57 research outputs found

    Characteristics of high-temperature deuterium plasma in RPI-type devices

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    The paper presents results of the spectroscopic and corpuscular measurements of pulsed plasma streams generated within the RPI-IBIS experimental device, which was operated with the pure deuterium puffing. Particular attention was paid to time-integrated and time-resolved measurements of selected spectral lines, i.e. Da, Db and Dg, emitted from deuterium discharges. The measurements made possible an assessment of the basic plasma parameters. The achievement of the local thermal equilibrium (LTE) was investigated. Energies of emitted ions, their total numbers, as well emissions of soft X-rays and fusion-produced neutrons vary considerably with a change of gas conditions

    Dense Plasma Focus: physics and applications (radiation material science, single-shot disclosure of hidden illegal objects, radiation biology and medicine, etc.)

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    The paper presents some outcomes obtained during the year of 2013 of the activity in the frame of the International Atomic Energy Agency Co-ordinated research project "Investigations of Materials under High Repetition and Intense Fusion-Relevant Pulses". The main results are related to the effects created at the interaction of powerful pulses of different types of radiation (soft and hard X-rays, hot plasma and fast ion streams, neutrons, etc. generated in Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) facilities) with various materials including those that are counted as perspective ones for their use in future thermonuclear reactors. Besides we discuss phenomena observed at the irradiation of biological test objects. We examine possible applications of nanosecond powerful pulses of neutrons to the aims of nuclear medicine and for disclosure of hidden illegal objects. Special attention is devoted to discussions of a possibility to create extremely large and enormously diminutive DPF devices and probabilities of their use in energetics, medicine and modern electronics

    Symulacja błędów w analizie wiarygodności w systemach czasu rzeczywistego

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    The paper presents the fault injection approach applicable for dependability evaluation of real-time systems. The developed fault injection environment, called InBochs, is based on modified system emulator Bochs. It is highly flexible in terms of fault specification and results observability reflecting in rich feedback information for a target system developer. The low overhead of the InBochs fulfills tight requirements for RT-system evaluation testbeds. The paper describes the methodology of dependability evaluation basing on an exemplary process control task.Wszechobecność systemów wbudowanych i czasu rzeczywistego niesie za sobą potrzebę analizy ich wiarygodności. Dotyczy to nie tylko systemów w zastosowaniach krytycznych (jak aeronautyka, czy sterowanie procesów przemysłowych), gdzie głównym aspektem jest bezpieczeństwo, ale także popularnych urządzeń życia codziennego, od których użytkownicy również oczekują określonego poziomu niezawodności i dostępności. Niezbędna jest więc analiza odporności systemów na różnego rodzaju zakłócenia, m.in. na rosnące niebezpieczeństwo zakłóceń przemijających w systemie cyfrowym, w szczególności tzw. SEU (ang. Single Event Upsets [1], efektem których mogą być przekłamania wartości logicznych w elementach pamięci). Omówiono szereg aspektów analizy eksperymentalnej przy wykorzystaniu techniki programowej symulacji błędów w kontekście badań systemów czasu rzeczywistego oraz przedstawiono system InBochs, który może być zastosowany m.in. do eksperymentalnej analizy wiarygodności systemów wbudowanych oraz czasu rzeczywistego. Bazuje on na programowym emulatorze systemu komputerowego Bochs [5]. Spośród innych rozwiązań ([2] i referencje) InBochs umożliwia m.in. abstrakcję czasu ukrywającą narzuty symulatora oraz język skryptowy symulacji błędów. Jego praktyczna użyteczność została potwierdzona eksperymentami dla dwóch różnych systemów czasu rzeczywistego (RTAI [7, 9] oraz Phoenix [8]) realizujących zadanie sterownika GPC w wersji analitycznej dla procesu reaktora chemicznego (opis w [6] i referencje)

    A method for the determination of spatial electron density distribution in great Plasma-Focus devices

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    Determination of the electron density of plasma generated in a great plasma-focus device by means of interferometry is very difficult or sometimes impossible. In order to determine spatial electron density distributions of plasma in a PF-1000 device, a special method was prepared, with the use of plasma images obtained by means of both an optical frame camera and shadowgraphy. Analysis of plasma radiation in the very narrow Äë = 60 Ĺ optical range allowed us to determine the relation between intensity of the plasma radiation and the electron density. It was also shown that the influence of electron temperature on plasma radiation is not large. The presented method allowed us to obtain spatial electron density distributions of plasma (in relative units) in the PF-1000 device. By means of this method a number of important information about the plasma-focus phenomenon was obtained

    Particle size effect on velocity of gold particle embedded laser driven plastic targets

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    A scheme to enhance the target foil velocity has been investigated for a direct drive inertial fusion target. Polymer PVA (polyvinyl alcohol or (C2H4O)n) target foils of thickness 15–20 μm were used in plain form and also embedded with gold in the nano-particle (Au-np) or micro-particle (Au-mp) form. Nano-particles were of 20–50 nm and micro-particles of 2–3 μm in size. 17% higher target velocity was measured for foils embedded with nano-particle gold (Au-np) as compared to targets embedded with micro-particles gold (Au-mp). The weight of gold in both cases was in the range 40–55% of the full target weight (atomic percentage of about 22%). Experiments were performed with the single beam of the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) at 0.43 μm wavelength (3ω of the fundamental wavelength), 120 Joule energy and 300 psec pulse duration. Laser intensity on the target was about 1015 W/cm2. A simple model has been proposed to explain the experimental results