2 research outputs found

    Crystallization and crystallographic analysis of an Arabidopsis nuclear proteinaceous RNase P

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    RNase P activity is ubiquitous and involves the 5' maturation of precursor tRNAs. For a long time, it was thought that all RNases P were ribonucleoproteic enzymes. However, the characterization of RNase P in human mitochondria and in plants revealed a novel kind of RNase P composed of protein only, called PRORP for `proteinaceous RNase P'. Whereas in human mitochondria PRORP has two partners that are required for RNase P activity, PRORP proteins are active as single-subunit enzymes in plants. Three paralogues of PRORP are found in Arabidopsis thaliana. PRORP1 is responsible for RNase P in mitochondria and chloroplasts, while PRORP2 and PRORP3 are nuclear enzymes. Here, the purification and crystallization of the Arabidopsis PRORP2 protein are reported. Optimization of the initial crystallization conditions led to crystals that diffracted to 3 Ã… resolution

    Biophysical analysis of Arabidopsis protein-only RNase P alone and in complex with tRNA provides a refined model of tRNA binding

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    RNase P is a universal enzyme that removes 5' leader sequences from tRNA precursors. The enzyme is therefore essential for maturation of functional tRNAs and mRNA translation. RNase P represents a unique example of an enzyme that can occur either as ribonucleoprotein or as protein alone. The latter form of the enzyme called PRORP (PRotein-Only RNase P) is widespread in eukaryotes, in which it can provide organellar or nuclear RNase P activities. Here, we have focused on Arabidopsis nuclear PRORP2 and its interaction with tRNA substrates. Affinity measurements helped assess the respective importance of individual pentatricopeptide repeat motifs in PRORP2 for RNA binding. We characterized the PRORP2 structure by X-ray crystallography and by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in solution, as well as that of its complex with a tRNA precursor by SAXS. Of note, our study reports the first structural data of a PRORP-tRNA complex. Combined with complementary biochemical and biophysical analyses, our structural data suggest that PRORP2 undergoes conformational changes to accommodate its substrate. In particular, the catalytic domain and the RNA binding domain can move around a central hinge. Altogether, this work provides a refined model of the PRORP-tRNA complex that illustrates how protein-only RNase P enzymes specifically bind tRNA and highlights the contribution of protein dynamics to achieve this specific interaction