260 research outputs found

    Malaysia, institutions and the middle-income trap : challenges in human capital development and income inequality in the manufacturing sector

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    Malaysia's growth performance in recent years has been lacklustre. This research attempts to identify what institutional issues may have contributed to this performance. The research examines the impact of institutional quality on economic performance generally. The study proceeds at two levels: at the cross-country level and at the sectoral level. The research uses econometric and case study analysis to explain the effects of institutions on economic performance and identify the fundamental causes of less satisfactory economic outcomes. Recommendations for institutional reform then follow. At the cross-country level, a stochastic frontier model was used to analyse the relationship between institutions and economic efficiency, to rank the economic efficiency of Malaysia in relation to other countries over time, and to explain what the reasons are for changes in economic performance. Economic efficiency is defined here by measuring numerically a best practice frontier and evaluating the performance of countries included in the study (or other economic units) relative to that best practice frontier. The results suggest that overall, and at the middle income level, institutions related to 'Government Effectiveness' have the strongest impact on economic efficiency. Institutions related to 'Control of Corruption' and 'Rule of Law' are important to economic efficiency at the middle income level while institutions related to the 'Rule of Law' matter the most to economic efficiency at the high income level. Using a case study approach, the thesis investigates the links between human capital development and manufacturing sector output and the determinants of wage inequality in the manufacturing sector. A stochastic frontier model is again used, here to investigate the contribution of the different skills level to manufacturing sector output. The results demonstrate that unskilled labour contributes most significantly manufacturing sector output. Using the 'supply-demand-institutions' framework and implementing it within a modified industry wage equation framework, the determinants of the wage gap at the industry level in the manufacturing sector were identified. Difference in skill levels are found to have the biggest impact on increasing the wage gap in Malaysia's manufacturing sector. The analysis suggests three key reasons for the weak human capital development in Malaysia's manufacturing sector. First, Malaysia's education and training institutions have failed to produce skilled labour in sufficient numbers and quality. Second, skills development through training, retraining and up-skilling in the manufacturing sector has not produced the required human capital with the appropriate skills. Private sector linkages as well as the public-private sector partnerships that are necessary for effective training and development are at much lower and unsatisfactory levels in Malaysia's manufacturing sector compared to the successful East Asian economies. Third, labour policies in the manufacturing sector provide incentives for firms to rely on unskilled or semi-skilled labour rather than use high skilled labour. The unlimited supply of unskilled labour and weak human capital formation in the manufacturing sector (that Malaysian policy and institutional settings allow) in turn leads to increasing wage inequality. The government's response to human capital development and income inequality is primarily race-based, and has failed to resolve these issues. This approach is unlikely to be successful in addressing the middle-income trap. A move away from race-based institutions will be necessary to break through the middle income trap

    Active inference and robot control: a case study.

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    Active inference is a general framework for perception and action that is gaining prominence in computational and systems neuroscience but is less known outside these fields. Here, we discuss a proof-of-principle implementation of the active inference scheme for the control or the 7-DoF arm of a (simulated) PR2 robot. By manipulating visual and proprioceptive noise levels, we show under which conditions robot control under the active inference scheme is accurate. Besides accurate control, our analysis of the internal system dynamics (e.g. the dynamics of the hidden states that are inferred during the inference) sheds light on key aspects of the framework such as the quintessentially multimodal nature of control and the differential roles of proprioception and vision. In the discussion, we consider the potential importance of being able to implement active inference in robots. In particular, we briefly review the opportunities for modelling psychophysiological phenomena such as sensory attenuation and related failures of gain control, of the sort seen in Parkinson's disease. We also consider the fundamental difference between active inference and optimal control formulations, showing that in the former the heavy lifting shifts from solving a dynamical inverse problem to creating deep forward or generative models with dynamics, whose attracting sets prescribe desired behaviours

    Eficiencia del coagulante natural obtenido a partir del bagazo de la semilla de Moringa Oleífera para la remoción de la turbidez de las aguas del rio Mala, en la localidad de Azpitia provincia de Cañete 2020”

