33 research outputs found

    A case of insect colonization before the death

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    Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic science in which insects are used as evidence in legal investigations relating to humans, domestic animals and wildlife. One of the theoretical pillars on which the discipline is based concerns the fact that flies colonize a body after death. However in cases of myiasis, maggots are present before death, with consequences in the correct estimation of the minimum postmortem interval (mPMI). We report here the case of a woman, largely colonized by fly larvae, who has lain alive in her garden for four days prior to being rescued. Larvae were found on the conjunctivae, the bronchi, the rectum and vagina. The woman's death, two months later, was caused by tetanus. The consequences of myiasis on mPMI estimation are here discussed. In fact, despite she was still alive larvae, indicated and estimated age of 1.5–2.5 days, based on environmental and body temperature

    Dental age estimation in children affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    Dental root calcification has proven to be a reliable biological evidence to estimate chronological age of children. The development of structures usually examined in the age estimation forensic practice (e.g. skeleton, teeth) is supposed to be influenced by diseases and nutritional, environmental, ethnic, and ultimately even socioeconomic factors. This research aims to study the age estimation in children affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) with and without steroids treatment and compared with healthy subjects. Material and methods Dental age estimations based on 752 OPGs, 420 girls and 332 boys, aged from 3.3 to 15.99 years, were provided by applying Demirjian and Willems' original methods. Of the whole sample, 103 individuals were affected by JRA and 40 received a continuous corticosteroid therapy, over 1 year long. Conclusions Willems' and Demirjian's original methods, as methods commonly applied to estimate age for sub-adults with unremarkable medical history, can be used for medico-legal purposes to children affected by JRA. Willems' method tended to underestimate age while Demirjian's method resulted to be prone to overestimation for both healthy and JRA-affected children. JRA showed to have no influence on root calcification process even in children that received steroid treatment for 1 year or longer

    Dental Ritual Mutilations and Forensic Odontologist Practice: a Review of the Literature

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    Uvod: Etnička sakaćenja imaju antropološko značenje, kako u suvremenom tako i u nekadašnjem ljudskom ponašanju, ovisno o geografskim, religioznim i kulturnim čimbenicima koji znatno mogu pomoći forenzičnom stomatologu u postupku izrade dentalnog profila. Sakaćenje zuba i ukrasi na njima bili su, i još uvijek jesu, uobičajeni među mnogim etničkim skupinama i kulturama. Kroz povijest ljudskoga roda zdravlje zuba bilo je simbol mladosti, ljepote i snage, ali može imati i druga značenja. Sakaćenje zuba obilježje je mnogih nestalih kultura i prakticiralo se uglavnom tijekom religijskih rituala, u estetske svrhe i kao simbol pripadnosti određenoj socijalnoj skupini. No slični običaji i danas su uobičajeni u nekim područjima diljem svijeta. Materijali i metode: Članak je zapravo sustavni pregled literature o ritualnom sakaćenju zuba iz ranih 1960-ih, a uključeni su i podatci s PubMeda, Scopusa i Google Scolara. Istaraživanje je namjerno ograničeno na ritualno sakaćenje koje se može definirati kao bilo koje nepovratno narušavanje integriteta ljudskoga organizma učinjeno u ritualne svrhe i bez namjere liječenja. Zato su isključeni svi slučajevi pojedinačnih ili višestrukih samovađenja zuba učinjenih iz psihotičnih razloga te oralno sakaćenje djece jer se takva praksa u nekim etničkim skupinama smatra terapijskom. Zaključak: Spoznaje o promjenama na zubima nakon oralnoga sakaćenja važne su pri identifikaciji živih ili umrlih osoba, ili čak ljudskih ostataka jer odaju odgovarajuće informacije o etničkom i kulturološkom podrijetlu subjekta. U ovom članku navedena su i neka medicinskopravna stajališta o sakaćenju zuba, a namijenjena su doktorima dentalne medicine.Background: Ethnic mutilations have a social and anthropological significance both in contemporary and past human behavior, influenced by geographic, religious and cultural factors which can greatly help forensic odontologist’s practice in dental profiling process. ental ritual mutilations and dental decorations were - and still are - practiced among many ethnic groups and cultures. Throughout the history of humanity, having healthy teeth has a symbolic meaning of youth, beauty and strength, but it can also have other meanings. Dental ritual mutilations were documented in many cultures in the past and were practiced mainly for religious rituals purposes, for esthetic reasons and because they represented a symbol of status or of belonging to a particular social group. Similar rituals are still performed. Material and Method: The present paper is a systematic review of the literature reporting on dental ritual mutilations from the early 1960s and is included in Pubmed, Scopus and Googlescholar. The research was deliberately limited only to the ritual mutilations, which can be defined as “any irreversible impairment of the integrity of the human organism, made with a ritual purpose and without any curative aim”. Therefore all the articles dealing with single or multiple dental self extractions of psychotic origins were excluded, as well as the infant oral mutilations, since the practice is deemed to have therapeutical effects among ethnic groups dedited to this practice. Conclusions: The knowledge of dental alteration due to oral mutilations can be a powerful tool for the identification procedures of living or dead persons or even in human remains especially providing relevant information about the ethnic origins and the cultural background of a subject. Some medical legal issues for the odontologist about dental mutilation are also addressed in the paper

    Bayesian networks of age estimation and classification based on dental evidence: A study on the third molar mineralization

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    Not only does the Bayesian approach offer a rational and logical environment for evidence evaluation in a forensic framework, but it also allows scientists to coherently deal with uncertainty related to a collection of multiple items of evidence, due to its flexible nature. Such flexibility might come at the expense of elevated computational complexity, which can be handled by using specific probabilistic graphical tools, namely Bayesian networks. In the current work, such probabilistic tools are used for evaluating dental evidence related to the development of third molars. A set of relevant properties characterizing the graphical models are discussed and Bayesian networks are implemented to deal with the inferential process laying beyond the estimation procedure, as well as to provide age estimates. Such properties include operationality, flexibility, coherence, transparence and sensitivity. A data sample composed of Italian subjects was employed for the analysis; results were in agreement with previous studies in terms of point estimate and age classification. The influence of the prior probability elicitation in terms of Bayesian estimate and classifies was also analyzed. Findings also supported the opportunity to take into consideration multiple teeth in the evaluative procedure, since it can be shown this results in an increased robustness towards the prior probability elicitation process, as well as in more favorable outcomes from a forensic perspective