2,398 research outputs found

    Jogo de damas, uma recriação fundamentada no storytelling interactivo

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Tecnologia e Arte DigitalO projecto Jogo de Damas, uma Recriação Fundamentada no Storytelling Interactivo, constitui uma Instalação interactiva que emergiu no contexto de criação em Tecnologia e Arte Digital. A Instalação procurou constituir um espaço de reflexão, em torno de questões que incidissem na violação dos Direitos Humanos, em particular a violação dos direitos das mulheres. Para o desenvolvimento do projecto foi delimitada a realidade a contemplar e, nesse sentido, delinear uma ilustração sobre o quadro do feminismo, no contexto português dos finais do século XIX e século XX. Ao mote de partida foi associada a exploração do jogo semântico da palavra Dama; instigaram-se, assim, o início dos trabalhos com a criação de uma narrativa ficcional que reporta para a Europa, num ambiente futuro, no ano de 3075. Mediante os cenários conferidos pela narrativa ocorreu, posteriormente, a criação de um espólio de imagens e a constituição do registo sonoro, a considerar na Instalação. Esta ficou constituída pela interface de jogo e contemplou a fusão do mundo real com o mundo virtual. A plataforma de jogo considerou, na sua componente tangível, um cubo e quatro peças de jogo. Na sua componente digital prevalecem duas projecções associadas ao elemento sonoro. O jogo pressupõe a participação de dois sujeitos que interajam entre si e com o sistema computacional desencadeando, desta forma, um conjunto de escolhas e de acções e ou imagens correspondentes a uma sequência narrativa, previamente estabelecida. Esta componente sensorial é obtida com recurso à utilização de um sistema de visão por computador. Às aplicações computacionais implementadas correspondem a linguagem Processing em conjunto com as bibliotecas OPENCV, Serial e ESS.The project Game of Checkers, a recreation based on Interactive Storytelling is an interactive installation that emerged in the context of Technology and Digital Art. This installation provides a space designed for reflection on issues that deal with the violation of human rights, in particular the violation of women's rights. In order to develop this project it was necessary to choose a suitable reality to work with, so we designed an illustration of the structure of feminism in the context of the Portuguese late nineteenth and twentieth century. As a starter there is a semantic exploration around the word “Dama”. The scenario and plot of the game are presented through a fictional story with a futuristic environment - Europe in the year 3075. Throughout the creation of the different narrative scenarios we also created a collection of images and sound records that are linked to the game. The installation is constituted by the game interface and contemplates the fusion of the real world with the virtual world. The platform of the game is composed by a cube and four pieces, the Checkers. It’s digital component includes two projections associated with the sound element. This game requires two players who interact with each other, with the computer system triggering a set of choices, actions and images corresponding to a previously established narrative sequence. The sensory component is obtained by using a computer vision system. The implemented computer applications use the Processing language with OpenCV, Serial libraries and ESS as well

    Elijah Watt Sells Award: A Study Of Previous Winners

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    This paper reports the results of a survey of winners of the Elijah Watt Sells award. We ask them about the determinants of their success, which might be useful to other students preparing for the CPA exam. The winners graduated from different universities, not necessarily the ones ranked top, and almost all of them participated in a review course. Winners mentioned motivation and many hours of study as factors that determined their success. We also find different characteristics among male and female respondents in terms of age and work experience at the time of the exam

    Purpose and Justification for New Design Standards Regarding the Use of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites in Civil Engineering

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    The scope of this document concerns the purpose and justification for a new Eurocode for fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials, outlining the specific aims and reasons for standardization in this area, and the main interested parties (industry, consumers, trade, standardisation authorities and distributors) who will benefit from it.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Studio su legatura bizantina LAT. III, 111. (=2116)

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    Analisi dettagliata delle principali fasi di realizzazione della legatura in questione, contestualizzate da una lettura iconografica e storica. In una seconda parte sono riportati i risultati degli esami di diagnostica effettuati su smalti, ori, pietre preziose e legno, materiali costituenti l'opera. I primi due aspetti sono risultati necessari per la programmazione di un piano di intervento di restauro conservativo, descritto nella terza ed ultima parte

    Screening the Digital Landscape: Generation Z Insights into Employee Perceptions of Social Media Use in the Workplace

