5,728 research outputs found

    Dynamic Geomorphology of the Drumlin Coast of Southeast Cape Breton Island

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    The southeastern coast of Cape Breton Island from Gabarus Bay to Framboise Cove has been investigated as a typical example of a drumlin coast. Landforms have been mapped from ground observations and air photographs. Time series of coastal profiles of both beaches and eroding drumlin cliffs have been measured. Nearshore sediment distribution has been mapped. An analysis has been made of wind and wave frequency and direction data. Four coastal segments are distinguished: (1) the south coast of Gabarus Bay has rock-cored drum-11ns separated by small barrier beaches; (2) the coast around Winging Point has a relatively stable depositional tombolo coast; (3) Fourchu Bay and Framboise Cove are developed in an area of thick till drumlins, and consist of barrier bars backed by lagoons and drumlins; and (4) the Fourchu Head and Red Cape are rocky coastlines from which all till has been removed by marine erosion, The geomorphologlcal evolution is a consequence of the initial drumlin landscape, the availability of a wide range of sediment sizes, and the type and intensity of marine erosion processes including the effects of transgression. Two types of coast are developed: a) in irregular hilly areas, where the till is thin and occurs in rock-cored drumlins; and b) in valley areas, where thick till drumlins are found. In each of these types, three stages of coastal development are distinguished. These represent the effect of differing rate of maturation, dependent on the configuration of drumlins and varying type and intensity of marine erosion. RÉSUMÉ Depuis la baie de Gabarua jusqu'à l'anse Framboise, la côte sud-est de l'ile du Cap-Breton a été étudiée en tant qu'exemple type d'une côte à drumlins. Les formes de relief ont été cartographies à partlr d'observations sur le terrain et de photographies aériennes. On a mesure à différents intervalles de temps, des séries de proflis côtiers comprenant des plages ainsi que des falaises de drumlins soumises à l’érosion. La distribution des sédiments littoraux a été cartographiée. On distingue quatre environnements côtiers. Le littoral sud de la baie de Gabarus est caractérise par des drumlins à noyau rocheux separes par des plages barrières de faibles dimensions. La côte à tombolos qui entoure la pointe Winging est un environnement de déposition relativement plus stable. Dans les régions de la baie Fourchu et de l'anse Framboise, des drumlins constitues d'un till epais sont 2 l'origine d'une côte barrière appuyée par des langunes et des drumlins. Les côtes rocheuses du cap Fourchu et de Red Cape ont été denudfies de leur till par l’action érosive de la mer. L'évolution géomorphologique de la côte ressort du paysage à drumlins original, de la disponibilité d'une vaste gamme de sédiments, ainsi que du type et de l'intensité des processus d’érosion marine, y compris les effets de la transgression. On reconnect deux types de côtes: l'une caractérisée par un paysage semé de collines oul'on retrouve un till mince associé à des drumlins à noyau rocheux; l’autre, que l'on retrouve dans les vallées, se distingue par d'épais drumlins constitues de till. Chacun de ces types de côtes se développé en trois étapes correspondent à des régimes de maturation différents qui dépendent de la configuration des drumlins ainsi que de l’intenuité et du caractére particuller de l’érosion marine. [Traduit par le journal

    Core-level photoemission spectroscopy of nitrogen bonding in GaNxAs1–x alloys

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    The nitrogen bonding configurations in GaNxAs1–x alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy with 0.07=0.03, the nitrogen is found to exist in a single bonding configuration – the Ga–N bond; no interstitial nitrogen complexes are present. The amount of nitrogen in the alloys is estimated from the XPS using the N 1s photoelectron and Ga LMM Auger lines and is found to be in agreement with the composition determined by x-ray diffraction

    Origin of the n-type conductivity of InN: the role of positively charged dislocations

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    As-grown InN is known to exhibit high unintentional n-type conductivity. Hall measurements from a range of high-quality single-crystalline epitaxially grown InN films reveal a dramatic reduction in the electron density (from low 1019 to low 1017 cm–3) with increasing film thickness (from 50 to 12 000 nm). The combination of background donors from impurities and the extreme electron accumulation at InN surfaces is shown to be insufficient to reproduce the measured film thickness dependence of the free-electron density. When positively charged nitrogen vacancies (VN+) along dislocations are also included, agreement is obtained between the calculated and experimental thickness dependence of the free-electron concentration

