1,915 research outputs found

    The nature of correlations in the insulating states of twisted bilayer graphene

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    The recently observed superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene emerges from insulating states believed to arise from electronic correlations. While there have been many proposals to explain the insulating behaviour, the commensurability at which these states appear suggests that they are Mott insulators. Here we focus on the insulating states with ±2\pm 2 electrons or holes with respect to the charge neutrality point. We show that the theoretical expectations for the Mott insulating states are not compatible with the experimentally observed dependence on temperature and magnetic field if, as frequently assumed, only the correlations between electrons on the same site are included. We argue that the inclusion of non-local (inter-site) correlations in the treatment of the Hubbard model can bring the predictions for the magnetic and temperature dependencies of the Mott transition to an agreement with experiments and have consequences for the critical interactions, the size of the gap, and possible pseudogap physics. The importance of the inter-site correlations to explain the experimental observations indicates that the observed insulating gap is not the one between the Hubbard bands and that antiferromagnetic-like correlations play a key role in the Mott transition.Comment: 8 pages (including appendix), 5 figure

    Unusual DNA binding modes for metal anticancer complexes

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    DNA is believed to be the primary target for many metal-based drugs. For example, platinum-based anticancer drugs can form specific lesions on DNA that induce apoptosis. New platinum drugs can be designed that have novel modes of interaction with DNA, such as the trinuclear platinum complex BBR3464. Also it is possible to design inert platinum(IV) pro-drugs which are non-toxic in the dark, but lethal when irradiated with certain wavelengths of light. This gives rise to novel DNA lesions which are not as readily repaired as those induced by cisplatin, and provides the basis for a new type of photoactivated chemotherapy. Finally, newly emerging ruthenium(II) organometallic complexes not only bind to DNA coordinatively, but also by H-bonding and hydrophobic interactions triggered by the introduction of extended arene rings into their versatile structures. Intriguingly osmium (the heavier congener of ruthenium) reacts differently with DNA but can also give rise to highly cytotoxic organometallic complexes

    Internal screening and dielectric engineering in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-tBLG) has appeared as a tunable testing ground to investigate the conspiracy of electronic interactions, band structure, and lattice degrees of freedom to yield exotic quantum many-body ground states in a two-dimensional Dirac material framework. While the impact of external parameters such as doping or magnetic field can be conveniently modified and analyzed, the all-surface nature of the quasi-2D electron gas combined with its intricate internal properties pose a challenging task to characterize the quintessential nature of the different insulating and superconducting states found in experiments. We analyze the interplay of internal screening and dielectric environment on the intrinsic electronic interaction profile of MA-tBLG. We find that interlayer coupling generically enhances the internal screening. The influence of the dielectric environment on the effective interaction strength depends decisively on the electronic state of MA-tBLG. Thus, we propose the experimental tailoring of the dielectric environment, e.g. by varying the capping layer composition and thickness, as a promising pursuit to provide further evidence for resolving the hidden nature of the quantum many-body states in MA-tBLG.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material included (8 figures

    Caracteres preimaginales y aspectos bionómicos de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

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    Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile.Preimaginal characters and bionomical aspects of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) We describe the morphology and microstructure of the egg chorion, and the morphology of the first instar larva of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). Bionomical and distributional data on this species are also provided. To obtain eggs and larvae, couples were collected in the field and kept in rearing cages until oviposture and ecclosion. The structure and adornment of the egg exochorion, and the exterior morphological features of larvae were examined with electron scanning microscopy. The eggs of G. luczotii showed a rounded micropyle and a smooth exochorion, composed of hexagonal cells without aeropyles. The larvae of G. luczotii showed morphological characteristics suited for an edaphic life similar to that of Pedobionta: digging prothoracic legs, cephalic capsule with abundant sensilla, and well–developed pygopodium. We analysed the importance of larval morphology as an element for specific diagnosis and found that interspecific differences regarding frontal sensilla, clypeus shape, and anterior part of labrum, had a taxonomic value and possibly a phylogenetic value. Key words: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morphology, Preimaginal stages, Coastal desert, Chile.Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile

    Photoactivation of trans diamine platinum complexes in aqueous solution and effect on reactivity towards nucleotides

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    We show that UVA irradiation (365 nm) of the Pt-IV complex trans,trans,trans-[(PtCl2)-Cl-IV(OH)(2)(dimethylamine) (isopropylamine)] (1), induces reduction to Pt-II photoproducts. For the mixed amine Pt-II complex, trans[(PtCl2)-Cl-II(isopropylamine)(methylamine)] (2), irradiation at 365 nm increases the rate and extent of hydrolysis, triggering the formation of diaqua species. Additionally, irradiation increases the extent of reaction of complex 2 with guanosine-5'-monophosphate and affords mainly the bis-adduct, while reactions with adenosine-5'-monophosphate and cytidine-5'-monophosphate give rise only to mono-nucleotide adducts. Density Functional Theory calculations have been used to obtain insights into the electronic structure of complexes 1 and 2, and their photophysical and photochemical properties. UVA-irradiation can contribute to enhanced cytotoxic effects of diamine platinum drugs with trans geometry

