528 research outputs found

    Um modelo de grupos para aplicações interactivas distribuídas

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    Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaA generalização da utilização de dispositivos móveis tais como portáteis, PDAs e telemóveis, com capacidades computacionais cada vez maiores, assim como a evolução que tem vindo a surgir na área das infraestruturas de rede sem fio ("wireless"), oferece aos utilizadores a possibilidade de estarem ligados entre si a qualquer momento. Este facto deu origem a um desenvolvimento significativo no surgimento de aplicações, que explorem as características de mobilidade e interacção. É também um facto que os seres humanos possuem uma tendência natural para interagirem entre si, estabelecendo comunicações como forma de partilhar informação e também estabelecer formas de relacionamentos estruturados, formando deste modo grupos de interesse. Isto motivou a investigação na área dos modelos, abstracções e mecanismos que permitam o estabelecimento de interacções de um modo transparente e flexível entre grupos de utilizadores. Neste trabalho são discutidos e analisados possíveis cenários de aplicação e os requisitos que estes colocam aos ambientes de suporte. Foi dada especial atenção à forma como as entidades nestes ambientes estabelecem interacções e se organizam em estruturas mais complexas (grupos), com o objectivo de partilhar, cooperar e colaborar entre si, com a definição de um novo conjunto de necessidades de serviços. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi o de criar e desenvolver um modelo capaz de captar a dinâmica das aplicações interactivas distribuídas, suportando as interacções entre os membros do grupo, de forma transparente e flexível. O modelo compreende um conjunto de primitivas especializadas para ambientes de apoio a aplicações baseadas em grupos. Estas primitivas ajudam o programador de aplicações a especificar os padrões de colaboração e comunicação entre os membros dos grupos. Os grupos podem ser criados e destruídos dinamicamente e a sua composição pode variar ao longo do tempo

    Characterization of thermoplastic starch/poly(lactic acid) blends obtained by extrusion and thermopressing

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    Blends of poly(lactic acid) (PLA)/thermoplastic starch (TPS) were prepared by extrusion and thermopressing, with proportions of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 g of PLA per g TPS. Thermoplastic starch was obtained from the extrusion of 0.30 g or 0.25 g of glycerol per g of starch. The mechanical properties and water vapor permeability were tested and water sorption isotherms were obtained. The morphological characteristics of the samples were observed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the thermal properties of the pure polymers and the blends by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The SEM and DSC results indicated the immiscibility of the TPS/PLA blends and the presence of two phases. For blends with 20% and 30% of PLA increases in the tensile strength and modulus were observed. The lowest water vapor permeability was observed for the blend with 30% of PLA, which is related to the lowest diffusion coefficient value observed for this sample

    The nurse and health education, providing care to patients with tuberculosis (TB) in a basic health unit

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    Objective: To reflect on the importance of the role of a nurse educator in tuberculosis control in primary care unit. Method: The study was a descriptive and exploratory, held in databases: LILACS, and SCIELO BDENF from 2000 to 2010, where we selected 09 potential bibliographies. Results: The categories were "DOTS as a factor facilitating adherence to treatment", "the importance of the bond for the performance of the nurse educator" and "Factors that undermine the achievement of therapeutic success". Conclusions: The nurse is in a position to provides health education, promoting prevention, and teaching self-care, and developing programs involving society

    Carpooling systems for commuting among teachers: an expert panel analysis of their barriers and incentives

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    Sustainable mobility is a current challenge in our society. Research shows that carpooling systems are potential solutions that could mitigate environmental pollution and urban congestion and provide cost savings for their users. Despite their potential benefits, the levels of carpooling practices among some occupations could be improved. Teachers are suitable for carpooling experiences due to their specific working conditions (e.g., timetables, destinations changes, path matches); however, there is no research solely focused on teachers. Thus, the current research aimed to analyze the barriers and incentives for teachers using carpooling systems for commuting. A panel member was selected following the staticized group technique. Panelists were surveyed to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of carpooling. Results showed that fuel savings were considered by the expert panel as the most important incentive for carpooling. For short distances, carpooling was not considered the best commuting option. Additionally, the increase in travel time and loss of personal independence were identified as relevant barriers. Based on the opinions of experts, it can be concluded that carpooling barriers outweigh the incentives for the commuting of teachers. To promote carpooling practices, institutional mobility plans with advantages for carpoolers could improve the teachers’ perceptions about carpooling. Future carpooling strategies should consider these results to promote incentives and address the identified barriers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nuevas perspectivas en la gestión de las administraciones públicas: una visión comparada de la contratación pública electrónica.

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    the incorporation of technology to public activity brings us not only a «modernization», it is creating deep transformations in the management model, opening news opportunities to stakeholders’ participation and to the control. In this paper we analyze, in a comparative way, two of the current models of electronic public procurement, which come from political-territorial different areas with different development too: Spain and brazil. We show the evolution in both cases, the problems and difficulties they have to deal with, the solutions given, and the conditions they are living nowadays.La progresiva incorporación de medios electrónicos en la actividad pública no solo supone una «modernización », sino que está implicando una profunda transformación del modelo de gestión, abriendo nuevas posibilidades a la participación de los actores y al control. en el presente trabajo se analiza, de un modo comparado, dos de los modelos existentes en materia de contratación pública electrónica, pertenecientes a ámbitos político-territoriales diferenciados y con trayectorias también diferentes, como son el español y el brasileño. Se muestran los procesos evolutivos seguidos en ambos casos, los problemas y dificultades a los que se enfrentan, las soluciones planteadas y la situación en la que se encuentran en estos momentos

    Effect of cooling and coating on thermoplastic starch/poly(lactic acid) blend sheets

