146 research outputs found

    An e-Business Model Ontology for Modeling e-Business

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    After explaining why business executives and academics should consider thinking about a rigorous approach to e-business models, we introduce a new e-Business Model Ontology. Using the concept of business models can help companies understand, communicate and share, change, measure, simulate and learn more about the different aspects of e-business in their firm. The generic e-Business Model Ontology (a rigorous definition of the e-business issues and their interdependencies in a company’s business model), which we outline in this paper is the foundation for the development of various useful tools for e-business management and IS Requirements Engineering. The e-Business Model Ontology is based on an extensive literature review and describes the logic of a “business system” for creating value in the Internet era. It is composed of four main pillars, which are Product Innovation, Infrastructure Management, Customer Relationship and Financial Aspects. These elements are then further decomposed.e-business models, ontology, e-business, strategy

    Editorial: Une prespective institutionnelle

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    Analyzing the m-business landscape

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    The m-business landscape never stops to change and the impacts on the mobile market are constant as players reposition themselves on the market according to the new opportunities and threats brought by rapid technological developments. This paper provides a conceptual tool to better understand this player arena and its objective is threefold. The first one is to analyze the role of the key actors using ontology for defining and assessing their business models. The second objective is to analyze and visualize the interaction of actors with each other from a value system perspective. The final objective is to evaluate and represent the dependencies of the actors, their strategies and their convergence or divergence on different issues by using an approach borrowed from policy makin

    Modeling e-Business with eBML

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    In this paper we demonstrate that modeling e-business strategies is important in a time where the first e-business disillusionment has taken place. The objective of this Paper is twofold. First we propose a theoretical e-business model framework (eBMF) for aligning e-business initiatives and projects. This framework rep-resents an ontology, which will allow firms to develop a sound e-business model, in an environment that is amongst other things characterized by new forms of network organizations. Second we show why the eX-tensible Markup Language (XML) is an adequate technology for describing this theoretical framework in a formal way.xml, e-business models, e-business

    China\u27s Broadband Wireless Industry - A Prospective Approach

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    Investigating the Use of the Business Model Concept through Interviews

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    The term business model is widely used and is increasingly gaining importance as a business concept and management tool, particularly in e-business. Several authors propose the application of the business model concept in different domains, such as for e-business planning, IS alignment, visualization, innovation, e-business process design or improving communication between stakeholders. Yet, little has been said on the business world\u27s perception of the use of business models, which this paper attempts to investigate through semi-structured interviews with company executives and business consultants

    Editorial: les articles sont rares

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    Editorial: Trois perspectives de recherche

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