75 research outputs found

    Indications of early thermalization in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    The directed flow of particles emitted from the fireball created in a heavy-ion collision is shown to be a very sensitive measure of the pressure equilibration in the first 1 fm/c of the evolution. Performing a 3+1 dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic calculation with nonequilibrated longitudinal and transverse pressures, we show that the directed flow is strongly reduced if the pressure imbalance survives for even a short time. Transverse momentum spectra, elliptic flow and interferometry correlation radii are not very sensitive to this early pressure anisotropy. Comparison with the data points toward a short equilibration time of the order of 0.250.25fm/c or less

    Directed flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We study the generation of directed flow in the hydrodynamic expansion of the hot matter formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at 200GeV. The experimentally observed negative directed flow in a wide range of central pseudorapidities isreproduced assuming that the fireball is tilted away from the collision axis. The tilt of the source is consistent with a preferential emission in the forward/backward hemisphere from forward/backward participating nucleons. The model reproduces the experimentally observed scaling of the directed flow when going from Au-Au to Cu-Cu systems.Comment: figure adde

    Flow and interferometry in 3+1 dimensional viscous hydrodynamics

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    The expansion of the fireball created in Au-Au collisions at 200 GeV is described in (3+1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamics with shear and bulk viscosities. We present results for the transverse momentum spectra, the directed and elliptic flow and the interferometry radii.Comment: discussion of viscous corrections at freeze-out adde

    Spectral properties of nuclear matter

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    We review self-consistent spectral methods for nuclear matter calculations. The in-medium T-matrix approach is conserving and thermodynamically consistent. It gives both the global and the single-particle properties the system. The T-matrix approximation allows to address the pairing phenomenon in cold nuclear matter. A generalization of nuclear matter calculations to the superfluid phase is discussed and numerical results are presented for this case. The linear response of a correlated system going beyond the Hartree-Fock+Random-Phase-Approximation scheme is studied. The polarization is obtained by solving a consistent Bethe-Salpeter equation for the coupling of dressed nucleons to an external field. We find that multipair contributions are important for the spin(isospin) response when the interaction is spin(isospin) dependent.Comment: Talk given at the workshop "Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions III" 22-26 August 2005, Kie

    Interferometry radii in heavy-ion collisions at 200GeV and 2.76TeV

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    The expansion of the fireball created in Au-Au collisions at 200GeV and Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76TeV is modelled using the relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. The experimentally observed interferometry radii are well reproduced. Additional pre-equilibrium flow improves slightly the results for the lower energies studied

    Event-by-event viscous hydrodynamics for Cu-Au collisions at 200GeV

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    Event-by-event hydrodynamics is applied to Cu-Au collisions at 200GeV. Predictions for charged particle distributions in pseudorapidity, transverse momentum spectra, femtoscopy radii are given. The triangular and elliptic flow coefficients are calculated. The directed flow at central rapidity in the reaction plane in asymmetric collisions is nonzero, fluctuations of the initial profile lead to a further increase of the directed flow when measured in the event plane.Comment: revised presentatio

    Fluctuating initial conditions in heavy-ion collisions from the Glauber approach

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    In the framework of the Glauber approach we analyze the shape parameters of the early-formed system and their event-by-event fluctuations. We test a variety of models: the conventional wounded nucleon model, a model admixing binary collisions to the wounded nucleons, a model with hot spots, as well as the hot-spot model where the deposition of energy occurs with a superimposed probability distribution. We look in detail at the so-called participant multipole moments, obtained by an averaging procedure where in each event the system is translated to its center of mass and aligned with the major principal axis of the ellipse of inertia. Quantitative comparisons indicate substantial relative effects for eccentricity in variants of Glauber models. On the other hand, the dependence of the scaled standard deviation of the participant eccentricity on the chosen model is weak. For all models the values range from about 0.5 for the central collisions to about 0.3-0.4 for peripheral collisions, both for the gold-gold and copper-copper collisions. They are dominated by statistics and change only by 10-15% from model to model. We provide an approximate analytic expansion for the multipole moments and their fluctuations given in terms of the fixed-axes moments. For central collisions and in the absence of correlations it gives the simple formula for the scaled standard deviation of the participant eccentricity: sqrt(4/pi-1). Similarly, we obtain expansions for the radial profiles of the multipole distributions. We investigate the relevance of the shape-fluctuation effects for jet quenching and find them important only for very central events. Finally, we argue how smooth hydro leads to the known result v_4 ~ v_2^2, and further to the prediction Delta v_4/v_4 = 2 Delta v_2/v_2.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, additions include comparison to the CGC result

    Components of the elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV

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    We calculate the elliptic flow of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV in relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. The recent data of the ALICE Collaboration on the elliptic flow as function of the centrality can be very well described using the hydrodynamic expansion of a fluid with a small shear viscosity eta/s=0.08. The elliptic flow as function of the transverse momentum shows systematic deviations from a hydrodynamic behavior in the small momenta region pt<800MeV. It indicates that a non-negligible contribution of non-thermalized particles from jet fragmentation is present
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