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    AbstractThe influence of the processing conditions (cooling rate) and coating on the physicochemical properties of thermoplastic starch/poly(lactic acid) blend sheets was studied. Two cooling rates were used: fast and slow, and in the latter case the sheets were both non-coated and coated with cross-linked chitosan. The physicochemical properties investigated were crystallinity, morphology, water affinity (moisture sorption isotherm, water vapor permeability, water solubility and contact angle) and mechanical properties. In general, the sheets cooled at the slow rate were more crystalline, less permeable and less soluble in water than those cooled at the fast rate. They also produced a more homogeneous morphology. The coated sheets were less soluble in water and mechanically stronger than uncoated sheets cooled at the slow rate. The concentration of plasticizer in the TPS affected only the sorption isotherm and contact angle since a higher plasticizer content caused a greater affinity for water

    Fluorite mineralization related to the dolomitization: an equilibrium study of the Proterozoic stratabound carbonate Macaia-Ijaci Basin, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Stratabound fluorite occurring as thin films in the concomitantly derived dolomitic portions of the calcitic limestone of the Proterozoic Carandaí Formation in the Macaia-Ijaci Basin was supposedly formed by metasomatic reactions between the carbonate and HF- and Mg2+- rich brines, during metamorphism. Thirteen electron microprobe analyses from the carbonate in a single petrographic thin section, allowed the determination of the temperature of the carbonate formation in the range 180º-230ºC, using the Mg-calcite solvus geothermometer. Five key mineral reactions in the system Mg-Ca-C-H-O-F plotted in diagrams in terms of either, CO2- and HF-fugacities or chemical potentials of CO2 and HF yielding fluorite + dolomite from calcite + Mg2+, are proposed. Apparently the fluorite formation is related with dolomitization. Additional reaction involving fluorite was calculated and inserted in the phase diagram, according to the existence of calcite-fluorite veinlets bordered by dolomite selvages, at the Casa de Pedra quarry.Fluorita estratiforme ocorrendo como delgados filmes nas concomitantemente derivadas porções dolomíticas do calcário calcítico da Formação Carandaí do Proterozóico, na Bacia Macaia-Ijaci foi su-postamente formada por reações metassomáticas entre o carbonato e salmouras ricas em HF e Mg2+, durante o metamorfismo. Treze análises de micro-sonda eletrônica dos carbonatos em uma única lâmina petrográfica delgada , permitiram a determinação da temperatura de formação dos carbonatos na faixa 180º-230ºC, utilizando o geotermômetro Mg-calcita/solvus. Cinco reações-chave no sistema Mg-Ca-C-H-O-F lançadas em diagramas em termos de fugacidades ou potenciais químicos de CO2 e HF produzindo fluorita+dolomita a partir de calcita+Mg2+ são propostas. Aparentemente a formação de fluorita é relacionada à dolomitização. Reação adicional envolvendo fluorita foi calculada e inserida no diagrama de fases, de acordo com a existência de venulações de fluorita-calcita bordejados por dolomita na pedreira de Casa de Pedra

    Características de las experiencias españolas de presupuesto participativo: intento de encuadramiento en una tipología

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    Participatory Budgeting (PB) is an innovative methodology of public budget management. It includes the common citizen in decision-making process, which does not happen in traditional budget processes. PB emerged in Brazil in the last two decades of the last century (Porto Alegre’s experience is the best known model) and spread to several countries since then. The spread of the practice has produced significant changes in relation to the original proposals, requiring the efforts of analysts to identify them in different situations, carried out by different political actors, with different objectives. Pires and Pineda (2008a) proposed a typology of PB sought to contemplate the experiences from the simplest to the most daring and less sophisticated to the pretentious, so as to allow assessment of the maximum number of cases. In this article the Spanish experiences of PB are characterized from this typology, highlighting its most relevant aspects. It is a useful study to understand the evolution of PB in Spain, but also to continue the effort to better define what is and can become the participatory budget as a possible tool for improving the management of local public finance and democracy.El presupuesto participativo es una metodología innovadora de gestión presupuestaria pública al incluir en el proceso de decisión al ciudadano común, votante o no, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en los procesos presupuestarios tradicionales. Surgió en Brasil en las dos últimas décadas del siglo pasado (siendo el de la ciudad de Porto Alegre el modelo más conocido) y se difundió desde entonces por varios países. La expansión de la práctica produjo alteraciones significativas en relación a las propuestas originales, exigiendo esfuerzos de los analistas para identificarlas en las diferentes realidades, realizadas por distintos actores políticos y con objetivos variados. Pires y Pineda (2008a) propusieron una tipología de presupuesto participativo que pretendía contemplar desde las experiencias más simples y menos osadas a las más sofisticadas y pretenciosas, con el fin de hacer posible la evaluación del mayor número posible de casos. En este artículo, las experiencias españolas son descritas de acuerdo con esa tipología, destacando sus aspectos más relevantes. Se trata de un estudio útil no sólo para comprender la evolución del presupuesto participativo en España, sino también para continuar con el esfuerzo por definir mejor lo que es y puede ser este como posible instrumento de mejora de la gestión de las finanzas públicas locales y de la democracia

    Presupuesto Participativos (PPs) e Instituciones Participativas (IPs) en Brasil: Criterios (y marco) para la evaluación de experiencias y casos

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    This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive assessment that integrates all these criteria. Finally, it is recommended to pay special attention to assessing the desirability of these institutions, which are not always positively for theories on democracy.En este artículo se identifican diversos criterios relevantes para la evaluación de los presupuestos participativos y las instituciones participativas que son adoptados actualmente por gobiernos tanto de Brasil como de otros lugares del mundo, destacando la importancia de una evaluación global que integre todos estos criterios. Finalmente, se recomienda prestar especial atención a la evaluación de la deseabilidad de esas instituciones, que no siempre son percibidas positivamente por las teorías sobre la democracia