36 research outputs found

    Viticulture and Wine Production in the Tourism Offer of Vojvodina Province

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    Poslednjih petnaestak godina, svetski turizam, s obzirom na interes korisnika, uključio je u ponudu vinski segment, koji se pokazao veoma uspešnim. Vinski turizam prisutan je u najpoznatijim svetskim vinogradarskim regijama u Italiji, Francuskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, Kaliforniji. Svakako ne treba izostaviti Australiju i Novi Zeland koje imaju u poslednjih desetak godina izuzetno razvijen vinski turizam, za koji slobodno možemo da kažemo da zauzima primat u odnosu na druge oblike turizma. Vinski turizam je u Evropi veoma unosan posao. Većina zemalja u našem okruženju uspela je da u svojoj sredini uspešno reši, stimuliše i organizuje takozvani “vinski turizam” stvaranjem “vinskih puteva”. Srbija kao zemlja, u ovom pogledu, itekako ima šta da ponudi stranom i domaćem gostu, ali to mora da bude urađeno tako da se u potpunosti ispune svi standardi za ovaj vid turizma kakav se praktikuje u vinarski razvijenim zemljama Evrope. “Vinski putevi Srbije” i “Vinski putevi Vojvodine” sigurno bi značajno doprineli podizanju kvaliteta vina i odrazili bi se povoljno na standard proizvođača kao i svih onih koji bi bili uključeni u ovu akciju. Naša zemlja je nekada bila ozbiljna vinska sila. I sada se svaki domaći vinogradar hvali kvalitetom svog, domaćeg vina. Postoje svi uslovi za vinogradarstvo, od klimatskih do geografskih, koji pogoduju nastanku vina odličnog kvaliteta. Prema podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, površine pod vinogradima u 2005. godini, u Vojvodini bile su 10.875 ha. Od toga u okviru poljoprivrednih preduzeća i zadruga 2.989 ha ili 28%, a kod individualnih proizvođača 7.886 ha ili 72%. U poslednjih desetak godina, nakon propadanja plantaža društvenih vinograda, javlja se priličan broj individualnih proizvođača grožđa i vina sa savremenim zasadima i vrhunskom proizvodnjom vina. Danas, vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo u Vojvodini, objektivno, tehnički i tehnološki bitno zaostaje za razvojem u poređenju sa drugim evropskim vinogradsko-vinarskim zemljama. Tek manji pozitivni pomaci prisutni su u privatnom sektoru, kojem nedostaje ozbiljnija podrška društvene zajednice. Vinogradima nedostaje obnova i modernizacija, i sveukupna revitalizacija.During the last fifteen years, world tourism included in its offer, considering consumer interest, wine segment which showed as very succesful. Wine tourism is present in well known wine regions of Italy, France, Germany, Austria, California. Australia and New Zealand also shouldn’t be omitted for they have, in the last ten years, extremely well developed wine tourism whish holds primacy over all other forms of tourism. Wine tourism in Europe is highly lucrative business. Most countries in our region managed to solve, stimulate and organize so-called “wine tourism” by creating “wine roads”. In this regard, Serbia as a country has a lot to offer to foreign and local guests, but it has to be done in accordance with every standard set for this form of tourism which is practiced in every European country with wine making tradition. „Wine roads of Serbia“ and „Wine roads of Vojvodina“ would surely significantly contribute to improving in wine quality and would also reflect favorably on producers’ standards as well as on standards of everyone involved in this project. Our country used to be an important wine producer. Even now every local grape-grower will praise his own, domestic wine. All requirements for viticulture are set, from climatic to geographic, all of which subserve in making of excellent quality wines. According to Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in Vojvodina areas under vineyards in year 2005. were 10.875 ha. From that, 2.989 ha, i.e. 28% goes to agricultural enterprises and cooperatives, and 7.886 ha, i.e. 72% goes to agricultural holdings. In the past ten years, after decline of public-owned vineyards, a smart few of individual grape-growers and winemakers appeared with modern varieties of grapes and supreme wine production. Nowadays, viticulture and wine production in Vojvodina is objectively, technically and technologically lagging behind the development compared to other European wine growing and wine producing countries. Only small positive shifts are present in private sector, which lacks serious support from the community. Vineyards lack reconstruction and modernization, and the total revitalization