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    Según informe del World Resources Institute (WRI), 3500 millones de personas podrían sufrir escasez de agua en el 2025 debido a la contaminación, cambio climático y uso desmesurado, produciendo graves consecuencias como enfermedad y hambruna. Este informe evidencia un problema que requiere urgente solución, motivando la búsqueda de nuevos métodos para satisfacer estas necesidades hídricas, siendo una de ellas, clarificar aguas turbias utilizando el bagazo de la semilla de la Moringa oleífera. Esta capacidad, se debe a que presentan aminoácidos catiónicos de alta masa molecular que favorecen las propiedades de coagulación y floculación, por esta razón, en el presente trabajo se estudió la eficiencia de este bagazo como coagulante natural para la remoción de la turbidez de las aguas del rio Mala. En esta investigación se utilizó un equipo test de jarras, un turbidímetro y un analizador multiparámetro (pH, conductividad, sólidos totales y temperatura), además de otros materiales y reactivos propios del laboratorio. Se preparó una solución madre de 10 000 ppm de bagazo para luego diluirlos a 300, 500 y 700 ppm y así evaluar su eficiencia como coagulante-floculante en las muestras de agua del rio Mala con diferentes grados de turbidez (20,3; 328 y 342 NTU) y agua sintética (64,5; 111,3; 141; 181,1; 245 y 272 NTU), considerando los pH de trabajo de (5, 7 y 9) y a diferentes tiempos de sedimentación (30, 60 y 90 min), pues, por su naturaleza orgánica presentan lentos mecanismos de reacción. Los resultados registraron una eficiencia de remoción de turbidez de hasta 98,27% a 700 ppm, 90 min y pH 7,8 para aguas del rio Mala y de 90,84% de sedimentación a 700 ppm, 110 min y pH 8,0 para aguas sintéticas. Comparados con los coagulantes inorgánicos: sulfato de aluminio, poli cloruro de aluminio y cloruro férrico, se observó que el primero de ellos tuvo mejor rendimiento, lo que justifica su intensivo uso en la potabilización del agua, que además va asociado con su bajo costo en relación a la de la semilla de moringa. Pero el coagulante natural presenta ventajas sanitarias y ambientales, asociados con los lineamientos del desarrollo sostenible

    Osteogenic effects of simvastatin-loaded mesoporous titania thin films

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    The use of statins in the field of bone regeneration is under current investigation due to the existing demand for non-toxic anabolic agents capable of enhancing bone formation in cases of substantial loss. Simvastatin, a coenzyme currently prescribed in clinics to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis, has been proven to promote osteogenic differentiation by stimulating bone formation and inhibiting osteoclasts activity. We present the loading of simvastatin in mesoporous TiO2 thin films toward combining the pro-osteogenic properties of this molecule with the demonstrated bioactivity of titania. TiO2 thin films processing and characterization were carried out, as well as evaluation of MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts viability when directly incubated with different concentrations of simvastatin, followed by the analysis of osteogenic activity promoted by simvastatin upon loading in the thin films. The accessible porosity of 36% quantified on the 95 ± 5 nm thick mesoporous thin films, together with pore diameters of 5.5 nm, necks between pores of 2.8 nm and interpore distances of 12 ± 2 nm allow the loading of the simvastatin molecule, as confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Simvastatin was found to promote MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts viability at concentrations ≤0.01 g l−1, with a cytotoxicity threshold of 0.05 g l−1. We additionally found that film loadings with 0.001 g l−1 simvastatin promotes statistically higher MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast proliferation whereas a higher concentration of 0.01 g l−1 leads to statistically higher osteogenic activity (ALP synthesis), after 21 days of incubation, as compared to unloaded films. These results demonstrate the potential of simvastatin local administration based on bioactive mesoporous thin films to promote pro-osteogenic properties. By focusing this strategy on the coating of metallic prostheses, the supply of simvastatin to the target tissue can be favored and risks of systemic side effects will be reduced while enhancing the osteointegration of the implants.Fil: Lopez Alvarez, Miriam. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: López Puente, Vanesa. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Rodriguez Valencia, Cosme. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Angelome, Paula Cecilia. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Liz Marzan, Luis M. Ikerbasque; EspañaFil: Serra, Julia. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Pastoriza Santos, Isabel. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Gonzalez, Pio. Universidad de Vigo; Españ

