166 research outputs found

    Code Mixing Used by the Presenter on Visi Fm

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    This study deals with code-mixing used by presenters on VISI FM. The objectives of this study are to : (1) find out the forms ofcode-mixing, that are used by VISI FM's presenters. (2) find out the form of code- mixing that is dominantly used by VISI FM's presenter. This research applied descriptive quantitative method.The object of this study is presenter of VISI FM namely Deris and Lia. The tape recorder is used for collecting the data where the utterence of presenters were recorded while presenting that program.After collecting the data, the writer found that forms of code mixing occured in the presenters's utterances are code mixing in forms words, phrases, and sentences. Code mixing in form of word is dominantly used by male presenters namely Deris, where the percentage of the occurrence of code mixing in his utterances are 255 code mixing, where there are 29 code mixing in form of sentences, 92 code mixing in form of phrases, and 133 code mixing in form of words and code mixing in form of sentence is dominantly used by female presenter namely Lia where the percentage of the occurrence of code mixing in her utterances are 184 code mixing occured where there are 82 code mixing in form of sentences, 44 code mixing in form of phrases, and 58 code mixing in form of words. Keyword : Code Mixin

    Gaya Menyanyi Pada Musik Keroncong Tugu (Analisis Gaya Saartje Margaretha Michiels)

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    Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian yang berjudul “Gaya Menyanyi pada Musik Keroncong Tugu (Analisis Gaya Saartje Margaretha Michiels)”. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memahami gaya menyanyi Saartje Margaretha Michiels, difokuskan kepada pengetahuan musikal Saartje yang mempengaruhi gaya menyanyinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data-data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan Gaya Saartje Margaretha Michiels dan beberapa komunitas Keroncong Tugu di Kampung Tugu, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. Objek penelitian ini adalah salah satu dari lagu Keroncong Tugu, yaitu Gatu Du Matu. Penganalisaan melibatkan semua pengalaman musikal dan non musikal Saartje yang diperoleh melalui beberapa wawancara dan juga dokumentasi audio visualnya. Hasil penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang gaya menyanyi Saartje yang dipengaruhi oleh beragam unsur dalam lingkungan sosialnya, seperti keluarga, pertemanan, religi, juga komunitas keroncong, khususnya komunitas Keroncong Tugu. Gaya menyanyi Saartje diaplikasikan dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi atau konteks sosial dan penonton di setiap penampilannya. Meski demikian, nyanyian Saartje tetap memperlihatkan keunikan gaya yang berbeda dari penyanyi keroncong lainnya, dan hal tersebut sangat memperlihatkan identitas gaya menyanyi Keroncong Tugu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tentang gaya menyanyi Saartje Margaretha Michiels yang dipengaruhi oleh beragam pengalaman musikal dan non musikal yang konkrit di dalam lingkungan sosialnya. Gaya menyanyi Saartje diaplikasikan dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi atau konteks sosial dan penonton di setiap penampilannya untuk meningkatkan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap Keroncong Tugu. Kata Kunci :Gaya Menyanyi, Pengetahuan Musik, Keroncong Tug

    Kepentingan Malaysia Melakukan Investasi Dibidang Industri Pengolahan Kakao di Batam

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    Sikap dan Perilaku Petani terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian di Kabupaten Padang Lawas (Kasus: Desa Gunung Manobot Kec. Lubuk Barumun Kab. Padang Lawas)

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    Pinta Marito Daulay (080309004) Dengan Judul Penelitian “Sikap dan Perilaku Petani terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Di Kabupaten Padang Lawas (Kasus: Desa Gunung Manobot Kecamatan Lubuk Barumun Kabupaten Padang Lawas)”. Penelitian ini dibimbing oleh Bapak Ir. Yusak Maryunianta, MSi, dan Ibu Emalisa SP, MSi. Penyuluh pertanian diharapkan memiliki kemampuan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan yang kompleks, dengan dasar kemampuan profesional tertentu, termasuk ketrampilan merencanakan, melaksanakan kegiatan, memecahkan masalah dengan tanggungjawab mandiri pada tingkat tertentu, memiliki ketrampilan manajerial serta mampu mengikuti perkembangan, pengetahuan, dan teknologi di dalam bidang keahliannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui kinerja penyuluh pertanian di daerah penelitian, mengetahui sikap dan perilaku petani terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian. Daerah penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa desa tersebut salah satu desa yang sering mengikuti penyuluhan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode pemberian skor dan metode skala likert. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: kinerja penyuluh pertanian sudah dilakukan dengan baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani. Dengan kinerja atau tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi. Sehingga petani memberikan respon sikap yang positif dan respon perilaku yang terbuka

    Pyramiding of blast and bacterial leaf blight resistance genes into rice cultivar RD6 using marker assisted selection

