86 research outputs found

    The "sacrum" among the "profanum", or the religious issues in the wills of noble-born women of Royal Prussia in the 17th century

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    Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza kwestii wyznaniowych w testamentach kobiet szlachetnie urodzonych w Prusach Królewskich XVII -go wieku, na obszarze objętym niegdyś procesem niemieckiego osadnictwa na Wschodzie. Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak często i jak mocno kwestie związane z sacrum pojawiają się w kontekście ostatniego przejścia człowieka, tj. w kontekście jego śmierci. Ponieważ dla dawniejszego spadkodawcy testament stanowił pomost między doczesnością a wiecznością, był on miejscem przenikania się sfer sacrum i profanum. Dlatego testamenty minionych epok są cennym źródłem wiedzy o duchowości, w tym religijności, sporządzających je testatorów. Przedstawiona w niniejszej pracy eksploracja poświęcona została zawartym w badanych testamentach odwołaniom do Boga, Matki Bożej oraz świętych i błogosławionych Kościoła. Wskazane zostały konkretne funkcje i konteksty, w jakich podmioty te występują w analizowanych dokumentach. Niniejsza praca pozwala rzucić światło na duchowość i religijność testatorek oraz na funkcję testamentu, jaką pełnił on dla szlacheckich kobiet w Prusach Królewskich XVII -go wieku.The present article focuses on analysing religious matters in the wills of noblewomen born in the 17th century in Royal Prussia, an area once covered by the process of Ostsiedlung. The article attempts to answer the question of how often and to what extent sacrum-related issues arise in the context of a person’s last transition, i.e. death. Since, for the testator back in the day, the last will and testament served as a bridge between mortality and eternity, it was the will where the spheres of sacrum and profanum merged. This is why the wills of the past eras are a valuable source of knowledge about spirituality, including the religiousness, of those who prepared them. The present article analyses references to God, Our Lady, the Saints, and the Blessed of the Church contained in the analysed wills. The article also presents specific functions and contexts in which these entities appear in the analysed documents. The article sheds light on the testators’ spirituality and religiousness as well as the function of the last will and testament for noblewomen in Royal Prussia of the 17th century

    O językowym obrazie świata w wybranych pojęciach z zakresu prawa spadkowego w języku niemieckim i polskim

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    Śmierć, stosunki majątkowe (w szczególności prawo własności) i chęć przekazania majątku na wypadek śmierci wybranym przez siebie osobom jako elementy rzeczywistości pozajęzykowej skłaniają człowieka do działania językowego w postaci sporządzenia testamentu wyrażonego niezależnie od formy testamentu za pomocą takiego języka, którego forma jest regulowana i porządkowana – przynajmniej do pewnego stopnia – przez prawodawcę przy użyciu języka prawnego. Prawo determinuje zatem język testamentu w takim zakresie, jaki jest niezbędny do prawidłowego odtworzenia woli spadkodawcy i interpretacji złożonego przez niego oświadczenia woli. Wola testatora jest zawsze rekonstruowana głównie na podstawie testamentu będącego aktem językowym, bez którego nie może ona wywrzeć żadnych skutków prawnych. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki analizy językowej o nachyleniu kognitywnym wybranych pojęć z zakresu prawa spadkowego w języku niemieckim i polskim, której celem jest ustalenie stopnia ekwiwalencji terminów w obu językach, jak również ocena stopnia utrwalenia językowego obrazu świata w słowach z jednego lub drugiego kręgu językowego i kulturowego.The death, the proprietary relationships (especially right of ownership) and the will to devolve an estate to someone as the elements from the extra-linguistic reality move the people to use the language in form of the drawing up the testaments. These wills are always expressed through the agency of such language, whose form is regulated and arranged – at least to some degree – by a legislator using the legal language. The law determines then the language of the testament to that extent, which is necessary for right reconstruction of the testator’s will and for appropriate interpretation of his declaration. That will is always reconstructed on the basis of the testament, which is a speech act, without which the testator’s will cannot have any legal effects. In the paper hereunder there are presented the results of the language-cognitive analysis of the chosen terms from the inheritance law in the German and Polish language. The aim of the exploration is the showing of the terms’ equivalence in both languages, as well as the evaluation of the presence’s extent of the linguistic picture of the world in the words from both language and culture circles.Der Tod, die vermögensrechtlichen Beziehungen (insbesondere das Eigentumsrecht) sowie der Wille, den anderen, von sich selbst gewählten Personen sein Nachlassvermögen im Todesfalle zu übergeben, als Elemente der außersprachlichen Realität bewegen den Menschen zu einem sprachlichen Handeln, indem er ein Testament ausfertigt, das immer – unabhängig von der Testamentsform – mittels solch einer Sprache ausgedrückt wird, deren Wesen mindestens bis zu einem gewissen Maße vom Gesetzgeber mittels der Rechtssprache geregelt und geordnet wird. Das Recht determiniert also die Sprache des Testaments in einem solchen Grad, der für die richtige und wahrgetreue Wiedergabe des Willens von den Erblassern und für die Auslegung der Willenserklärung in Gestalt des Testaments nötig ist. Der Wille wird immer vor allem aus der im Testament gebrauchten Sprache rekonstruiert. Ohne Testament als Sprechakt kann der Wille des Testators keine Rechtsfolgen erzeugen. Im Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse der sprachlichen, kognitivistisch geprägten Untersuchung von den ausgewählten Begriffen aus dem Bereich des Erbrechts in der deutschen und polnischen Sprache dargestellt. Das Ziel der Analyse besteht darin, den Grad der Äquivalenz unter den Termini aus beiden Sprachen zu messen, sowie den Grad der Präsenz des sprachlichen Weltbildes in den Formulierungen aus den genannten Sprach- und Kulturkreisen zu schildern

