524 research outputs found

    Developing the personal readiness of vocational school heads for management in the digital education space through distance postgraduate education

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    This paper examines the personal readiness of vocational school heads for management in the context of the digitalisation of education. An empirical study revealed insufficient leadership qualities like entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, focus and communication among vocational school heads. A training program was developed to improve these competencies through distance postgraduate education. The program consisted of two modules delivered online over 30 hours. It utilised interactive methods like group discussions, role-playing, case studies and individual assignments. The program's effectiveness was evaluated through a pre/post-test design with experimental and control groups. Results showed statistically significant improvement in personal readiness components like entrepreneurship and focus on business in the experimental group compared to the control. The study demonstrates the potential of distance postgraduate programs to develop the leadership competencies needed to manage vocational schools effectively in the digital era

    Upper semi-continuity of the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm, a counterexample for H\"olderian almost complex structures

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    If XX is an almost complex manifold, with an almost complex structure JJ of class \CC^\alpha, for some α>0\alpha >0, for every point pXp\in X and every tangent vector VV at pp, there exists a germ of JJ-holomorphic disc through pp with this prescribed tangent vector. This existence result goes back to Nijenhuis-Woolf. All the JJ holomorphic curves are of class \CC^{1,\alpha} in this case. Then, exactly as for complex manifolds one can define the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm of tangent vectors. The question arises whether this pseudo-norm is an upper semi-continuous function on the tangent bundle. For complex manifolds it is the crucial point in Royden's proof of the equivalence of the two standard definitions of the Kobayashi pseudo-metric. The upper semi-continuity of the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm has been established by Kruglikov for structures that are smooth enough. In [I-R], it is shown that \CC^{1,\alpha} regularity of JJ is enough. Here we show the following: Theorem. There exists an almost complex structure JJ of class \CC^{1\over 2} on the unit bidisc \D^2\subset \C^2, such that the Royden-Kobayashi seudo-norm is not an upper semi-continuous function on the tangent bundle.Comment: 5 page

    Синтез люминофора на основе лютеций - алюминиевого граната и исследование его спектральных характеристик

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    В работе исследуются порошковые люминофоры на основе алюминатов граната с добавлением ионов металлов с различной валентностью, изучаются зависимости спектральных характеристик от условий синтеза.In this work, powder phosphors based on garnet aluminates with the addition of metal ions with different valences are investigated, the dependence of the spectral characteristics on the synthesis conditions is studied


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    The article analyzes the amount of limbs amputations  depending on the cause and effectiveness of rehabilitation measures using mirror therapy in patients with phantom-pain syndrome.У статті проаналізовано кількість випадків ампутацій кінцівок залежно від причини та ефективності реабілітаційних заходів із використанням дзеркальної терапії у пацієнтів із фантомно-больовим синдромом


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    Among the promising ways of using wastewater, scientists allocatethermal amelioration of soil with the help of flexible water-filledshells-sleeves. At this stage, further studies require the design of thehydrotechnical system of surface soil heating to identify the mostenergy-efficient ones, to determine the impact on their functioning ofclimatic factors and to develop a unified approach to assessing theirsocial, economic, environmental and investment significance. Aneffective tool for solving such scientific problems is mathematical andcomputer simulation - conducting numerical calculations usingmodern software systemsThe mathematical models of heat transferare the theoretical basis for substantiating the designs ofhydrotechnical systems for surface heating of the soil by sleevesshells. A mathematical model describing the processes of heattransfer is a system of equations consisting of a heat balance equationtaking into account heat conduction and a convective component, aNavier-Stokes equation, and a flow continuity equation. For practicalpurposes of engineering calculations, it is possible to justify andintroduce a number of assumptions and simplifications. Numericalcalculations establish sufficiently high heat and melioration effects insoil and air under conditions of surface heating with water-filledsleeves-shells. A computer simulation approach is proposed that can be applied to different hydrotechnical systems and to predict theirenergy efficiency in different soil and climatic conditions.Представлены результаты компьютерного моделирования распределения температуры в почве и приземном слое воздуха в условиях поверхностного обогрева широкой оболочкой-рукавом. Полученные результаты базируются на использовании математической модели, состоящей из уравнения теплового баланса с учетом теплопроводности и конвективной составляющей, уравнения НавьеСтокса и уравнение неразрывности потока.Представлено результати комп’ютерного моделювання розподілутемператури в грунті та приземному шарі повітря за умов поверхневого обігріву широкою оболонкою-рукавом. Отримані результати базуються на використанні математичної моделі, що складається з рівняння теплового балансу з врахуванням теплопровідності та конвективної складової, рівняння Нав’є-Стокса та рівняння нерозривності потоку

    Fractal Graphs and their Properties

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    The idea of representing urban structure and various communication systems (water and energy supply, telephone and cable TV networks) as fractal objects is not absolutely new. However, known works, devoted to this problem use models and approaches from fractal physics. For example, to simulate urban growth Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) model and Dielectric Breakdown (DB) model are used. This study introduces a different approach. Net structure of communication system is described by a graph of special type called regular G(l,r,n)-graph. Authors provide description of such graph, develop iterative process for its generation and prove its self-similarity, i.e. that every regular graph is a pre-fractal. After the infinite number of steps this process generates a fractal. The devised algorithm for generation and grathical representation of regular G(l,r,n)-graphs with different values of l,r and n has been programmed to receive computer simulations. For optimal graphic presentation of pre-fractals the Optimal Space Ordering method was suggested. It is based on the minimization of the >graph energygraph energy< is directly related to the graph's fractal properties. For G(3,3,n) and G(4,4,n) graphs fractal dimensions calculated by different methods are the same (D=1,5 and D=2 respectively), while topological dimension of both graphs is 1


