1,227 research outputs found

    PMH29 Cost Effectiveness of Quetiapine Extended Release Compared With Quetiapine Immediate Release in Schizophrenic Patients in Mexico

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    Effect of water composition on catalytic reduction of nitrate

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    This work studies catalytic reduction of nitrate with bimetallic catalysts supported on γ-alumina (Pd-Sn/Al2O3 and Pd-In/Al2O3). Pd-Sn/Al2O3 yielded higher NO3− conversion and selectivity towards N2 than Pd-In/Al2O3 in synthetic water (deionized water with 100 mg/L NO3−). The Pd-Sn/Al2O3 catalyst showed highly stable behaviour, without signs of deactivation upon ten consecutive runs of 6 h each, where almost equal low selectivity to NH4+ (absence of NO2−) was maintained at high nearly constant nitrate conversion (≈ 90%). The presence of anions (Cl−, SO42− and HCO3−) in the reaction medium decreased NO3− conversion and the selectivity towards N2. Chloride showed a moderately negative effect at relatively low concentration. The effect of SO42− and HCO3− was more pronounced, being the second the most detrimental to the catalytic activity. The selectivity towards N2 was also negatively affected by the presence of those anions following the sequence HCO3− > SO42− > Cl−. However, the joint presence of Cl− or SO42− with HCO3− reduced the negative effect of the latter. The Pd-Sn/Al2O3 catalyst also showed high activity in NO3− reduction from drinking waters of weak mineralization, with a slightly increase of the selectivity towards NH4+ with respect to the obtained in deionized water with NO3− as the only anionThe authors wish to thank for the financial support the Spanish MINECO ( PID2019-108445RB-I00 ) and Comunidad de Madrid ( BIOTRES-CM , S2018/EMT-4344 ). I. Sanchis also thanks Comunidad de Madrid for award of a research grant ( PEJD-265 2017-PRE/AMB-4616

    Benefiting From Misfortune: When Harmless Actions Are Judged to Be Morally Blameworthy

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    Dominant theories of moral blame require an individual to have caused or intended harm. However, the current four studies demonstrate cases where no harm is caused or intended, yet individuals are nonetheless deemed worthy of blame. Specifically, individuals are judged to be blameworthy when they engage in actions that enable them to benefit from another’s misfortune (e.g., betting that a company’s stock will decline or that a natural disaster will occur). Evidence is presented suggesting that perceptions of the actor’s wicked desires are responsible for this phenomenon. It is argued that these results are consistent with a growing literature demonstrating that moral judgments are often the product of evaluations of character in addition to evaluations of acts

    Agreement on the perception of moral character

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    This study tested for inter-judge agreement on moral character. A sample of students and community members rated their own moral character using a measure that tapped six moral character traits. Friends, family members, and/or acquaintances rated these targets on the same traits. Self/other and inter-informant agreement was found at the trait level for both a general character factor and for residual variance explained by individual moral character traits, as well as at the individual level (judges agreed on targets’ “moral character profiles”). Observed inter-judge agreement constitutes evidence for the existence of moral character, and raises questions about the nature of moral character traits

    Towards High-resolution Imaging from Underwater Vehicles

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    Large area mapping at high resolution underwater continues to be constrained by sensor-level environmental constraints and the mismatch between available navigation and sensor accuracy. In this paper, advances are presented that exploit aspects of the sensing modality, and consistency and redundancy within local sensor measurements to build high-resolution optical and acoustic maps that are a consistent representation of the environment. This work is presented in the context of real-world data acquired using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) working in diverse applications including shallow water coral reef surveys with the Seabed AUV, a forensic survey of the RMS Titanic in the North Atlantic at a depth of 4100 m using the Hercules ROV, and a survey of the TAG hydrothermal vent area in the mid-Atlantic at a depth of 3600 m using the Jason II ROV. Specifically, the focus is on the related problems of structure from motion from underwater optical imagery assuming pose instrumented calibrated cameras. General wide baseline solutions are presented for these problems based on the extension of techniques from the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), photogrammetric and the computer vision communities. It is also examined how such techniques can be extended for the very different sensing modality and scale associated with multi-beam bathymetric mapping. For both the optical and acoustic mapping cases it is also shown how the consistency in mapping can be used not only for better global mapping, but also to refine navigation estimates.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86051/1/hsingh-21.pd

    PCR reveals significantly higher rates of Trypanosoma cruzi infection than microscopy in the Chagas vector, Triatoma infestans: High rates found in Chuquisaca, Bolivia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Andean valleys of Bolivia are the only reported location of sylvatic <it>Triatoma infestans</it>, the main vector of Chagas disease in this country, and the high human prevalence of <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>infection in this region is hypothesized to result from the ability of vectors to persist in domestic, peri-domestic, and sylvatic environments. Determination of the rate of <it>Trypanosoma </it>infection in its triatomine vectors is an important element in programs directed at reducing human infections. Traditionally, <it>T. cruzi </it>has been detected in insect vectors by direct microscopic examination of extruded feces, or dissection and analysis of the entire bug. Although this technique has proven to be useful, several drawbacks related to its sensitivity especially in the case of small instars and applicability to large numbers of insects and dead specimens have motivated researchers to look for a molecular assay based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as an alternative for parasitic detection of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in vectors. In the work presented here, we have compared a PCR assay and direct microscopic observation for diagnosis of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>collected in the field from five localities and four habitats in Chuquisaca, Bolivia. The efficacy of the methods was compared across nymphal stages, localities and habitats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined 152 nymph and adult <it>T. infestans </it>collected from rural areas in the department of Chuquisaca, Bolivia. For microscopic observation, a few drops of rectal content obtained by abdominal extrusion were diluted with saline solution and compressed between a slide and a cover slip. The presence of motile parasites in 50 microscopic fields was registered using 400× magnification. For the molecular analysis, dissection of the posterior part of the abdomen of each insect followed by DNA extraction and PCR amplification was performed using the TCZ1 (5' – CGA GCT CTT GCC CAC ACG GGT GCT – 3') and TCZ2 (5' – CCT CCA AGC AGC GGA TAG TTC AGG – 3') primers. Amplicons were chromatographed on a 2% agarose gel with a 100 bp size standard, stained with ethidium bromide and viewed with UV fluorescence.</p> <p>For both the microscopy and PCR assays, we calculated sensitivity (number of positives by a method divided by the number of positives by either method) and discrepancy (one method was negative and the other was positive) at the locality, life stage and habitat level. The degree of agreement between PCR and microscopy was determined by calculating Kappa (<it>k</it>) values with 95% confidence intervals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed a high prevalence of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>(81.16% by PCR and 56.52% by microscopy) and discovered that PCR is significantly more sensitive than microscopic observation. The overall degree of agreement between the two methods was moderate (Kappa = 0.43 ± 0.07). The level of infection is significantly different among communities; however, prevalence was similar among habitats and life stages.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PCR was significantly more sensitive than microscopy in all habitats, developmental stages and localities in Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Overall we observed a high prevalence of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>in this area of Bolivia; however, microscopy underestimated infection at all levels examined.</p

    Reinado de D. Pedro I (1357-1367)

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