541 research outputs found

    The standard and degenerate primordial nucleosynthesis versus recent experimental data

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    We report the results on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) based on an updated code, with accuracy of the order of 0.1% on He4 abundance, compared with the predictions of other recent similar analysis. We discuss the compatibility of the theoretical results, for vanishing neutrino chemical potentials, with the observational data. Bounds on the number of relativistic neutrinos and baryon abundance are obtained by a likelihood analysis. We also analyze the effect of large neutrino chemical potentials on primordial nucleosynthesis, motivated by the recent results on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation spectrum. The BBN exclusion plots for electron neutrino chemical potential and the effective number of relativistic neutrinos are reported. We find that the standard BBN seems to be only marginally in agreement with the recent BOOMERANG and MAXIMA-1 results, while the agreement is much better for degenerate BBN scenarios for large effective number of neutrinos, N_\nu \sim 10.Comment: LaTeX2e, 41 pages, 20 figures. Minor changes and 4 figures slightly modifie

    Constraining neutrino physics with BBN and CMBR

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    We perform a likelihood analysis of the recent results on the anisotropy of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation from the BOOMERanG and DASI experiments to show that they single out an effective number of neutrinos in good agreement with standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We also consider degenerate Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to provide new bounds on effective relativistic degrees of freedom NνN_\nu and, in particular, on neutrino chemical potential ξα\xi_\alpha. When including Supernova Ia data we find, at 2σ2\sigma, Nν≤7N_\nu \leq 7 and −0.01≤ξe≤0.22-0.01 \leq \xi_e \leq 0.22, ∣ξμ,τ∣≤2.6|\xi_{\mu,\tau}|\leq 2.6.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, some reference adde

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis: Accurate Predictions

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    A new accurate evaluation of primordial light nuclei abundances is presented. The proton to neutron conversion rates have been corrected to take into account radiative effects, finite nucleon mass, thermal and plasma corrections. The theoretical uncertainty on 4He is so reduced to the order of 0.1%.Comment: 4 pages, Talk given at the International Workshop on Particles in Astrophysics and Cosmology: From Theory to Observation, Valencia 199

    Disentangling neutrino-nucleon cross section and high energy neutrino flux with a km^3 neutrino telescope

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    The energy--zenith angular event distribution in a neutrino telescope provides a unique tool to determine at the same time the neutrino-nucleon cross section at extreme kinematical regions, and the high energy neutrino flux. By using a simple parametrization for fluxes and cross sections, we present a sensitivity analysis for the case of a km^3 neutrino telescope. In particular, we consider the specific case of an under-water Mediterranean telescope placed at the NEMO site, although most of our results also apply to an under-ice detector such as IceCube. We determine the sensitivity to departures from standard values of the cross sections above 1 PeV which can be probed independently from an a-priori knowledge of the normalization and energy dependence of the flux. We also stress that the capability to tag downgoing neutrino showers in the PeV range against the cosmic ray induced background of penetrating muons appears to be a crucial requirement to derive meaningful constraints on the cross section.Comment: 10 pages, 28 figure

    High Energy Neutrinos with a Mediterranean Neutrino Telescope

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    The high energy neutrino detection by a km^3 Neutrino Telescope placed in the Mediterranean sea provides a unique tool to both determine the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux and the neutrino-nucleon cross section in the extreme kinematical region, which could unveil the presence of new physics. Here is performed a brief analysis of possible NEMO site performances.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 30th ICRC 200

    New results in primordial nucleosynthesis

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    We report the results of a new accurate evaluation of light nuclei yields in primordial nucleosynthesis. The relic densities of 4He, D and 7Li have been numerically obtained via a new updated version of the standard BBN code


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    Turbidity is a visual property of water, related to the presence of suspended particles in waters. This parameter is measured in different water quality monitoring programmes as it can determine negative environmental effects both on the biotic and abiotic marine ecosystem. Traditional methods, e.g., in situ monitoring, offer high accuracy but provide sparse information in space and time. On the other hand, Earth Observation (EO) techniques have the potential to provide a comprehensive, fast and inexpensive monitoring system to observe the biophysical and biochemical conditions of water bodies. In the present work, a method for seawater turbidity retrieval from Sentinel-2 multispectral optical images, freely available within the EU Copernicus programme, is presented. The study explores different atmospheric correction methods available in open source software (QGIS, GRASS GIS and SNAP), in order to convert Level-1C (L1C) Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) images to Level-2A (L2A) Bottom-Of-Atmosphere (BOA), when the latter is not directly available. Once the proper method for atmospheric correction was identified and applied, the correlation between the in situ dataset and the individual bands known to be most sensitive to water turbidity, i.e., blue (B2), green (B3), red (B4) and near infrared (B8 and B8A) bands, were investigated and a linear regression model between selected band values and turbidity was identified
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