    Propuesta de mejora en el Centro de Distribución de una empresa industrial aplicando metodología Lean

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    Este trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene como objetivo desarrollar una propuesta de mejora para incrementar el nivel de servicio y el desempeño logístico empleando la metodología Lean Logistic. El problema que presenta la empresa en estudió es el bajo nivel de servicio con un 83% estando por debajo de la meta establecida por la empresa 95 %. Esta diferencia afecta de forma negativa a la empresa generando sobrecostos, lo cual repercute en su rentabilidad. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se usará como base la metodología DMAIC que se apoyará con las herramientas SLP, 5S, WMS, Clasificación ABC y la estandarización de procesos.The purpose of this professional sufficiency work is to develop an improvement proposal to increase the level of service and logistics performance using the Lean Logistic methodology. The problem of the company in study is the low level of service 83% being below the goal established by the company 95 %. This difference negatively affects the company, generating cost overruns, which affects its profitability. For the development of the work, the DMAIC methodology will be used as a basis, which will be supported by Lean tools such as Process Standardization, SLP, 5S, ABC and WMS.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Propuesta de mejora de la rentabilidad de la empresa RESEP S.R.L. basado en la implementación de una línea de producción de espárragos (Asparagus officinalis) para exportación

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar propuestas de mejora orientadas a la organización e incremento de la rentabilidad en el campo de cultivo de la empresa RESEP S.R.L., ubicado en Macabí Alto, La Libertad. Se analizó la situación actual tanto externa e interna de la unidad de negocio de la empresa y mediante el uso del Diagrama de Ishikawa y Pareto se identificó las causas raíz. En consecuencia, se determinaron como soluciones implementar una línea de producción post cosecha, reorganizar el almacén de insumos y materia prima basado en la demanda y condiciones de almacenamiento, e implementar un almacén de refrigeración. Mediante el desarrollo de la disposición de planta, se calculó un área total de 901,95 m2, que incluye la zona de producción, almacenes, área administrativa, comedor, instalación sanitaria, área de carga y descarga, y estacionamiento. La inversión total para la implementación de las soluciones es de S/. 401 364. El 70% de este monto se recaudará a través de un financiamiento bancario con una tasa anual de 13,86%. Finalmente, se obtuvo un VAN financiero de S/ 390 665, un TIR de 58%, y un periodo de recupero de 2,73 años, es decir el proyecto resulta viable para la empresa.The main objective of this research is to develop improvement proposals for the organization and increase profitability in the cultivation field of the company RESEP S.R.L., located in Macabí Alto, La Libertad. The current situation both external and internal of the business unit of the company were analyzed and through the Ishikawa and Pareto Diagram identified the root causes. Consequently, the solutions were determined to implement a post-harvest production line, reorganize the supply and raw material warehouse based on demand and storage conditions, and implement a refrigeration warehouse. Through the development of the plant layout, a total area of 901,95 m2 was calculated, which includes the production area, warehouses, administrative area, dining room, sanitary facility, loading and unloading area, and parking. The total investment for the implementation of the solutions is S /. 401 364. 70% of this amount will be collected through bank financing with an annual rate of 13,86%. Finally, a financial NPV of S / 390 665, an IRR of 58%, and a payback period of 2,73 years, that is, the project is viable for the company

