1,882 research outputs found

    La recerca en traducció basada en corpus : aplicacions professionals i didàctiques del projecte GENTT

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    L'article revisa l'evolució dels objectius del grup GENTT, l'estat actual del corpus GENTT i les aplicacions didàctiques que s'hi ha donat fins al moment. Explora alguns casos d'ús de corpus en institucions internacionals i comenta les perspectives d'evolució del corpus GENTT i de l'eina d'explotació.Este artículo repasa la evolución de los objetivos del grupo GENTT, el estado actual del corpus GENTT y las aplicaciones didácticas que se han producido hasta el momento. Explora algunos casos de uso de corpus en instituciones internacionales y comenta las perspectivas de evolución del corpus GENTT y de la herramienta de explotación.This article reviews the evolution of the aims of the GENTT group, the current status of the GENTT corpus and the didactic use made of it to date. The article includes case studies of the use of corpora in international institutions and looks at how the GENTT corpus and its exploitation tool may be developed in the future

    Estudi sobre el grau de satisfacció de l'alumnat que participa en Projectes d'Aprenentatge i Servei (APS)

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    El present article exposa el procés d'investigació seguit en la recerca «Estudi sobre l'avaluació del grau de satisfacció de projectes d'Aprenentatge-servei (APS)», a la província de Barcelona, amb la finalitat de valorar el nivell de satisfacció de l'alumnat implicat en projectes d'APS de diferents nivells educatius

    Development of Digital Competence in the initial teacher education of early childhood education

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    La competencia digital es considerada clave para alcanzar la ciudadanía digital. Este trabajo muestra como se trabaja dicha competencia en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación infantil. El diseño de la experiencia se apoya en dos ejes principales; por una parte, en la propuesta de Porfolio para la Competencia Digital del profesorado aprobada por la Secretaría de Educación de Extremadura en el 2015, que adapta al ámbito educativo las competencias propuestas por el proyecto europeo DIGCOMP; por otra, en los principios del aprendizaje situado y aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP). Se muestran algunos ejemplos del trabajo realizado por el alumnado relacionados con la adquisición de las competencias digitales.Digital competence is considered key to achieving digital citizenship. This work shows how this competence is developped in the initial training for teacher of early childhood education. The experience design is based on two main axes: the proposed Porfolio for Digital Competence of teachers approved by the Department of Education of Extremadura in 2015, adapting the competences proposed by the European project DIGCOMP to the education field and the principles of situated learning and problem-based learning (PBL). Some examples of student work related to the acquisition of digital skills are shown

    Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing: This is not just another survey

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    Dynamic factor models have been the main “big data” tool used by empirical macroeconomists during the last 30 years. In this context, Kalman filter and smoothing (KFS) procedures can cope with missing data, mixed frequency data, time-varying parameters, non-linearities, non-stationarity, and many other characteristics often observed in real systems of economic variables. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a comprehensive updated summary of the literature on latent common factors extracted using KFS procedures in the context of dynamic factor models, pointing out their potential limitations. Signal extraction and parameter estimation issues are separately analyzed. Identification issues are also tackled in both stationary and non-stationary models. Finally, empirical applications are surveyed in both cases. This survey is relevant to researchers and practitioners interested not only in the theory of KFS procedures for factor extraction in dynamic factor models but also in their empirical application in macroeconomics and financeFinancial support from the Spanish Government Project PID2019-108079GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (MINECO/FEDER) is gratefully acknowledged by Pilar Poncela. Esther Ruiz and Karen Miranda acknowledge financial support from project PID2019-108079GB-C21 (MINECO/FEDER

    Recent Advances in Homogeneous Metal-Catalyzed Aerobic C–H Oxidation of Benzylic Compounds

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    Csp(3)-H oxidation of benzylic methylene compounds is an established strategy for the synthesis of aromatic ketones, esters, and amides. The need for more sustainable oxidizers has encouraged researchers to explore the use of molecular oxygen. In particular, homogeneous metal-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of benzylic methylenes has attracted much attention. This account summarizes the development of this oxidative strategy in the last two decades, examining key factors such as reaction yields, substrate: catalyst ratio, substrate scope, selectivity over other oxidation byproducts, and reaction conditions including solvents and temperature. Finally, several mechanistic proposals to explain the observed results will be discussed.(IT-774-13 (Basque Government) and CTQ2017-86630-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) projects

    Trabajo en grupo: la entrevista como valoración complementaria de la rúbrica

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    Póster presentado en: VIII Jornadas de Innovación Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 5 de abril de 2016, organizadas por el Instituto de Formación e Innovación Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo

    Small versus big-data factor extraction in Dynamic Factor Models: an empirical assessment

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    In the context of Dynamic Factor Models (DFM), we compare point and interval estimates of the underlying unobserved factors extracted using small and big-data procedures. Our paper differs from previous works in the related literature in several ways. First, we focus on factor extraction rather than on prediction of a given variable in the system. Second, the comparisons are carried out by implementing the procedures considered to the same data. Third, we are interested not only on point estimates but also on confidence intervals for the factors. Based on a simulated system and the macroeconomic data set popularized by Stock and Watson (2012), we show that, for a given procedure, factor estimates based on different cross-sectional dimensions are highly correlated. On the other hand, given the cross-sectional dimension, the Maximum Likelihood Kalman filter and smoother (KFS) factor estimates are highly correlated with those obtained using hybrid Principal Components (PC) and KFS procedures. The PC estimates are somehow less correlated. Finally, the PC intervals based on asymptotic approximations are unrealistically tiny

    Determining the number of factors after stationary univariate transformations

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    A very common practice when extracting factors from non-stationary multivariate timeseries is to differentiate each variable in the system. As a consequence, the ratiobetween variances and the dynamic dependence of the common and idiosyncraticdifferentiated components may change with respect to the original components. In thispaper, we analyze the effects of these changes on the finite sample properties of somepopular procedures to determine the number of factors. In particular, we consider theinformation criteria of Bai and Ng (2002), the edge distribution of Onastki (2010) andthe ratios of eigenvalues proposed by Ahn and Horenstein (2013). The performance ofthese procedures when implemented to differentiated variables depend on both theratios between variances and dependences of the differentiated factor and idiosyncraticnoises. Furthermore, we also analyze the role of the number of factors in the originalnon-stationary system as well as of its temporal and cross-sectional dimensions.Acknowledgements: Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science projects ECO2012-32401 and ECO2012-32854 is acknowledged by the second and third authors, respectivel