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    Blast caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (Hebert) Barr. and bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) are two major diseases of rice (Oryza sativa). The use of varietal resistance is the most appropriate strategy for controlling the diseases, and molecular assisted selection can potentially accelerate breeding programs. The objective of this study was to pyramid genes conferring resistance to blast and bacterial leaf blight diseases to rice cultivar RD6, using molecular assisted selection. Near-isogenic lines (NIL) derived from two blast resistant crosses (RD6 × P0489 and RD6 × Jao Hom Nin) were pyramided with IR62266 (xa5), to transfer bacterial leaf blight resistance to RD6 introgression lines. Five flanking sets of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (RM319/RM212, RM48/RM207, RM224/RM144, RM313/RM277 and RM122/RM159: four for blast and one for BLB resistance) were used for screening of introgression lines carrying five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from the BC1F2 generation through to BC2F2:3 generation, and 12 pyramiding lines were identified. Gene validation for blast and bacterial leaf blight diseases was accomplished using artificial inoculation under greenhouse conditions. BC2F2:3 2-8-2-24 and BC2F2:3 2-8-2-25 showed greater levels of blast broad spectrum resistance (BSR) whereas BC2F2:3 2-8-2-36 expressed the highest of bacterial leaf blight resistance with a high blast BSR.Keywords: Gene pyramiding, introgression lines, molecular marker, Near-isogenic lines, SSR.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(28), pp. 4432-443

    Analysis of Genetic Impurity of An Original Cultivar Duku (Lansium parasiticum (Osbeck.) K.C. Sahni Bennet.), from Jambi, Indonesia Using ITS and MatK Gene

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    Duku Kumpeh is a original cultivar of Duku (Lansium parasiticum) from Kumpeh a local village in the Jambi, Indonesia. The understanding about genetic information is very important for sustainability used of this prospoctive germplasm of tropical fruit. Identification molecular is very essential to distinguish duku kumpeh with other cultivars of duku in Indonesia. Molecular characteristic of sixteen accessions of Duku Kumpeh were clarified using ITS and MatK gene. DNA from sixteen accessions duku from Jambi were extracted using Genomic KIT plant and amplified them using primer of ITS and MatK gene. The results of amplification DNA samples using both of primer ITS and MatK gene indicated that all of fifteen samples were effectively amplified. So this both of two genes are potential to use for barcoding DNA Duku. Six haplotype of ITS gene and eleven haplotype of MatK gene were identified. The accessions from kumpeh were have different haplotypes. There were genetic impurity in accessions of duku kumpeh. Genetic study and selection of duku kumpeh accessions with superior quality and similar genetic composition were needed in the future

    Caractéristiques polliniques des plantes mellifères de la zone soudano-guinéenne d'altitude de l'ouest Cameroun

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    Pollen Characteristics of Melliferous Plants of the Soudano Guinean Western Highlands of Cameroon. Between November 2000 and 2001, an inventory and pollen characteristics study of major melliferous plants of the Menoua Division in the Western highlands of Cameroon (Latitude North 5° 21.45N- 5°35.44'N and Longitude east 10°04.72- 10°26.24) were carried out. A total of 78 melliferous plants belonging to 33 families were identified. In terms of number of plants, the most-represented species were Asteraceae (12.9%); Solanaceae (8.6%); Euphorbiaceae (7.6%); Myrtaceae and Malvaceae (6.4%) respectively in decreasing order. As concerns pollen characteristics inter and intra families variations were recorded. The smallest pollen size (15.7 ± 1.6 μ) was found with Leucaena leucocephala while Calliandra callothyrsus had the highest (190.9 ± 7.1 μ). Subcircular pollen form was predominant (Asteraceae 39.2% of the 78 melliferous plants) followed respectively by spheric (20.3%; Convovulaceae), elliptic (12.2%; Dacryodes edulis, cordia sp.), and triangular (10.8%; Myrtaceae). Melliferous plants with aperturated exine pollen (Ageratum conyzoides, Psidium guayava) were predominant (71.7%) compared to those without aperturated exine pollen (Manihot esculenta, Croton macrostachyus; 28.2%). Pollen ornamentation also showed a trend of variation between species. Smooth pollen plants (Arachis hypogaea, Psidium guajava) were more numerous (46.1%), followed respectively by spined (25.6%; Asteracea, Malvaceae) and scabrous pollen species (Casuarina equisetifolia, Musa paradisiaca)

    Suppression of spin-state transition in epitaxially strained LaCoO_{3}

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    Epitaxial thin films of LaCoO_{3} (E-LCO) exhibit ferromagnetic order with a transition temperature T_c = 85 K, while polycrystalline thin LaCoO_{3} films (P-LCO) remain paramagnetic. The temperature-dependent spin-state structure for both E-LCO and P-LCO was studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Co L_{2,3} and O K edges. Considerable spectral redistributions over temperature are observed for P-LCO. The spectra for E-LCO, on the other hand, do not show any significant changes for temperatures between 30 K and 450 K at both edges, indicating that the spin state remains constant and that the epitaxial strain inhibits any population of the low-spin (S = 0) state with decreasing temperature. This observation identifies an important prerequisite for ferromagnetism in E-LCO thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review