121 research outputs found

    Temporal solitons in an optically injected Kerr cavity with two spectral filters

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    We investigate theoretically the dynamical behavior of an optically injected Kerr cavity where the chromatic dispersion is induced by propagation of light through two Lorentzian spectral filters with different widths and central frequencies. We show that this setup can be modeled by a second order delay differential equation that can be considered as a generalization of the Ikeda map with included spectral filtering, dispersion, and coherent injection terms. We demonstrate that this equation can exhibit modulational instability and bright localized structures formation in the anomalous dispersion regime

    Dynamics of an inhomogeneously broadened passively mode-locked laser

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    We study theoretically the effect of inhomogeneous broadening of the gain and absorption lines on the dynamics of a passively mode-locked laser. We demonstrate numerically using travelling wave equations the formation of a Lamb-dip instability and suppression of Q-switching in a laser with large inhomogeneous broadening. We derive simplified delay-differential equation model for a mode-locked laser with inhomogeneously broadened gain and absorption lines and perform numerical bifurcation analysis of this model

    Negative refraction in natural ferromagnetic metals

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    It is generally believed that Veselago's criterion for negative refraction cannot be fulfilled in natural materials. However, considering imaginary parts of the permittivity ({\epsilon}) and permeability ({\mu}) and for metals at not too high frequencies the general condition for negative refraction becomes extremely simple: Re({\mu}) Re(n) < 0. Here we demonstrate experimentally that in such natural metals as pure Co and FeCo alloy the negative values of the refractive index are achieved close to the frequency of the ferromagnetic resonance. Large values of the negative refraction can be obtained at room temperature and they can easily be tuned in moderate magnetic fields

    Adaptive behaviour in a predator-prey model leads to multiple equilibrium states

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    There is evidence that multiple stable equilibrium states are possible in real-life ecological systems. In order to verify a hypothesis that such a multitude of equilibrium states can be caused by adapting of animal behaviour to changes of environmental conditions, we consider a simple predator-prey model where prey changes a mode of behaviour in response to the pressure of predation. This model exhibits two stable coexisting equilibrium states with basins of attraction separated by a separatrix of a saddle point

    Timing jitter of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback; a semi-analytic approach

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    We propose a semi-analytical method of calculating the timing fluctuations in mode-locked semiconductor lasers and apply it to study the effect of delayed coherent optical feedback on pulse timing jitter in these lasers. The proposed method greatly reduces computation times and therefore allows for the investigation of the dependence of timing fluctuations over greater parameter domains. We show that resonant feedback leads to a reduction in the timing jitter and that a frequency-pulling region forms about the main resonances, within which a timing jitter reduction is observed. The width of these frequency-pulling regions increases linearly with short feedback delay times. We derive an analytic expression for the timing jitter, which predicts a monotonous decrease in the timing jitter for resonant feedback of increasing delay lengths, when timing jitter effects are fully separated from amplitude jitter effects. For long feedback cavities the decrease in timing jitter scales approximately as 1/τ1/\tau with the increase of the feedback delay time τ\tau