25 research outputs found

    A 15-year perspective of the fabry outcome survey

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    The Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS) is an international long-term observational registry sponsored by Shire for patients diagnosed with Fabry disease who are receiving or are candidates for therapy with agalsidase alfa (agala). Established in 2001, FOS provides long-term data on agala safety/efficacy and collects data on the natural history of Fabry disease, with the aim of improving clinical management. The FOS publications have helped establish prognostic and severity scores, defined the incidence of specific disease variants and implications for clinical management, described clinical manifestations in special populations, confirmed the high prevalence of cardiac morbidity, and demonstrated correlations between ocular changes and Fabry disease severity. These FOS data represent a rich resource with utility not only for description of natural history/therapeutic effects but also for exploratory hypothesis testing and generation of tools for diagnosis/management, with the potential to improve future patient outcomes

    Twenty years of the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS) : insights, achievements, and lessons learned from a global patient registry

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    Background: Patient registries provide long-term, real-world evidence that aids the understanding of the natural history and progression of disease, and the efects of treatment on large patient populations with rare diseases. The year 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS), an international, multicenter, observational registry (NCT03289065). The primary aims of FOS are to broaden the understanding of Fabry disease (FD), an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, and to improve the clinical management of afected patients. Here, we review the history of FOS and the analyses and publications disseminated from the registry, and we discuss the contributions FOS stud‑ ies have made in understanding FD. Results: FOS was initiated in April 2001 and, as of January 2021, 4484 patients with a confrmed diagnosis and patient informed consent have been enrolled from 144 centers across 26 countries. Data from FOS have been pub‑ lished in nearly 60 manuscripts on a wide variety of topics relevant to FD. Analyses of FOS data have investigated the long-term efectiveness and safety of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa and its efects on morbidity and mortality, as well as the benefts of prompt and early treatment with agalsidase alfa on the progression of cardiomyopathy and the decline in renal function associated with FD. Based on analyses of FOS data, ERT with agal‑ sidase alfa has also been shown to improve additional signs and symptoms of FD experienced by patients. FOS data analyses have provided a better understanding of the natural history of FD and the specifc populations of women, children, and the elderly, and have provided practical tools for the study of FD. FOS has also provided methodology and criteria for assessing disease severity which contributed to the continuous development of medical practice in FD and has largely improved our understanding of the challenges and needs of long-term data collection in rare diseases, aiding in future rare disease real-world evidence studies. Conclusion: FOS over the last 20 years has substantially increased the scientifc knowledge around improved patient management of FD and continues to expand our understanding of this rare disease

    Clinical features and health-related quality of life in adult patients with mucopolysaccharidosis IVA: the Spanish experience

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    Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) IVA or Morquio A syndrome is a progressive and disabling disease characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulphate sulphatase. Its clinical presentation is very heterogeneous and poorly understood in adults. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical manifestations of MPS IVA in adult patients in Spain and to assess their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Results: Thirty-three patients from nine reference centres participated in the study. The median age was 32 (interquartile range [IQR]: 20.5–40.5) years. The phenotype was classical in 54.5% of patients, intermediate in 33.3% of patients, and non-classical in 12.1% of patients. The most common clinical manifestation was bone dysplasia, with a median height of 118 (IQR: 106–136) cm. Other frequent clinical manifestations were hearing loss (75.7%), ligamentous laxity (72.7%), odontoid dysplasia (69.7%), limb deformities that required orthopaedic aids (mainly hip dysplasia and genu valgus) (63.6%), and corneal clouding (60.6%). In addition, 36.0% of patients had obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and 33.3% needed non-invasive ventilation. Cervical surgery and varisation osteotomy were the most common surgical interventions (36.4% each). Almost 80% of patients had mobility problems and 36.4% used a wheelchair at all times. Furthermore, 87.9% needed help with self-care, 33.3% were fully dependent, and 78.8% had some degree of pain. HRQoL according to the health assessment questionnaire was 1.43 (IQR: 1.03–2.00) in patients with the non-classical phenotype, but 2.5 (IQR: 1.68–3.00) in those with the classical phenotype. Seven patients were initiated on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), but two of them were lost to follow-up. Lung function improved in four patients and slightly worsened in one patient. The distance achieved in the six-minute walk test increased in the four patients who could perform it. HRQoL was better in patients treated with elosulfase alfa, with a median (IQR) of 1.75 (1.25–2.34) versus 2.25 (1.62–3.00) in patients not treated with ERT. Conclusions: The study provides real-world data on patients with MPS IVA. Limited mobility, difficulties with self-care, dependence, and pain were common, together with poor HRQoL. The severity and heterogeneity of clinical manifestations require the combined efforts of multidisciplinary teams

