1,811 research outputs found

    Application of functional textiles in healthcare area development of therapeutic socks for diabetic foot: a clinical study

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    The use of multifunctional textile materials for health applications are showing a great development, namely in pathologies associated with the skin. The development of new textile products combining adequate structures and finishing treatments, using the technology of micro encapsulation to promote gradual release from the clothing to the skin of active principals, presents a great potential. Considering this purpose, socks has a great potential, as they guarantee a continuous and uniform contact with skin. In this work, Diabetic Foot pathology will be characterized, a functionalized textile product will be described and the impact of a clinical test will be presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Natural Orifice Transesophageal Endoscopic Surgery: State of the Art

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    The main goal of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is performing surgery avoiding skin incisions. Theoretical advantages of NOTES include decreased postoperative pain, reduction/elimination of general anesthesia, improved cosmetic outcomes, elimination of skin incision-related complications such as wound infections and hernias, and increased overall patient satisfaction. Although various forms of port creation to accomplish thoracic NOTES procedures have been proposed, transesophageal NOTES has been shown to be the most reliable one. The evolution of endoscopic submucosal transesophageal access resulted in the development of per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM), which had a fast transition to clinical practice. The authors present a review of the current state of the art concerning transesophageal NOTES, looking at its potential for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions as well as the hurdles yet to be overcome

    Transesophageal pulmonary lobectomy with single transthoracic port assistance: study with survival assessment in a porcine model

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    BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Thoracoscopic pulmonary lobectomy is being performed in an increasing number of patients. The aims of the current study were to assess natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) as an alternative to transthoracic endoscopic surgery, and to test the feasibility of peroral transesophageal right upper pulmonary lobectomy with the assistance of a single transthoracic trocar. METHODS: In 10 acute and 4 survival pigs, right upper pulmonary lobectomy was performed using a forward-viewing double-channel gastroscope and an operative thoracoscope with a 5-mm working channel inserted through a single transthoracic 12-mm) port. Time, safety, and feasibility of the following steps were recorded in all animals: esophagotomy, hilar dissection, individual ligation of the hilum elements, pulmonary lobectomy, and specimen retrieval. In the survival experiments, esophagotomy was closed using a reticulated laparoscopy suture device and an esophageal stent was placed. These animals were kept alive and monitored for 2 weeks. RESULTS: Esophagotomy was performed safely in all animals (mean procedure duration 5.4 ± 1.7 minutes). Dissection of the right upper lobe hilum elements (bronchus, arteries, and veins) was carried out without adverse events. Individual ligation of the hilum elements was performed in all but two cases (time for dissection and ligation 44.2 ± 14.8 minutes). Lobectomy and specimen retrieval were completed in all animals (9.5 ± 3.1 minutes). Esophagotomy closure and stent placement were carried out in 20.0 ± 2.8 minutes in the survival animals. These animals fed normally and gained weight postoperatively without signs of disease. Endoscopic examination before necropsy revealed a pseudo-diverticulum in one animal, and wound dehiscence with confined collection/recess in the remaining animals. CONCLUSIONS: Transesophageal right upper pulmonary lobectomy using single transthoracic trocar assistance is feasible and may represent a step towards scar-free pulmonary lobectomy.This project was funded by the FCT Grants project PTDC/SAUOSM/105578/2008

    Left atrial appendage ligation with single transthoracic port assistance : a study of survival assessment in a porcine model (with videos)

