3,576 research outputs found

    Beyond symmetry-protected BICs: transmission through asymmetric crossbar junctions in one-dimensional waveguides

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    Over the last few decades, the study of Bound States in the Continuum, their formation, and properties has attracted lots of attention, especially in optics and photonics. It is particularly noticeable that most of these investigations base their studies on symmetric systems. In this article, we study the formation of bound states in the continuum in electronic and photonic transport systems consisting of crossbar junctions formed by one-dimensional waveguides, considering asymmetric junctions with commensurable lengths for the upper and lower arms. We also study how BICs form in linear junction arrays as a function of the distance between consecutive junctions and their commensurability with the upper and lower arms. We solve the Helmholtz equation for the crossbar junctions and calculate the transmission probability, probability density in the intersections, and quality factor. The presence of quasi-BICs is reflected in the transmission probability as a sharp resonance in the middle of a symmetric Fano resonance along with Dirac's delta functions in the probability density and divergence in the quality factors.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Boosting additive circular economy ecosystems using blockchain: An exploratory case study

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    The role of new technologies such as additive manufacturing and blockchain technology in designing and implementing circular economy ecosystems is not a trivial issue. This study aimed to understand if blockchain technology can be an enabler tool for developing additive symbiotic networks. A real case study was developed regarding a circular economy ecosystem in which a fused granular fabrication 3D printer is used to valorize polycarbonate waste. The industrial symbiosis network comprised four stakeholders: a manufacturing company that produces polycarbonate waste, a municipality service responsible for the city waste management, a start-up holding the 3D printer, and a non-profit store. It was identified a set of six requirements to adopt the blockchain technology in an additive symbiotic network, bearing in mind the need to have a database to keep track of the properties of the input material for the 3D printer during the exchanges, in addition to the inexistence of mechanisms of trust or cooperation between well-established industries and the additive manufacturing industry. The findings suggested a permissioned blockchain to support the implementation of the additive symbiotic network, namely, to enable the physical transactions (quantity and quality of waste material PC sheets) and monitoring and reporting (additive manufacturing technology knowledge and final product’s quantity and price). Future research venues include developing blockchain-based systems that enhance the development of additive symbiotic networks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Locating the Source of Diffusion in Large-Scale Networks

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    How can we localize the source of diffusion in a complex network? Due to the tremendous size of many real networks--such as the Internet or the human social graph--it is usually infeasible to observe the state of all nodes in a network. We show that it is fundamentally possible to estimate the location of the source from measurements collected by sparsely-placed observers. We present a strategy that is optimal for arbitrary trees, achieving maximum probability of correct localization. We describe efficient implementations with complexity O(N^{\alpha}), where \alpha=1 for arbitrary trees, and \alpha=3 for arbitrary graphs. In the context of several case studies, we determine how localization accuracy is affected by various system parameters, including the structure of the network, the density of observers, and the number of observed cascades.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letters. Includes pre-print of main paper, and supplementary materia

    Winter sowing and higher populations as dry-farming strategies on sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Sunflower is sown in early spring (March-April) under Mediterranean dryland conditions. Plant development is coincidental with increasing air temperature and crop ET and usually reproduction occurs under water and temperature stresses, resulting in severe yield limitations (Downes 1975, Carvalho et al 1990, 1991). As a strategy of stress avoidance during the reproductive stages winter sowing (late December and January) has been successfully tested (Vesperinas et al 1991, Ordonez 1990). This experiment tested the potential advantage in anticipating sowing date to late December or January, and in increasing plant population in order to use soil water more efficiently

    Relative Abundance and Compositional Variation of Silicates, Oxides and Phosphates in the W-Sn-Rich Lodes of the Panasqueira Mine (Portugal): Implications for the Ore-Forming Process

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    Panasqueira is a world-class W-Sn-Cu lode-type deposit located in Portugal. It consists of a dense swarm of subhorizontal quartz lodes criss-crossed by several ENE–WSW and N–S fault zones, bordering Late Variscan granite and hosted in Late Ediacaran—Early Cambrian metasediments. The relative abundance and compositional variation (assessed with EPMA) of the main silicates, oxides and phosphates forming the quartz lodes and their margins were examined, aiming to explore: (i) mineral and geochemical zonation at the mine scale; and (ii) some conclusions on the chemical nature of prevalent fluid inflows and T-conditions of mineral deposition. Quartz lodes nearby or far from the known greisen-granite cupola display significant differences, reflecting multiple fluid influxes of somewhat distinct composition related to various opening and closing events extending for several My, ranging from an early “oxide–silicate stage” (OSS) to a “main sulfide stage” (MSS), and further on to a post-ore carbonate stage (POCS); however, a rejuvenation event occurred after MSS. The onset of OSS was placed at ca. 299 ± 5 Ma and the rejuvenation event at ca. 292 Ma. The OSS was confined to ≈500 ≤ T ≤ 320 °C, following rutile and tourmaline growth under ≈640 ≤ T ≤ 540 °C (depending on aSiO2). The rejuvenation event (≈440–450 °C) preceded a late chlorite growth (≈250–270 °C) and the progression towards POCS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Eficacia del programa «(Des)venturas de Testas» para la promoción de un enfoque profundo de estudio