    The need for establishing a universal CTG sizing method in myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    The number of cytosine-thymine-guanine (CTG) repeats (‘CTG expansion size’) in the 3′untranslated region (UTR) region of the dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase (DMPK) gene is a hallmark of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), which has been related to age of disease onset and clinical severity. However, accurate determination of CTG expansion size is challenging due to its characteristic instability. We compared five different approaches (heat pulse extension polymerase chain reaction [PCR], long PCR-Southern blot [with three different primers sets—1, 2 and 3] and small pool [SP]-PCR) to estimate CTG expansion size in the progenitor allele as well as the most abundant CTG expansion size, in 15 patients with DM1. Our results indicated variability between the methods (although we found no overall differences between long PCR 1 and 2 and SP-PCR, respectively). While keeping in mind the limited sample size of our patient cohort, SP-PCR appeared as the most suitable technique, with an inverse significant correlation found between CTG expansion size of the progenitor allele, as determined by this method, and age of disease onset (r = −0.734, p = 0.016). Yet, in light of the variability of the results obtained with the different methods, we propose that an international agreement is needed to determine which is the most suitable method for assessing CTG expansion size in DM1

    Standardising clinical outcomes measures for adult clinical trials in Fabry Disease: A global Delphi Consensus

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    Background: Recent years have witnessed a considerable increase in clinical trials of new investigational agents for Fabry disease (FD). Several trials investigating different agents are currently in progress; however, lack of standardisation results in challenges to interpretation and comparison. To facilitate the standardisation of investigational programs, we have developed a common framework for future clinical trials in FD. Methods and findings: A broad consensus regarding clinical outcomes and ways to measure them was obtained via the Delphi methodology. 35 FD clinical experts from 4 continents, representing 3389 FD patients, participated in 3 rounds of Delphi procedure. The aim was to reach a consensus regarding clinical trial design, best treatment comparator, clinical outcomes, measurement of those clinical outcomes and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Consensus results of this initiative included: the selection of the adaptative clinical trial as the ideal study design and agalsidase beta as ideal comparator treatment due to its longstanding use in FD. Renal and cardiac outcomes, such as glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria and left ventricular mass index, were prioritised, whereas neurological outcomes including cerebrovascular and white matter lesions were dismissed as a primary or secondary outcome measure. Besides, there was a consensus regarding the importance of patient-related outcomes such as general quality of life, pain, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Also, unity about lysoGb3 and Gb3 tissue deposits as useful surrogate markers of the disease was obtained. The group recognised that cardiac T1 mapping still has potential but requires further development before its widespread introduction in clinical trials. Finally, patients with end-stage renal disease or renal transplant should be excluded unless a particular group for them is created inside the clinical trial. Conclusion: This consensus will help to shape the future of clinical trials in FD. We note that the FDA has, coincidentally, recently published draft guidelines on clinical trials in FD and welcome this contribution