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    Background: Left atrial appendage (LAA) exclusion is a well-known procedure for the prevention of stroke in high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation and contraindication to long-term oral anticoagulant therapy. Objective: To evaluate a natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) approach for LAA ligation. Design: In 4 acute and 6 survival pigs, we performed LAA by using a forward-viewing, single-channelgastroscope and an operative thoracoscope with a 3-mm working channel (introduced through an 8-mm single transthoracic port). Setting: Animal laboratory. Interventions: The gastroscope was introduced in the thoracic cavity through an esophageal submucosal tunnel. An end loop introduced through the gastroscope was used to legate the LAA. In the survival experiments, the esophageal mucosa was closed using hemoclips. Main Outcome Measurements: The time, safety, and feasibility of the procedure were recorded. In the survival experiments, endoscopy and postmortem examination were performed on postoperative day 14. Results: Creation of a submucosal tunnel and esophagotomy were safely performed in all animals without incidents. The mean time for esophagotomy was 17.0 6.3 minutes. Pericardial dissection and LAA ligation were performed in all animals but 1. The mean time for LAA ligation was 34.4 19.1 minutes. No adverse events occurred during the survival period. Endoscopy showed complete esophageal closure. Postmortem examination revealed pleural adhesions on the site of pericardial dissection, and the LAA was fibrotic with the endoloop in place. Limitations: Animal study. Conclusions: LAA ligation with single transthoracic trocar assistance is feasible and may be an alternative to anticoagulant therapy or to permanent intracardiac implants in patients with atrial fibrillation.This project was funded by the Grants FCT project PTDC/SAU-OSM/105578/2008


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    How does we make Political journalism in Portugal? What can be done to improve it? From a quantitative and qualitative analysis to three reference Portuguese newspapers that came up in the campaign days during the Presidencies 2011 in Portugal, we will try to theoretically draw an explicative model of how Politics – in this case in politics on campaign – is covered by media (in particular by newspapers), to then, in the end, try do draw an abstract model of possible (better) coverage, giving concrete solutions to that effect.De que forma se faz Jornalismo Político em Portugal? E de que forma se podia fazer, melhorando-o? Partindo de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa a 3 jornais diários ditos de “referência” portugueses saídos nos dias de campanha das Presidenciais 2011, tentaremos teoricamente esboçar um modelo explicativo de como a Política – neste caso em campanha – é acompanhada pelos media (em particular aqui pelos jornais), para depois, no final, esboçarmos um modelo abstracto de hipotético acompanhamento, apresentando soluções concretas para esse efeito

    Investigação criminal: cooperação internacional e implementação do SPOC

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    O presente estudo versa a cooperação policial internacional, em matéria de investigação criminal, do Estado português enquanto Estado-Membro da União Europeia. Após delimitar conceitos importantes, como investigação criminal e cooperação, são referidas as principais estruturas de cooperação policial internacional, concretamente o Gabinete Nacional Sirene, os Centros de Cooperação Policial e Aduaneira, a Unidade Nacional Europol e o Gabinete Nacional Interpol. Seguidamente são identificadas boas práticas da União Europeia em matéria de cooperação policial internacional, designadamente o Single Point of Contact, descrevendo a sua composição, estrutura e funcionamento. Em momento subsequente são referidas as entrevistas efetuadas a profissionais de polícia a exercer funções no âmbito da cooperação policial, caracterizando as respostas obtidas. Por último, apresentam-se as conclusões resultantes do estudo efetuado relativamente à implementação de um Single Point of Contact em Portugal.The following research is about international police cooperation, in criminal investigation, of Portugal while member of the European Union. After defining important concepts, such as criminal investigation and cooperation, the main international police cooperation structures are presented, namely the Sirene Bureau, Police and Customs Cooperation Centres, Europol National Unit and Interpol National Bureau. Following are identified European Union best practices in international police cooperation, as the Single Point of Contact, describing its structure and functioning. Afterwards the interviews made to police officers working in police cooperation are referred, with the obtained answers. Lastly, the conclusions of this study regarding the implementation of a Single Point of Contact in Portugal are presented.N/

    Inflation and late-time accelerated expansion driven by kk-essence degenerate dynamics

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    We consider a k-essence model in which a single scalar field can be responsible for both primordial inflation and the present observed acceleration of the cosmological background geometry, while also admitting a nonsingular de Sitter beginning of the Universe (it arises from de Sitter and ends in de Sitter). The early one is driven by a slow-roll potential, and the late one is driven by a dynamical dimensional reduction process which freezes the scalar field in a degenerate surface, turning it into a cosmological constant. This is done by proposing a realizable stable cosmic time crystal, although giving a different interpretation to the ''moving ground stat'', in which there is no motion because the system loses degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the model is free of pathologies such as propagating superluminal perturbations, negative energies, and perturbation instabilities.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Replaced to match published versio