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    En este artículo se aporta información sobre la efi cacia de un programa tutorial para la mejora de los procesos de estudio y promoción de enfoques profundos de aprendizaje. El programa «(Des)venturas de Testas» se organiza en torno a un conjunto de libros que relatan las experiencias vividas por Testas, un alumno típico, a lo largo de su escolaridad. Estas historias constituyen la oportunidad para trabajar un amplio repertorio de estrategias de aprendizaje y procesos de autorregulación, pretendiendo capacitar a los alumnos para aprendizajes actuales y futuros más profundos. El programa se llevó a cabo durante un curso académico, una hora semanal en clases de tutoría. El diseño utilizado fue cuasi-experimental, con grupo experimental (n= 50) y grupo control (n= 49), y medidas pre y postest (conocimiento declarativo de estrategias de aprendizaje, enfoques de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico). Los datos obtenidos muestran que los alumnos que participan en el programa de capacitación, en relación a sus compañeros del grupo control, mejoran signifi cativamente en cuanto al dominio de conocimiento declarativo respecto de las estrategias de aprendizaje y del enfoque profundo, y disminuye el uso de un enfoque de estudio superfi cial, aunque no se obtienen mejoras estadísticamente signifi cativas en el rendimiento académico.Effi cacy of the program «Testas’s (mis)adventures» to promote the deep approach to learning. This paper provides information about the effi cacy of a tutorial training program intended to enhance elementary fi fth graders’ study processes and foster their deep approaches to learning. The program «Testas’s (mis) adventures» consists of a set of books in which Testas, a typical student, reveals and refl ects upon his life experiences during school years. These life stories are nothing but an opportunity to present and train a wide range of learning strategies and self-regulatory processes, designed to insure students’ deeper preparation for present and future learning challenges. The program has been developed along a school year, in a one hour weekly tutorial sessions. The training program had a semi-experimental design, included an experimental group (n=50) and a control one (n=50), and used pre- and posttest measures (learning strategies’ declarative knowledge, learning approaches and academic achievement). Data suggest that the students enrolled in the training program, comparing with students in the control group, showed a signifi cant improvement in their declarative knowledge of learning strategies and in their deep approach to learning, consequently lowering their use of a surface approach. In spite of this, in what concerns to academic achievement, no statistically signifi cant differences have been found

    Effect of sirolimus on urinary bladder cancer T24 cell line

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sirolimus is recently reported to have antitumour effects on a large variety of cancers. The present study was performed to investigate sirolimus's ability to inhibit growth in T24 bladder cancer cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>T24 bladder cancer cells were treated with various concentrations of sirolimus. MTT assay was used to evaluate the proliferation inhibitory effect on T24 cell line. The viability of T24 cell line was determined by Trypan blue exclusion analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sirolimus inhibits the growth of bladder carcinoma cells and decreases their viability. Significant correlations were found between cell proliferation and sirolimus concentration (r = 0.830; p < 0.01) as well as between cell viability and sirolimus concentration (r = -0.896; p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sirolimus has an anti-proliferation effect on the T24 bladder carcinoma cell line. The information from our results is useful for a better understanding sirolimus's anti-proliferative activity in the T24 bladder cancer cell line.</p

    Effect of sirolimus on urinary bladder cancer T24 cell line

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sirolimus is recently reported to have antitumour effects on a large variety of cancers. The present study was performed to investigate sirolimus's ability to inhibit growth in T24 bladder cancer cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>T24 bladder cancer cells were treated with various concentrations of sirolimus. MTT assay was used to evaluate the proliferation inhibitory effect on T24 cell line. The viability of T24 cell line was determined by Trypan blue exclusion analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sirolimus inhibits the growth of bladder carcinoma cells and decreases their viability. Significant correlations were found between cell proliferation and sirolimus concentration (r = 0.830; p < 0.01) as well as between cell viability and sirolimus concentration (r = -0.896; p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sirolimus has an anti-proliferation effect on the T24 bladder carcinoma cell line. The information from our results is useful for a better understanding sirolimus's anti-proliferative activity in the T24 bladder cancer cell line.</p