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    Мета роботи: В епоху цифрової трансформації компанії все частіше використовують соціальні медіа для покращення динаміки бізнесу. Це дослідження вивчає сприйняття працівників покоління Z щодо інтеграції соціальних медіа-платформ на робочому місці. та поведінкових намірів на поведінку використання, а також сприйнятого ризику на фінансовий ризик, ризик продуктивності та ризик для приватності. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Кількісний підхід, реалізований шляхом проведення комплексного онлайн-опитування за участю 152 фахівців. Результати дослідження: Результати показують, що працівники покоління Z вважають контакт з громадськістю найбільш значущою перевагою соціальних мереж, за якою слідує потенціал швидкої та ефективної комунікації зі споживачами, в той час як широкий доступ до інформації має відносно невелике значення. Серед негативних аспектів називають посилення конкуренції в певних галузях, більшу залежність від інтернету та надлишок реклами. Респонденти також визначили основні цілі компаній, пов'язані з впровадженням соціальних медіа, підкресливши важливість популяризації компанії та бренду, розширення клієнтської бази, сприяння зростанню бізнесу та покращення робочих відносин. Теоретична цінність дослідження: До негативних аспектів можна віднести посилення конкуренції в певних секторах, зростання залежності від інтернету та надмірної реклами. Практична цінність дослідження: Респонденти також визначили основні цілі компаній, пов'язані з впровадженням соціальних медіа, підкресливши важливість популяризації компанії та бренду, розширення клієнтської бази, сприяння зростанню бізнесу та покращення трудових відносин. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Новий підхід до покоління Z щодо сприйняття працівниками використання соціальних мереж на робочому місці. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Більша вибірка була б репрезентативною для Португалії, що дійсно важливо. Тип статті: Емпіричний JEL Classification: F61, F66, M14Purpose: In the era of digital transformation, companies are increasingly utilizing social networks to enhance business dynamics. This study investigates Generation Z employee perceptions regarding the integration of social media platforms in the workplace. Design/Method/Approach: A quantitative approach done by the administration of a comprehensive online questionnaire, involving 152 professionals. Findings: Findings reveal that Generation Z employees consider engaging with the public as the most significant advantage of social networks, followed by the potential for swift and effective consumer communication, while broad access to information holds relatively less importance. Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Theoretical Implications: Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Practical Implications: Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Originality/Value: New approach to Generation Z Insights into Employee Perceptions of Social Media Use in the Workplace. Research Limitations/Future Research: A bigger sample would be Portugal's representative what is indeed important. Paper Type: Empirical JEL Classification: F61, F66, M1

    Interventions infirmières soutenant les proches aidants d'adultes atteints d'un cancer en phase de traitement curatif: revue de littérature étoffée

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    Le cancer est l’une des principales causes de décès dans le monde. En Suisse, le taux de mortalité chez les hommes s’élève à 30% et 23% chez les femmes. En raison du vieillissement de la population, des nouveaux cas de cancer sont en évolution selon les statistiques de 2015. Les traitements ambulatoires sont beaucoup plus présents, ainsi les prestations de soins prodigués par les proches aidants seront plus importantes à l’avenir. Les traitements administrés auront non seulement un impact pour les patients mais également sur les proches aidants

    Adoption of the Eurocodes in the Balkan Region

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    This report addresses the activities carried out for the adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes in the non-EU countries in the Balkan region within the context of the Enlargement and Integration Action of the JRC. The considerable interest in the implementation and adoption of the Eurocodes in the Balkan region is based on the opportunity to have an advanced common standardization environment, which is adaptable to the particular requirements of each country with regard to the geographical, geological or climatic conditions and also allows selecting the level of safety. Moreover, adoption and implementation of Eurocodes will help the Candidate Countries to fully implement EU acquis at the time of accession and support Potential Candidate Countries to progressively align themselves with the EU acquis. The main objective of the activities presented herein was to focus on progress and specific needs for adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes and related EN standards in the Balkan region. Generally, it may be concluded that most of the non-EU countries in the Balkan region are going to use the Eurocodes as primary standards. These countries are aware about needs for harmonization of national legislation and standardization framework for construction with EU legislation. However, in most of the countries there is a lack of relevant institutional support for adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Cancer and Anorexia Nervosa in the Adolescence: A Family-Based Systemic Intervention

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    Objective. Anorexia nervosa is difficult to diagnose in cancer patients since weight loss, aversion for food, and eating disturbances are frequent in patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Nevertheless, efforts are mandatory to recognize and manage this condition which may occur also in cancer patients with a special regard to adolescents. Methods. Through the clinical history of Anna, a 15-year-old adolescent with advanced cancer, we describe the effectiveness of a family-based systemic intervention to manage anorexia nervosa occurring in concomitance to osteosarcoma. Results. Through a two-year psychotherapy period involving different techniques applied to the whole family such as family genogram, family collage, and sculpture of family time, Anna was relieved from her condition. Conclusions. Upon early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, anorexia nervosa can be effectively approached in adolescent cancer patients. The presence of a life-threatening medical condition such as cancer may provide motivation for a patient to control disordered eating behavior in the context of an appropriate family-based systemic intervention. The general frame of anorexia occurring in cancer-bearing adolescents is reviewed and discussed

    Bayesian clustering of curves and the search of the partition space

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    This thesis is concerned with the study of a Bayesian clustering algorithm, proposed by Heard et al. (2006), used successfully for microarray experiments over time. It focuses not only on the development of new ways of setting hyperparameters so that inferences both reflect the scientific needs and contribute to the inferential stability of the search, but also on the design of new fast algorithms for the search over the partition space. First we use the explicit forms of the associated Bayes factors to demonstrate that such methods can be unstable under common settings of the associated hyperparameters. We then prove that the regions of instability can be removed by setting the hyperparameters in an unconventional way. Moreover, we demonstrate that MAP (maximum a posteriori) search is satisfied when a utility function is defined according to the scientific interest of the clusters. We then focus on the search over the partition space. In model-based clustering a comprehensive search for the highest scoring partition is usually impossible, due to the huge number of partitions of even a moderately sized dataset. We propose two methods for the partition search. One method encodes the clustering as a weighted MAX-SAT problem, while the other views clusterings as elements of the lattice of partitions. Finally, this thesis includes the full analysis of two microarray experiments for identifying circadian genes