    The Effects of Music on Muscle Fatigue and Strength in Individuals with Previous Knee Injuries

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    Music can be used during physical activity for a variety of ergogenic, psychological, and psychophysical benefits. Listening to one’s preferred genre of music has been found to optimize arousal and increase motivation during an exercise bout that can lead to performance improvements. Rehabilitation patients often struggle to adhere to their rehabilitation for a variety of reasons, including lack of enjoyment, lack of progress, or even increased pain or fatigue. Therefore, incorporating music into a rehabilitation setting could help patients improve their strength and reduce fatigue, thus improving rehabilitation adherence. PURPOSE: To examine the effects of music preference on muscle fatigue and strength in individuals who suffered a previous knee injury. METHODS: Males (n = 14) and females (n = 10) between the ages of 18 and 55 (M = 23.21, SD = 6.77) who previously had an ACL, meniscus, PCL, MCL, or LCL injury (with or without surgical intervention) between one but no more than 13 years ago participated in this study. A randomized crossover design was used with each participant completing three days of testing (no music, preferred music, and non-preferred music as determined via a questionnaire at initial visit) with each session occurring at least 48 hours apart. During every session, participants first warmed up on a cycle ergometer at 50 watts for five minutes before undergoing a Thortensson fatigue test via the Biodex dynamometer. Measures of quadriceps strength and quadriceps fatigue were collected. During the two music conditions, music was played via a speaker throughout both the warm-up and Thortensson fatigue test. RESULTS: One-way repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted to assess for differences in quadriceps fatigue and strength across all three conditions. No significant differences were found across conditions in quadriceps fatigue (F(2,46) = 0.682, p = 0.510, ηp2 = 0.029) or quadriceps strength (F(2,46) = 1.447, p = 0.246, ηp2 = 0.059). CONCLUSION: There was no difference in muscular fatigue or strength between the three conditions. Therefore, listening to one’s preferred music may not improve strength or reduce fatigue in a rehabilitation setting. Rehabilitation practitioners should consider that music may not be the most effective strategy to increase muscular strength or reduce fatigue in a rehabilitation setting and should explore other techniques that could help address these variables and improve rehabilitation adherence

    Photoactivatable organometallic pyridyl ruthenium(II) arene complexes

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    The synthesis and characterization of a family of piano-stool RuII arene complexes of the type [(η6-arene)Ru(N,N′)(L)][PF6]2, where arene is p-cymene (p-cym), hexamethylbenzene (hmb), or indane (ind), N,N′ is 2,2′-bipyrimidine (bpm), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione (phendio), or 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (bathophen), and L is pyridine (Py), 4-methylpyridine (4-MePy), 4-methoxypyridine (4-MeOPy), 4,4′-bipyridine (4,4′-bpy), 4-phenylpyridine (4-PhPy), 4-benzylpyridine (4-BzPy), 1,2,4-triazole (trz), 3-acetylpyridine (3-AcPy), nicotinamide (NA), or methyl nicotinate (MN), are reported, including the X-ray crystal structures of [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(4-MePy)]2+ (2), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(4-BzPy)]2+ (6), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(trz)]2+ (7), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(phen)(Py)]2+ (10), and [(η6-ind)Ru(bpy)(Py)]2+ (13). These complexes can selectively photodissociate the monodentate ligand (L) when excited with UVA or white light, allowing strict control of the formation of the reactive aqua species [(η6-arene)Ru(N,N′)(OH2)]2+ that otherwise would not form in the dark. The photoproducts were characterized by UV–vis absorption and 1H NMR spectroscopy. DFT and TD-DFT calculations were employed to characterize the excited states and to obtain information on the photochemistry of the complexes. All the RuII pyridine complexes follow a relatively similar photochemical L-ligand dissociation mechanism, likely to occur from a series of 3MC triplet states with dissociative character. The photochemical process proved to be much more efficient when UVA-range irradiation was used. More strikingly, light activation was used to phototrigger binding of these potential anticancer agents with discriminating preference toward 9-ethylguanine (9-EtG) over 9-ethyladenine (9-EtA). Calf thymus (CT)-DNA binding studies showed that the irradiated complexes bind to CT-DNA, whereas the nonirradiated forms bind negligibly. Studies of CT-DNA interactions in cell-free media suggest combined weak monofunctional coordinative and intercalative binding modes. The RuII arene complexes [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(Py)]2+ (1), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(4-MeOPy)]2+ (3), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(4,4′-bpy)]2+ (4), [(η6-hmb)Ru(bpm)(Py)]2+ (8), [(η6-ind)Ru(bpm)(Py)]2+ (9), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(phen)(Py)]2+ (10), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bathophen)(Py)]2+ (12), [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(NA)]2+ (15), and [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(MN)]2+ (16) were cytotoxic toward A2780 human ovarian cancer cell line in the absence of photoirradiation (IC50 values in the range of 9.0–60 μM)