entre educación y empleo en Europa en torno a ocho ejes. El artículo finaliza con algunas consideraciones para el futuro de la relación entre educación y empleo y su investigación, a partir de los cambios en las instituciones y en el comportamiento de los actores implicados.This paper aims to synthesise the central dimensions of the relationship between education and employment in Europe. We begin by analysing the relationship between the historical evolution of skill production models and the evolution of the main theoretical and methodological approaches that examine the links between education and employment. Next, using a skills analysis model, we structure the results of a comparative study into the relationship between education and employment in Europe around eight core themes. The paper concludes with some reflections about the future of, (and research into), the relation between education and employment relationship, in view of transforming institutions and changing behaviour of the agents involved

    Challenges of the recognition of competences acquired Informally and no-formally by vocational education and training teachers : reflections based on the EU's experience

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationVocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers have usually had a characterized by complex and diversified learning process. A large number of VET teachers have mixed professional pathways - both teaching and working outside the educational system. This mixed experience is considered in the VET centres as a guarantee of better teaching, because the teachers are more familiar with working life. The socioeconomic networking activities of VET centres highlight the as social networking capacity. For this reason the recognition of competences acquired non-formally or informally by VET teachers takes a central place in the careers of VET teachers. Would it be useful to incorporate this mechanism of recognition in the "trans-national standards of teachers' education for VET?" For several decades now there has been in the EU context a debate on the mechanisms for recognition of competences acquired non-formally or informally. The speaker intends to discuss the recognition of the competences acquired by VET teachers in non-formal and informal ways based on the experience of recognition of prior learning in the EU

    Identifying interactions between global and local developments : the Observatory for the detection of skill and training needs in the Barcelona region

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    The project presented in this article (1) defines the content and methods for identifying vocational training needs in the Barcelona region from a standpoint different from, and critical of, the 'technocratic' methods that have long dominated the monitoring of labour market and training trends. This project is linked with other international initiatives. The theoretical framework is a skill-oriented adjustment model of the kind being used increasingly in human resource management at all levels by business, industry and government bodies. The project's methodology takes into account both global and local developments and aims to create a permanent instrument for identifying and monitoring skill needs and skills availability in a given region. It uses a pragmatic approach of regulation and adjustment underpinned by partnerships