    Complement activation mediates cetuximab inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer tumor growth in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cetuximab, an antibody targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), increases survival in patients with advanced EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer when administrated in combination with chemotherapy. In this study, we investigated the role of complement activation in the antitumor mechanism of this therapeutic drug.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EGFR-expressing lung cancer cell lines were able to bind cetuximab and initiate complement activation by the classical pathway, irrespective of the mutational status of EGFR. This activation led to deposition of complement components and increase in complement-mediated cell death. The influence of complement activation on the activity of cetuximab <it>in vivo </it>was evaluated in xenografts of A549 lung cancer cells on nude mice. A549 cells express wild-type EGFR and have a KRAS mutation. Cetuximab activity against A549 xenografts was highly dependent on complement activation, since complement depletion completely abrogated the antitumor efficacy of cetuximab. Moreover, cetuximab activity was significantly higher on A549 cells in which a complement inhibitor, factor H, was genetically downregulated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrate for the first time that the <it>in vivo </it>antitumor activity of cetuximab can be associated with a complement-mediated immune response. These results may have important implications for the development of new cetuximab-based therapeutic strategies and for the identification of markers that predict clinical response.</p

    Recaudación de impuestos municipales en la Municipalidad Provincial de Chupaca 2018-2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la recaudación de impuestos municipales en la Municipalidad Provincial de Chupaca en el periodo 2018-2019. El marco metodológico, responde a una investigación con un diseño no experimental, de tipo descriptiva, cuantitativa. La población estuvo constituida por los registros de recaudación de impuestos municipales, correspondientes al periodo 2018-2019, el tipo del muestreo fue no probabilístico. Los resultados del estudio establecieron que la recaudación de impuestos municipales se basa principalmente en: Impuesto predial con un 75%, impuesto de alcabala con un 15% y el impuesto vehicular 5%. La Municipalidad Provincial de Chupaca está constituido por 7 distritos presentando aspectos negativos en la recaudación pues el total de distritos no sobrepasan los 290 mil soles de impuestos municipales lo que ha generado que no se cuente con los ingresos necesarios para brindar los servicios que la población requiere, sobre todo por la morosidad por parte de los contribuyentes y la falta de capacidad recaudadora de la entidad. El estudio del análisis cuantitativo realizado concluyó: Se evidencia que existe una deficiente recaudación de impuestos, lo cual lleva a proponer medidas y estrategias para reforzar e incrementar el monto recaudado con lo cual sea posible realizar mayor cantidad de obra a favor de la provincia de Chupaca.LIMAEscuela Profesional de ContabilidadTRIBUTO

    Diseño de un modelo estratégico para prevenir los riesgos psicosociales de Cymacosta S.A.S a través del sistema de salud ocupacional con énfasis en la gestión del conocimiento

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    El presente trabajo fue realizado como requisito par a obtener el título de administradores de empresas, basados en lo solicitado en el curso del diplomado de profundización en Gerencia del Talento Humano. La investigación realizada fue de tipo descriptiva, con corte Cualitativa con interpretación cuantitativa y su desarrollo se describe en cinco capítulos: Inicia con un primer capítulo se planteó el problema relacionado con la salud ocupacional para el empresa Cymacosta S.A.S, el segundo capítulo contiene las teorías relacionadas con la temática, literatura que sirvió de base para la argumentación y descripción del trabajo, en el capítulo tres, se establecieron los procedimientos utilizados para la indagación de los datos necesarios para el estudio, en consecuencia en el capítulo cuarto se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante el instrumento utilizado en la recolección de la información y finaliza con el capítulo cinco en el que se realizan las recomendaciones del caso frente a los hallazgos encontrados, luego se plantea la propuesta basada en el Modelo de Nonaka y Takeuchi y por último se entregan las conclusiones a que se llegó producto del desarrollo de estudio y para el área indicadaThe present work was carried out as a requirement to obtain the title of business administrators, based on what was requested in the course of the Diploma of Deepening in Human Talent Management. The research carried out was of the descriptive type, with a qualitative cut with quantitative interpretation and its development is described in five chapters: It begins with a first chapter the problem related to Occupational Health was raised for the company CYMACOSTA SAA, the second chapter contains the theories related to the topic, literature that served as the basis for the argumentation and description of the work, in chapter three, established the procedures used for the investigation of the data necessary for the study, consequently in the fourth chapter the results obtained through the instrument used in the collection of information are presented and ends with chapter five in which the recommendations of the case in front of the found findings, then the proposal based on the Nonaka and Takeuchi Model is presented and finally the conclusions reached are the product of the study development and for the indicated are