11 research outputs found

    Mental health and burnout syndrome among postgraduate students in medical and multidisciplinary residencies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil : protocol for a prospective cohort study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high levels of physical, psychological, and social stress among health care professionals, including postgraduate students in medical and multidisciplinary residencies. This stress is associated with the intense fear of occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus known to cause COVID-19. These professionals are at risk of developing physical and mental illnesses not only due to the infection but also due to prolonged exposure to multidimensional stress and continued work overload. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of symptoms suggestive of mental disorders and burnout syndrome and determine the risk factors for burnout among postgraduate students in medical and multidisciplinary residencies in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: For this prospective cohort study with parallel groups, participants were recruited between July and September 2020 to achieve a sample size of at least 1144 participants. Research instruments such as Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; Patient Health Questionnaire; Brief Resilient Coping Scale; and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory will be used to collect data. Data will be collected in 2 waves: the first wave will include data related to sample characterization and psychosocial evaluation, and the second wave will be launched 12 weeks later and will include an evaluation of the incidence of burnout as well as correlations with the potential predictive factors collected in the first wave. Additionally, we will collect data regarding participants’ withdrawal from work. Results: The recruitment took place from July 29 to September 5, 2020. Data analyses for this phase is already in progress. The second phase of the study is also in progress. The final data collection began on December 1, 2020, and it will be completed by December 31, 2020. Conclusions: We believe the findings of this study will help evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health conditions of health professionals in Brazil as well as contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate measures that can alleviate these mental health challenges. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/2429

    Prevalência elevada de síndrome do esgotamento profissional (burnout) entre residentes médicos e não médicos durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2021.Introdução e objetivos: Desde o início da pandemia por COVID-19, os profissionais de saúde, incluindo aqueles em treinamento, trabalham sob condições de extrema exigência física e mental. Este estudo avaliou a prevalência da síndrome do esgotamento profissional (burnout) e seus fatores associados entre pós-graduandos residentes de profissões de saúde no Brasil durante a crise sanitária global. Métodos: residentes médicos e não médicos foram recrutados em todo o Brasil, entre 29 de julho e 05 de setembro de 2020, através do envio de formulários digitais, contendo instrumentos validados para avaliação de burnout (escala OLBI) e resiliência (escala BRCS). Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a presença de enfermidades, percepção de autonomia e de adequação pedagógica dos programas de residência, disponibilidade de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI), vínculos e carga horária semanal de trabalho e prestação de cuidados a pacientes com COVID-19. As diferenças entre grupos foram avaliadas por testes chi-quadrado, t de student, as correlações foram estudadas pela correlação de Pearson e por regressão logística multivariada. Resultados: Foram incluídos 1.313 participantes; média (desvio padrão) de idade de 27,8 (4,4) anos; sexo feminino 78,1%; raça branca 59,3%; médicos 51,3%. Burnout foi identificado em 33,4% dos participantes. As chances (odds ratio [intervalo de confiança 95%]) de burnout foram maiores nos profissionais que relataram enfermidades preexistentes (1,82 [1,36–2,43]), trabalho semanal > 60h (1,32 [1,04–1,67]), baixa resiliência (3,23 [2,48–4,20]) e foram menores quando era relatada adequadas percepção de autonomia (0,27 [0,20–0,37]), estrutura pedagógica (0,26 [0,21–0,34]), disponibilidade de EPI (0,41 [0,31–0,54]) e raça não branca (0,76 [0,60–0,96]). Conclusões: Observou-se alta prevalência de burnout entre residentes durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Características individuais, como a presença de enfermidades preexistentes e o grau de resiliência, bem como condições relacionados ao ambiente de treinamento se associaram à maior ou menor ocorrência da síndrome.Introduction and objectives: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health work professionals, including those in training, have been working under extreme demands, both physical and mental. This study evaluated the prevalence of burnout syndrome and its associated factors among post-graduate students (medical and non-medical residents) during the global health crisis in Brazil. Methods: medical and non-medical residents were recruited throughout Brazil, between July 29 and September 5, 2020, by submitting digital forms containing validated instruments for the assessment of burnout (OLBI scale) and resilience (BRCS scale). Additionally, the presence of illnesses, perception of pedagogical adequacy of residency programs, autonomy at work, availability of personal protective equipment (PPE), bonding, weekly working hours and providing care to patients with COVID-19 were also evaluated. Differences between groups were evaluated by chi-square and student's t tests, correlations were studied by Pearson and multivariate logistic regression. Results: 1,313 participants were included; average (standard deviation) age of 27.8 (4.4) years; 78,1% female; 59,3% caucasian; 51,3% physicians. Burnout Syndrome was identified in 33,4% of the participants. The chances (odds ratio [95% confidence interval]) of burnout were higher in professionals who reported pre-existing illnesses (1,82 [1,36–2,43]), weekly work hours > 60 (1,32 [1,04–1,67]), low resilience (3,23 [2,48–4,20]) and chances were lower when were reported adequate perception of autonomy (0,27 [0,20–0,37]), good pedagogical structure (0.26 [0.21–0.34]), availability of PPE (0,41 [0,31–0,54]) and non- caucasian race (0,76 [0,60–0,96]). Conclusions: A high prevalence of burnout was observed among residents during the COVID19 pandemic in Brazil. Individual characteristics, such as the presence of pre-existing illnesses and the degree of resilience, as well as conditions related to the training environment were associated with a greater or lesser occurrence of the syndrome