    Modelling the hepatitis B vaccination programme in prisons

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    A vaccination programme offering hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine at reception into prison has been introduced into selected prisons in England and Wales. Over the coming years it is anticipated this vaccination programme will be extended. A model has been developed to assess the potential impact of the programme on the vaccination coverage of prisoners, ex-prisoners, and injecting drug users (IDUs). Under a range of coverage scenarios, the model predicts the change over time in the vaccination status of new entrants to prison, current prisoners and IDUs in the community. The model predicts that at baseline in 2012 57% of the IDU population will be vaccinated with up to 72% being vaccinated depending on the vaccination scenario implemented. These results are sensitive to the size of the IDU population in England and Wales and the average time served by an IDU during each prison visit. IDUs that do not receive HBV vaccine in the community are at increased risk from HBV infection. The HBV vaccination programme in prisons is an effective way of vaccinating this hard-to-reach population although vaccination coverage on prison reception must be increased to achieve this

    Photoemission evidence for crossover from Peierls-like to Mott-like transition in highly strained VO2_2

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    We present a spectroscopic study that reveals that the metal-insulator transition of strained VO2_2 thin films may be driven towards a purely electronic transition, which does not rely on the Peierls dimerization, by the application of mechanical strain. Comparison with a moderately strained system, which does involve the lattice, demonstrates the crossover from Peierls- to Mott-like transitions

    Comparison of Post-Activation Potentiating Stimuli on Jump and Sprint Performance

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    Post-activation potentiation (PAP) is a phenomenon characterized by improved muscle performance based on the previous contractile activity of the muscle. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different potentiating stimuli on jump and sprint performance in 13 resistance trained, college-aged men and women. After determining back squat 1 repetition max, subjects returned for testing on separate days to complete one of four interventions (dynamic resistance, weighted plyometric, isometric, or control) in a randomized order. A standardized warmup was performed, followed by a baseline countermovement jump (CMJ) and 20m sprint. Following warm-up and baseline measurements, subjects performed one of the four experimental conditions. CMJ and 20m sprint measurements were completed again at 20-seconds, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20-minutes. Results revealed significantly faster 0-20m sprint times (p \u3c .05) at the 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20-minute time points compared to baseline and 20-second time points. Significantly faster 0-20m sprint times (p \u3c .05) were also shown for the squat intervention compared to control at 4-minutes, the plyometric and squat intervention compared to control at 8-minutes, the isometric intervention compared to control at 12 and 16- minutes, and the isometric intervention compared to the squat at 20-minutes. These findings indicate that while all PAP stimuli utilized can be effective at improving sprint performance, specific optimal time points may exist

    Struggling and juggling: a comparison of assessment loads in research and teaching-intensive universities

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    In spite of the rising tide of metrics in UK higher education, there has been scant attention paid to assessment loads, when evidence demonstrates that heavy demands lead to surface learning. Our study seeks to redress the situation by defining assessment loads and comparing them across research-and teaching intensive universities. We clarify the concept of ‘assessment load’ in response to findings about high volumes of summative assessment on modular degrees. We define assessment load across whole undergraduate degrees, according to four measures: the volume of summative assessment; volume of formative assessment; proportion of examinations to coursework; number of different varieties of assessment. All four factors contribute to the weight of an assessment load, and influence students’ approaches to learning. Our research compares programme assessment data from 73 programmes in 14 UK universities, across two institutional categories. Research-intensives have higher summative assessment loads and a greater proportion of examinations; teaching-intensives have higher varieties of assessment. Formative assessment does not differ significantly across both university groups. These findings pose particular challenges for students in different parts of the sector. Our study questions the wisdom that ‘more’ is always better, proposing that lighter assessment loads may make room for ‘slow’ and deep learning

    Who are these youths? Language in the service of policy

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    In the 1990s policy relating to children and young people who offend developed as a result of the interplay of political imperatives and populist demands. The ‘responsibilisation’ of young offenders and the ‘no excuses’ culture of youth justice have been ‘marketed’ through a discourse which evidences linguistic changes. This article focuses on one particular area of policy change, that relating to the prosecutorial decision, to show how particular images of children were both reflected and constructed through a changing selection of words to describe the non-adult suspect and offender. In such minutiae of discourse can be found not only the signifiers of public attitudinal and policy change but also the means by which undesirable policy developments can be challenged