    Rozwój i nowe perspektywy leczenia choroby moyamoya

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    Choroba moyamoya jest niezwykle rzadką chorobą naczyń mózgowych, występującą głównie u dziecii młodych dorosłych. Charakteryzuje się przewlekłym jedno- lub obustronnym zarastaniem i zwężaniemkońcowego odcinka tętnic szyjnych wewnętrznych i ich gałęzi końcowych, co prowadzi do udaru mózguoraz zaburzeń neurologicznych. Podstawą leczenia choroby moyamoya jest chirurgiczna rewaskularyzacjanaczyń, mająca na celu przywrócenie prawidłowego krążenia mózgowego i zmniejszenie częstościwystępowania objawów klinicznych. Chirurgiczne metody rewaskularyzacji stosowane w leczeniu chorobymoyamoya obejmują techniki bezpośrednie, pośrednie oraz metody łączące techniki bezpośredniez pośrednimi. Pośrednie metody rewaskularyzacji są bezpieczniejszym i łatwiejszym w przeprowadzeniusposobem leczenia niż metody bezpośrednie, zwłaszcza u pacjentów młodszych i u pacjentów z chorobamiwspółistniejącymi. Metody bezpośrednie, mimo większego ryzyka powikłań w postaci udaru czy przemijającejhiperperfuzji mózgowej, cechują się natychmiastowym przywróceniem prawidłowego przepływukrwi w zwężonych naczyniach. Ostatnio zauważa się wyraźną przewagę stosowania metod łączonych, naco wskazują liczne badania

    Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome - a review based on recent advances in medicine

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    Introduction   Meyer-Rokitanski-Küster-Hauser syndrome, also reffered to as Müllerian aplasia, is a congenital disorder characterized by agenesis or hypoplasia of the uterus and upper part of the vagina in female with normal female karyotype (46,XX). In these women the external genitalia have a normal structure and their internal endocrine organs function properly. Most often, this syndrome is diagnosed in adolescence due to primary amenorrhea.    Material and methods   This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed data base and Google Scholar data and published between 2011 and 2021. The research was done by looking through keywords such as:“Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome”, “MRKH syndrome”, “uterine agenesis” and “primary amenorrhea”, "vaginal agenesis", "uterus transplantation".   Conclusions   Recent scientific achievements have shown how much can be changed in the lives of patients with MRKH syndrome. It should be remembered that this is a disease that needs treatment by specialists in many fields. Treatment should include not only medical side of problem but also should take care of psychical side of patients life. During the last 10 years several advances have been made in MRKH syndrome research, especially within the fields of genetics, non-surgical management, and uterus transplantation as the first available fertility treatment

    Treatment of hyperhidrosis and the role of Botulinum Toxin Type A in therapy - a literature review

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    Introduction: Sweat secretion is a physiological process controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and it operates independently of our will. Primary hyperhidrosis is a disease characterized by excessive sweating, which is thought to result from localized hyperstimulation of sweat glands by cholinergic sympathetic nerve fibers. It can be associated with significant occupational, physical and emotional impairment, as well as significant difficulties in social situations and personal relationships. Available therapies are limited by their short-term efficacy and, in some cases, significant side effects that can expose patients to potentially serious complications. One treatment for primary hyperhidrosis is chemodenervation of the sweat glands using botulinum toxin type A. Objective: To review the current literature and recent reports on hyperhidrosis treatment therapies. To discuss the mechanism of action and the role of botulinum toxin in treatment, as well as the potential risks associated with undertaking treatment. Materials and method: Literature review of PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Direct Conclusions: Intradermal injection of botulinum toxin A is an effective and safe therapy for severe axillary, palmar, forehead, neck and foot hyperhidrosis. Current knowledge does not indicate that this therapy is associated with dangerous complications. Unfortunately, it is not a method that permanently solves the problem of sufferers