    Possibilities for paranormal tourism development in Serbia

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    This paper aims to identify possibilities for paranormal tourism development in Serbia and to determine domestic tourists’ interest in participating in paranormal tourism. Paranormal places and bizarre rituals have been defined as potential paranormal tourism localities and events. Paranormal tourism is one of the new forms of special interest tourism. It is evident that paranormal tourism is a result of the expansion of other related types of tourism, such as dark tourism, ghost tourism, spiritual tourism, cultural tourism, ethnological tourism, new age tourism and pilgrimage tourism. It is defined by tourists’ interest in topics which challenge realist ontologies and representational epistemologies. The present study examines responses from 405 Serbia residents (potential tourists). After using descriptive statistics, Independent Samples T-Test and ANOVA, the study finds that potential tourists are interested in visiting certain paranormal places, and there is a possibility to develop this type of tourism in Serbia. The current work is the first study of paranormal tourism in Serbia and one of the few studies in the world

    Education effects on job-related constructs among front line employees in the hotel industry

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    To make tourism enterprises function harmoniously and in order to achieve good business results, knowledgeable, engaged, serviceoriented, and therefore satisfied staff is crucial, because human resources are one of the most important segments of the service quality in tourism and hospitality industry. The study explored moderating effects of education on relationships between service orientation and work engagement on employees’ job satisfaction among employees in the hotel industry in Serbia. The moderating effects of education are particularly noticeable between service orientation and job satisfaction. Also, the results indicated that employees who had a high school degree showed the lowest level of job satisfaction, as well as service orientation and work engagement. On the other side, employees who have tourism education indicated less job satisfaction, service orientation and work engagement. Based on the insight into the employees' attitudes and behavior, managers can organize various training programs especially for employees with lower education levels, to remove any obstacles in their work, motivate them more and improve working condition

    Evaluation of tourist attractiveness and museum management in Sombor and Apatin (Serbia)

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    In the area of Sombor and Apatin there are a number of cultural institutions. The paper will cover the Museum of silk damask in Bezdan, Tobacco Museum in Telečka and the Ethnological Exhibition in Kupusina. The aim of this paper is to assess the market attractiveness, the sensitivity of cultural property, the state of repair, the existence of cultural property management plan, regular monitoring and maintenance, potential for ongoing investment, the possibility of a negative impact of a large number of visitors to the physical condition of cultural resources and the possibility of modifications as part of the product development

    Factors influencing students' choice of fast food restaurants

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    The global expansion of fast food consumption habits and the consequent change in the competitive environment led to greater market research and the targeting of consumer groups. On the other hand, the growth of the market and the increase in the number of fast food restaurants have encouraged consumers to pay more attention to the products they consume, that is, have influenced their interest in the diversity of factors that are decisive when choosing a restaurant. This study investigates factors influencing students' choice of fast food restaurants. The study was conducted at University of Novi Sad. The results show that the most important influences on this choice are Food Quality, Nearness and Accessibility and Hygienic factors, primarily cleanliness of the restaurant, kitchen, and service personnel. Differences in fast food choice factors were found regarding the gender of respondents

    Sustainability of Underground Heritage; The Example of the Military Galleries of the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia

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    This paper focuses on the underground military galleries and countermine system of the Petrovaradin Fortress near Novi Sad (Serbia). The Petrovaradin Fortress was presented within the working group Underground Built Heritage Reuse and Valorisation Strategies on the COST action Underground4value as a good example of tourist valorised underground cultural heritage in Serbia. The goal of the paper is to consider as widely as possible the options that could contribute to the sustainability of these galleries. Numerous field observations, complex research of the literature as well as other available sources, and interviews with visitors to the fortress were necessary for this goal to be achieved. The paper has special historical and practical significance. On the one hand, it represents a record in time concerning the condition of the Petrovaradin Fortress. The practical significance is reflected in the scientific contribution based on the critical analysis of the results obtained from authorities on the Fortress and visitors, as well as the ideas that the authors conceived or adapted from similar sites in the world, assessing that these ideas can be applied to the Petrovaradin Fortress. The results of the paper explain the aspects of ecological, economic, and social sustainability of the Petrovaradin Fortress, and indicate the need for it to be supported by various institution

    Sustainability of Serbian Villages in COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions

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    The subject of this paper is to determine how the COVID-19 virus pandemic affected the situation in Serbian villages. The task of the paper is to show the positive and negative consequences that resulted from the pandemic. This would indicate that some of them may represent a new idea, a chance, or would work in favor of the sustainability of the villages of Serbia. In support of objectivity, research was carried out among the population that inhabits the rural areas of Serbia. It examined the extent to which internationally recognized phenomena and consequences of the COVID-19 virus pandemic were present in the study area and considered the nature of their impact on sustainability. The results of the semi-structured questionnaire were processed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Respondents contributed to the conception of possible solutions with their comments. The obtained differences in the answers resulted from different socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, but also from the fact that the villages of Serbia differ in natural and social characteristics. Respondents’ responses are in favor of economic and sociodemographic sustainability, but they do not think in terms of environmental sustainability. The paper reveals several development opportunities, which complement each other and contribute to different methods for sustainability of rural villages in Serbia

    Viticulture and Wine Production in the Tourism Offer of Vojvodina Province

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    Poslednjih petnaestak godina, svetski turizam, s obzirom na interes korisnika, uključio je u ponudu vinski segment, koji se pokazao veoma uspešnim. Vinski turizam prisutan je u najpoznatijim svetskim vinogradarskim regijama u Italiji, Francuskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, Kaliforniji. Svakako ne treba izostaviti Australiju i Novi Zeland koje imaju u poslednjih desetak godina izuzetno razvijen vinski turizam, za koji slobodno možemo da kažemo da zauzima primat u odnosu na druge oblike turizma. Vinski turizam je u Evropi veoma unosan posao. Većina zemalja u našem okruženju uspela je da u svojoj sredini uspešno reši, stimuliše i organizuje takozvani “vinski turizam” stvaranjem “vinskih puteva”. Srbija kao zemlja, u ovom pogledu, itekako ima šta da ponudi stranom i domaćem gostu, ali to mora da bude urađeno tako da se u potpunosti ispune svi standardi za ovaj vid turizma kakav se praktikuje u vinarski razvijenim zemljama Evrope. “Vinski putevi Srbije” i “Vinski putevi Vojvodine” sigurno bi značajno doprineli podizanju kvaliteta vina i odrazili bi se povoljno na standard proizvođača kao i svih onih koji bi bili uključeni u ovu akciju. Naša zemlja je nekada bila ozbiljna vinska sila. I sada se svaki domaći vinogradar hvali kvalitetom svog, domaćeg vina. Postoje svi uslovi za vinogradarstvo, od klimatskih do geografskih, koji pogoduju nastanku vina odličnog kvaliteta. Prema podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, površine pod vinogradima u 2005. godini, u Vojvodini bile su 10.875 ha. Od toga u okviru poljoprivrednih preduzeća i zadruga 2.989 ha ili 28%, a kod individualnih proizvođača 7.886 ha ili 72%. U poslednjih desetak godina, nakon propadanja plantaža društvenih vinograda, javlja se priličan broj individualnih proizvođača grožđa i vina sa savremenim zasadima i vrhunskom proizvodnjom vina. Danas, vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo u Vojvodini, objektivno, tehnički i tehnološki bitno zaostaje za razvojem u poređenju sa drugim evropskim vinogradsko-vinarskim zemljama. Tek manji pozitivni pomaci prisutni su u privatnom sektoru, kojem nedostaje ozbiljnija podrška društvene zajednice. Vinogradima nedostaje obnova i modernizacija, i sveukupna revitalizacija.During the last fifteen years, world tourism included in its offer, considering consumer interest, wine segment which showed as very succesful. Wine tourism is present in well known wine regions of Italy, France, Germany, Austria, California. Australia and New Zealand also shouldn’t be omitted for they have, in the last ten years, extremely well developed wine tourism whish holds primacy over all other forms of tourism. Wine tourism in Europe is highly lucrative business. Most countries in our region managed to solve, stimulate and organize so-called “wine tourism” by creating “wine roads”. In this regard, Serbia as a country has a lot to offer to foreign and local guests, but it has to be done in accordance with every standard set for this form of tourism which is practiced in every European country with wine making tradition. „Wine roads of Serbia“ and „Wine roads of Vojvodina“ would surely significantly contribute to improving in wine quality and would also reflect favorably on producers’ standards as well as on standards of everyone involved in this project. Our country used to be an important wine producer. Even now every local grape-grower will praise his own, domestic wine. All requirements for viticulture are set, from climatic to geographic, all of which subserve in making of excellent quality wines. According to Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in Vojvodina areas under vineyards in year 2005. were 10.875 ha. From that, 2.989 ha, i.e. 28% goes to agricultural enterprises and cooperatives, and 7.886 ha, i.e. 72% goes to agricultural holdings. In the past ten years, after decline of public-owned vineyards, a smart few of individual grape-growers and winemakers appeared with modern varieties of grapes and supreme wine production. Nowadays, viticulture and wine production in Vojvodina is objectively, technically and technologically lagging behind the development compared to other European wine growing and wine producing countries. Only small positive shifts are present in private sector, which lacks serious support from the community. Vineyards lack reconstruction and modernization, and the total revitalization