    Fabry disease in children and the effects of enzyme replacement treatment

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    Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked inborn error of glycosphingolipid catabolism caused by a deficiency in the activity of the lysosomal enzyme, α-galactosidase A. In affected patients, the enzyme substrate, globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), accumulates in cells of various tissues and organs. Lysosomal accumulation of Gb3 begins in utero, and signs and symptoms of Fabry disease emerge in childhood and adolescence. The earliest presenting symptoms are typically neuropathic pain and gastrointestinal problems, which can have a substantial impact on health-related quality of life. Life-threatening major organ involvement is rare in young patients, but signs of kidney dysfunction (e.g., proteinuria), left ventricular hypertrophy, and stroke have been reported in children. There are two enzyme preparations for therapy: agalsidase alfa and beta. In two clinical trials of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa, including 37 children, boys demonstrated reductions in plasma Gb3 levels, and both boys and girls reported reductions in neuropathic pain and in the use of neuropathic pain medications. Heart rate variability, which is reduced in boys with Fabry disease, was statistically significantly improved with 6 months of agalsidase alfa treatment. In a single clinical study of agalsidase beta in children (n =16), skin Gb3 deposits and plasma Gb3 levels were reduced in boys. Differences exist in the administration and the safety profile of these two enzyme formulations. Follow-up of these cohorts and additional studies will be necessary to fully evaluate long-term efficacy of ERT in children with Fabry disease

    Mutations in SLC39A14 disrupt manganese homeostasis and cause childhood-onset parkinsonism-dystonia

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    Although manganese is an essential trace metal, little is known about its transport and homeostatic regulation. Here we have identified a cohort of patients with a novel autosomal recessive manganese transporter defect caused by mutations in SLC39A14. Excessive accumulation of manganese in these patients results in rapidly progressive childhood-onset parkinsonism-dystonia with distinctive brain magnetic resonance imaging appearances and neurodegenerative features on post-mortem examination. We show that mutations in SLC39A14 impair manganese transport in vitro and lead to manganese dyshomeostasis and altered locomotor activity in zebrafish with CRISPR-induced slc39a14 null mutations. Chelation with disodium calcium edetate lowers blood manganese levels in patients and can lead to striking clinical improvement. Our results demonstrate that SLC39A14 functions as a pivotal manganese transporter in vertebrates

    Preliminary findings on CTG expansion determination in different tissues from patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is characterized by a high genetic and clinical variability. Determination of the genetic variability in DM1 might help to determine whether there is an association between CTG (Cytosine-Thymine-Guanine) expansion and the clinical manifestations of this condition. We studied the variability of the CTG expansion (progenitor, mode, and longest allele, respectively, and genetic instability) in three tissues (blood, muscle, and tissue) from eight patients with DM1. We also studied the association of genetic data with the patients’ clinical characteristics. Although genetic instability was confirmed in all the tissues that we studied, our results suggest that CTG expansion is larger in muscle and skin cells compared with peripheral blood leukocytes. While keeping in mind that more research is needed in larger cohorts, we have provided preliminary evidence suggesting that the estimated progenitor CTG size in muscle could be potentially used as an indicator of age of disease onset and muscle function impairment

    A DM1 family with interruptions associated with atypical symptoms and late onset but not with a milder phenotype

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    Carriage of interruptions in CTG repeats of the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene has been associated with a broad spectrum of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) phenotypes, mostly mild. However, the data available on interrupted DM1 patients and their phenotype are scarce. We studied 49 Spanish DM1 patients, whose clinical phenotype was evaluated in depth. Blood DNA was obtained and analyzed through triplet‐primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR), long PCR‐Southern blot, small pool PCR, AciI digestion, and sequencing. Five patients of our registry (10%), belonging to the same family, carried CCG interruptions at the 3’ end of the CTG expansion. Some of them presented atypical traits such as a very late onset of symptoms (>50 years) and a severe axial and proximal weakness requiring walking assistance. They also showed classic DM1 symptoms including cardiac and respiratory dysfunction, which were severe in some of them. Sizes and interrupted allele patterns were determined, and we found a contraction and an expansion in two intergenerational transmissions. Our study contributes to the observation that DM1 patients carrying interruptions present with atypical clinical features that can make DM1 diagnosis difficult, with a later than expected age of onset and a previously unreported aging‐related severe disease manifestation