    Microscopic colitis - state of current knowledge on pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment

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    Introduction and purpose Microscopic colitis is multicausal inflammatory bowel disease, which affects mostly elderly, particularly women. It is a cause of chronic, watery diarrhea. MC usually presents macroscopically normal, thus diagnosis requires colonoscopy and histological examination of colonic biopsies. MC doesn’t increase risk of colon cancer. However, it leads to impaired patients’ quality of life and reduced living activity. This review aims to sum up the current state of knowledge  about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of microscopic colitis.   Material and methods This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed database, using the following keywords:  „microscopic colitis”, “microscopic colitis treatment”, „microscopic colitis pathogenesis”, and “ microscopic colitis diagnosis”.  ConclusionsDiagnosis of MC is often delayed due to similarity of clinical manifestation with other inflammatory bowel diseases, like IBS or IBD. Raising awareness about MC as a potential cause of chronic diarrhea can lead to earlier diagnosis and increased patients’ quality of life

    CBD and THC - influence on insomnia, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome - review based on recent advances

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    Proper and healthy sleep is an element of everyday life necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Unfortunately, a large part of humanity cannot experience proper rest, due to sleep disorders such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, obturative sleep apnea and other diseases that complicate sleep. There are not many ways to treat sleep disorders and their use is often associated with difficulties in everyday life and side effects of the used methods. Work on this subject is still ongoing, with time there are more and more new possibilities and different, unconventional applications of substances discovered long ago. Plants containing cannabinoids have been known to mankind since ancient times. And this cannabinoids can have huge importance and contribute to the treatment and prevention of sleep disorders. Studies on the impact of these substances on sleep and sleep disorders are limited, which leads to the fact that in many countries their use is still prohibited. And therefore undertaking research on this topic requires a lot of effort. However, the data that has been collected so far on the subject of the influence of cannabinoids on sleep disorders carry optimistic information. Cannabinoids in the correct doses and ratio as to the content of individual subgroups can bring relief to people suffering from lack of proper sleep. However, the negative effects of these substances should not be forgotten. Chronic use, too high doses or improper application can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep

    Budd-Chiari Syndrome - classification, diagnostics, imaging and treatment

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    Introduction: Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare condition which can be defined as hepatic venous outflow obstruction occurring at any level between the small hepatic veins and junction of the inferior vena cava and the right atrium. Symptoms may vary from mild or even asymptomatic for many years to fulminant hepatic failure. Imaging is the mainstay of diagnosis of BCS. Laboratory and ematological tests are invaluable in recognizing hematological and coagulation disorders that may be identified in up to 75% of the patients. The recommended therapeutic approach to BCS is based on a stepwise algorithm beginning with medical treatment, endovascular treatment to restore vessel patency, placement of transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS), and orthotopic liver transplantation as a last resort rescue treatment. The aim of the study: This study aims to gather current knowledge about clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome. Materials and methods: This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed database and Google Scholar web search engine, using the keywords: ’Budd-Chiari syndrome’ ,’hepatic venous outflow obstruction’. Conclusions: The treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome requires interdisciplinary cooperation, which has resulted in the increasing curability of this rare disease over the last years

    The role of the retinoids in topical treatment of skin diseases - the review of the literature

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    INTRODUCTION: Retinoids are a broad group of natural and synthetic compounds derived from vitamin A. Many studies have shown strong anti-aging effects, and they have also been shown to have therapeutic effects on acne vulgaris or psoriasis. Vitamin A and its derivatives make the skin more elastic and smooth, cause a decrease in fine wrinkles and cause an increase in fibroblast activity and collagen fiber production.  Retinoid compounds regulate biological processes of the skin such as immune processes, angiogenesis, proliferation and differentiation.    THE AIM OF STUDY:  The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of retinoids and the use of the substances in skin diseases.   MATERIALS AND METHOD:  Literature review of PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Direct and evaluation of available randomized controlled trials using retinoids in terms of treatment effectiveness in terms of skin quality, anti-aging benefits use in dermatology.   CONCLUSIONS:  Vitamin A and its derivatives plays an important role in anty-aging prevention and treatment of skin diseases, such as acne vulgaris, psoriasis and photo-aging. There are still many ongoing studies and not known opportunities of its use to treat other skin diseases that we should be aware of and keep track of new papers that indicate such