331 research outputs found

    Rape in Medieval Europe

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    In fourteenth-century Europe, Jean Froissart, an important French chronicler, defined rape as a crime of passion. Although some support for his view can be found in the sources, the greater body of evidence confirms the contrary interpretation of modern feminists, who regard rape as a crime of violence and hostility, and who further underscore the difficulty victims confront in deriving redress from the legal system. Similar circumstances prevailed in the Middle Ages as women were put through an excruciatingly painful and degrading set of procedures before charges could be brought against their attackers. Only the church began to develop a more equitable approach to the problem.Au quatorizième siècle en Europe, Jean Froissart, un chroniqueur français important, a défini le viol comme étant un crime de la passion. Bien que les documents soutiennent partiellement son avis, la plus grande partie de l’évidence confirme l’interprétation contraire des féministes modernes, qui suggère que le viol est un crime de violence et d’hostilité et qui, en outre, souligne la difficulté que les victimes rencontrent en obtenant le redressement du système légal. Au Moyen Age, des circonstances analogues prédominaient puisque les femmes étaient soumises à un régime de procédures pénibles et dégradantes, avant de pouvoir porter une accusation contre leurs assaillants. L’Église était seule à revendiquer une approche plus équitable à ce problème

    The repudiation of the Twenty-Eight-Year Truce :

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    Comparison of De-embedding Methods for Long Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits

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    National audienceThis paper compares several de-embedding methods over millimeter and sub-millimeter wave frequen-cies in integrated technology. These methods are compared for S-CPW transmission lines considered as device under test. From these comparisons we propose an effective way to de-embed transmission lines. A method called "Half-Thru de-embedding method" is especially discussed. The SCPW transmission line model and results are obtained from Ansys HFSS Simulations in BiCMOS 55-nm integrat-ed technology

    Musica e sostenibilità: Una proposta educativa

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    Sustainability education appears within civic education at school, from September 2020. How to use music to face this interdisciplinary path? Which are the reasons why music is a good ally? With a look at an ongoing project, an invitation to reflect on the usefulness of an approach close to the needs and desires of children in the classrooms.L'educazione alla sostenibilità compare all’interno dell’educazione civica, obbligatoria nelle scuole dal settembre 2020. Come utilizzare la musica per affrontare questo percorso interdisciplinare? Quali sono le ragioni per cui la musica è un valido alleato? Con uno sguardo a una progettualità in essere, l’invito a una riflessione sull’utilità di un approccio vicino alle esigenze e ai desideri dei bambini nelle aule

    Maschere: uno “sguardo musicale” alla condizione giovanile in pandemia.

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    Il malessere dei giovani in pandemia, raccontato in musica. Una denuncia che, grazie alla forza delle note, va a sostanziare evidenze mediche che ci parlano di forti disagi di ragazze e ragazzi, troppo spesso considerati solamente quali veicoli di contagio. Oltre ai problemi di apprendimento, altri ben più importanti li hanno toccati, primi fra tutti quelli legati al benessere psicofisico. Musica e immagini possono avere un ruolo per rappresentare tutto questo? Maschere è stato un tentativo

    Diritti umani e libertà civili nel romanzo siriano dell'epoca di Bashar al-Asad

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    La tesi illustra la raffigurazione delle violazioni dei diritti umani e delle libertà civili nelle opere letterarie siriane pubblicate nel periodo 2000-2018, con particolare riferimento alla narrativa di prigionia

    Maschere: uno “sguardo musicale” alla condizione giovanile in pandemia.

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    Il malessere dei giovani in pandemia, raccontato in musica. Una denuncia che, grazie alla forza delle note, va a sostanziare evidenze mediche che ci parlano di forti disagi di ragazze e ragazzi, troppo spesso considerati solamente quali veicoli di contagio. Oltre ai problemi di apprendimento, altri ben più importanti li hanno toccati, primi fra tutti quelli legati al benessere psicofisico. Musica e immagini possono avere un ruolo per rappresentare tutto questo? Maschere è stato un tentativo. The malaise of young people in a pandemic, told in music. A complaint that, thanks to the strength of the notes, substantiates medical evidence that speaks to us about strong discomforts of young people, too often considered only as vehicles of contagion. In addition to learning problems, other far more important ones have affected them, first of all those related to psychophysical well-being. Can music and images play a role in representing all this? Maschere was an attempt

    The effect of climatic simulations on DNA persistence on glass, cotton and polyester

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. It is important to understand the variables impacting DNA persistence when considering the recovery, and evaluative interpretation, of DNA evidence from crime scenes. Whilst it is known that temperature, humidity and UV affect DNA persistence, little research has been conducted to explore these effects in a combined and controlled manner. This study includes two experiments in which a climate chamber was used to simulate climatic conditions over a repeating 24-h period. Aliquots of ∼50 ng DNA were added to each substrate and DNA recovered at 0, 1, 3 and 7 days after deposition. Samples were run in triplicate, extracted and quantified. The first experiment investigated the effect of typical Southern English winter and summer days on DNA persistence on glass and cotton, with DNA being recovered by wet and dry swabs from glass and mini-tapes from cotton. The second experiment investigated the effect of typical Northern Italian winter and summer days on DNA persistence on cotton and polyester, with DNA being recovered by wet and moist swabs from both fabrics. Quantities of DNA on all substrates significantly declined over 7 days under summer conditions (p < 0.05), and more DNA tended to persist on the fabric substrates in both studies under conditions of winter than summer. These results contribute to our understanding of DNA persistence under different climatic conditions and will help inform investigators’ DNA recovery strategies

    Disfluency patterns in the language production system

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    Within the language system, several of the language production levels may be involved in the production of disfluencies. Here, we conducted network task experiments to tackle disfluencies occurring during lexical selection, grammatical selection, and conceptual formulation. We showed that each difficulty induced a different pattern of disfluency. Additionally, multivariate pattern analyses demonstrated that difficulty is predictable from disfluency data patterns.</jats:p