    Tourist valorization of the old city center of Novi Sad according to the Hillary Du Cros model

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    Cities are ambiental, but also complex cultural tourist motifs. Different elements are combined in them, such as: attractiveness of architecture modern accomplishments, centers of cultural, artistic and sports life etc. Old city centers play an important role in cultural, tourist movements and they are unavoidable when visiting a city. They are complement ambiental motifs, extremely important as elements of attractiveness and complex motifs and therefore in the policy of tourist development they should be given special attention. Example tourist valorization of the old city center of Novi Sad has been conducted according to the Hillary du Cros model, i.e. the applicability of the market appeal/robusticity matrix on cultural tourism development has been estimated

    Ethical Conduct of Employees in Tourist Organizations in Novi Sad (Serbia)

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    The conduct of employees in tourism, but also all the other factors that participate indirectly in the tourism industry of Novi Sad contributes greatly to creating the image of Novi Sad in the domestic and international market. In that sense, ethical conduct and respect of the code of ethics is the basis of acquiring a good image of Novi Sad and improving the tourist product of Novi Sad. Business ethics includes principles and rules of conduct based on general and business culture and the principles and rules that dominate in interpersonal communication. The complex of factors, which interact, influence ethical behavior of those who are directly and indirectly employed in tourism industry. Those are characteristics that each individual have, which he/she brings into the organization, and also the culture of the organization. The subject of this paper is to explore forms of unethical behavior in organizations that are directly or indirectly involved in the tourism industry, with which tourists and local population meet in Novi Sad. The aim of this work is to come to conclusions analyzing, which will help us to see the current situation and take measures that will improve the tourist product of Novi Sad. The study concluded that organizations that participate in the creation of tourist product of Novi Sad mostly do not have an ethical code of conduct, and those that have it, do not apply it to the necessary extent. In that sense it is necessary to motivate employees and to properly implement a code of ethics through ethical training, which is usually present in organizations only in normative, without the employees knowing the content of this code, as well as its importance for the organization and reflecting on the wider social level