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    The experience of using drip irrigation during the cultivation of raspberry varieties "GLEN AMPLE" has been studied. Application of the ribbon "Ro-Drip" in irrigation systems of agricultural crops can reduce operating costs, as well as improve product quality and yield, which is extremely important in conditions of high competition in the Ukrainian market. The ribbon "Ro-Drip" makes it possible, in addition to watering, to add necessary additives and chemicals with less losses and a long-term saving. No other drip band is tested and tested under actual operating conditions. It is satisfied with all the requirements for the resistance to clogging and longevity imposed onhighly effective drip irrigation systems.В работе изучен опыт использования капельного полива при выращивании малины сорта «GLEN AMPLE». Применение ленты «Rо-Drip» в системах полива сельскохозяйственных культур позволяет снизить эксплуатационные расходы, а также повысить качество продукции и урожайность, что исключительно важно в условиях высокой конкуренции на украинском рынке. Лента «RоDrip» дает возможность, кроме полива, вносить необходимые добавки и химические вещества с меньшими потерями и большой долгосрочной экономией. Никакая другая капельная лента не является исследованной и испытанной в реальных условиях эксплуатации. Она удовлетворяется всем требованиям по устойчивости к засорению и долговечности, предъявляемым высокоэффективным системам капельного орошения.В роботі вивчений досвід використання крапельного поливу привирощуванні малини сорту «GLEN AMPLE». Застосування стрічки«Rо-Drip» в системах поливу сільськогосподарських культур дозволяє знизити експлуатаційні витрати, а також підвищити якість продукції і урожайність, що виключно важливо в умовах високої конкуренції на українському ринку. Стрічка «Rо-Drip» дає можливість, крім поливу, вносити необхідні добавки і хімічні речовини з меншими втратами і великою довготерміновою економією. Ніяка інша крапельна стрічка не є такою дослідженою і випробуваною в реальних умовах експлуатації. Вона задовольняється усім вимогам щодо по стійкості до засмічення і довговічності, що пред’являються високоефективним системам крапельного зрошення

    Carbonitration of a tool for pressing stainless steel pipes

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    To upgrade the operational stability of the tool at LLC “Karbaz”, Sumy, Ukraine, carbonation of tools and samples for research in melts of salts of cyanates and carbonates of alkali metals at 570–580 °C was carried out to obtain a layer thickness of 0.15–0.25 mm and a hardness of 1000–1150 НV. Tests of the tool in real operating conditions were carried out at the press station at LLC “VO Oscar”, Dnipro, Ukraine. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the feasibility of carbonitriding of thermo-strengthened matrix rings and needle-mandrels to improve their stability, hardness, heat resistance, and endurance. If the stability of matrix rings after conventional heat setting varies around 4–6 presses, the rings additionally subjected to chemical-thermal treatment (carbonitration) demonstrated the stability of 7–9 presses due to higher hardness, heat resistance, the formation of a special structure on the surface due to carbonitration in salt melts cyanates and carbonates. Nitrogen and carbon present in the carbonitrided layer slowed down the processes of transformation of solid solutions and coagulation of carbonitride phases. The high hardness of the carbonitrified layer is maintained up to temperatures above 650 °C. If the stability of the needle-mandrels after conventional heat treatment varies between 50–80 presses, the needles, additionally subjected to chemical-thermal treatment (carbonitration) showed the stability of 100–130 presses due to higher hardness, wear resistance, heat resistance, the formation of a special surface structure due to carbonitration in melts of salts of cyanates and carbonates

    Large-scale comparative phenotypic and genomic analyses reveal ecological preferences of Shewanella species and identify metabolic pathways conserved at the genus level

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (2011): 5352-5360, doi:10.1128/AEM.00097-11.The use of comparative genomics among different microbiological species has increased substantially as sequence technologies become more affordable. However, efforts to fully link a genotype to its phenotype remain limited to the development of one mutant at the time. In this study, we provide a high throughput alternative to this limiting step by coupling comparative genomics to phenotype arrays for five sequenced Shewanella strains. Positive phenotypes were obtained for 441 nutrients (C, N, P, and S sources), with N-based compounds being the most utilized for all strains. Many genes and pathways predicted by genome analyses were confirmed with the comparative phenotype assay, and three degradation pathways believed to be missing in Shewanella were confirmed. A number of previously unknown gene products were predicted to be part of pathways or to have a function, expanding the number of gene targets for future genetic analyses. Ecologically, the comparative high throughput phenotype analysis provided insights into niche specialization within the five different strains. For example, Shewanella amazonensis strain SB2B, isolated from the Amazon River delta, was capable of utilizing 60 C compounds, whereas Shewanella sp. strain W3-18-1, from the deep marine sediment, utilized only 25 of them. In spite of the large number of nutrient sources yielding positive results, our study indicated that except for the N-sources they were not sufficiently informative to predict growth phenotypes from increasing evolutionary distances. Our results indicate the importance of phenotypic evaluation for confirming genome predictions. This strategy will accelerate the functional discovery of genes and provide an ecological framework for microbial genome sequencing projects.The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract numbers DE-AC02-05CH11231 and DE-FG02-08ER64511