8 research outputs found

    Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from the South Kauaʻi Swell Volcano, Hawaiʻi: Implications for the Lithology and Composition of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume

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    The South KauaÊ»i Swell (SKS) volcano was sampled during four JASON dives and three dredge hauls recovering rocks that range from fresh pillow lavas to altered volcanic breccias. Two geochemical groups were identified: shield-stage tholeiites (5·4–3·9 Ma) and rejuvenation-stage alkalic lavas (1·9–0·1 Ma). The young SKS ages and the coeval rejuvenated volcanism along a 400km segment of the Hawaiian Islands (Maui to NiÊ»ihau) are inconsistent with the timing and duration predictions by the flexure and secondary plume melting models for renewed volcanism. The SKS tholeiites are geochemically heterogeneous but similar to lavas from nearby KauaÊ»i, NiÊ»ihau and WaiÊ»anae volcanoes, indicating that their source regions within the Hawaiian mantle plume sampled a well-mixed zone. Most SKS tholeiitic lavas exhibit radiogenic Pb isotope ratios (208Pb*/206Pb*) that are characteristic of Loa compositions (>0·9475), consistent with the volcano’s location on the west side of the Hawaiian Islands. These results document the existence of the Loa component within the Hawaiian mantle plume prior to 5 Ma. Loa trend volcanoes are thought to have a major pyroxenite component in their source. Calculations of the pyroxenitic component in the parental melts for SKS tholeiites using high-precision olivine analyses and modeling of trace element ratios indicate a large pyroxenite proportion (≄50%), which was predicted by recent numerical models. Rejuvenation-stage lavas were also found to have a significant pyroxenite component based on olivine analyses (40–60%). The abundance of pyroxenite in the source for SKS lavas may be the cause of this volcano’s extended period of magmatism (>5 Myr). The broad distribution of the Loa component in the northern Hawaiian Island lavas coincides with the start of a dramatic magma flux increase (300%) along the Hawaiian Chain, which may reflect a major structural change in the source of the Hawaiian mantle plume

    Temporal geochemical variations in lavas from KÄ«lauea's Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ eruption (1983–2010): Cyclic variations from melting of source heterogeneities

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    [1] Geochemical time series analysis of lavas from KÄ«lauea's ongoing Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ eruption chronicle mantle and crustal processes during a single, prolonged (1983 to present) magmatic event, which has shown nearly two-fold variation in lava effusion rates. Here we present an update of our ongoing monitoring of the geochemical variations of Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ lavas for the entire eruption through 2010. Oxygen isotope measurements on Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ lavas show a remarkable range (ÎŽ^(18)O values of 4.6–5.6‰), which are interpreted to reflect moderate levels of oxygen isotope exchange with or crustal contamination by hydrothermally altered KÄ«lauea lavas, probably in the shallow reservoir under the Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ vent. This process has not measurably affected ratios of radiogenic isotope or incompatible trace elements, which are thought to vary due to mantle-derived changes in the composition of the parental magma delivered to the volcano. High-precision Pb and Sr isotopic measurements were performed on lavas erupted at ∌6 month intervals since 1983 to provide insights about melting dynamics and the compositional structure of the Hawaiian plume. The new results show systematic variations of Pb and Sr isotope ratios that continued the long-term compositional trend for KÄ«lauea until ∌1990. Afterward, Pb isotope ratios show two cycles with ∌10 year periods, whereas the Sr isotope ratios continued to increase until ∌2003 and then shifted toward slightly less radiogenic values. The short-term periodicity of Pb isotope ratios may reflect melt extraction from mantle with a fine-scale pattern of repeating source heterogeneities or strands, which are about 1–3 km in diameter. Over the last 30 years, Pu‘u ‘ƌ‘ƍ lavas show 15% and 25% of the known isotopic variation for KÄ«lauea and Mauna Kea, respectively. This observation illustrates that the dominant time scale of mantle-derived compositional variation for Hawaiian lavas is years to decades

    Crustal Contamination of Kilauea Volcano Magmas Revealed by Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Glass and Olivine from Puu Oo Eruption Lavas

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    Oceanic island basalts have a large range in ÎŽ^(18)O values (4.5−7.5‰) compared with the assumed primordial mantle values (5.5–6.0‰) and with mid-ocean ridge basalts (5.7 ± 0.2‰). Some Hawaiian tholeiitic basalts have low ^(18)O values (4.6–5.2‰), which have been interpreted to be either a primary source feature or caused by crustal contamination. This study was undertaken to evaluate the cause of low ÎŽ^(18)O values in Hawaiian tholeiitic basalts. We determined the ÎŽ^(18)O values of glassy matrix material and coexisting olivines from pristine basalts produced during the current, 14-year-old Puu Oo eruption of Kilauea Volcano. Our results show that the Puu Oo eruption lavas have significant ranges in matrix (0.7‰) and olivine ÎŽ18O values (0.5‰) which do not correlate consistently with other geochemical parameters and that many of the lavas are out of oxygen isotopic equilibrium. These features probably reflect partial assimilation of and oxygen exchange with metamophosed Kilauea rocks during the magma's 19 km transit through the volcano's east rift zone. The parental magmas for Puu Oo lavas had a ÎŽ^(18)O value of at least 5.2‰ and perhaps as high as 5.6‰. Thus, Puu Oo lavas do not give a clear indication of the ÎŽ18O value of Kilauea's mantle source but they do indicate that the oxygen in these otherwise pristine basalts has undergone significant modification by interaction with crustal rocks

    Geochemical variations during Kilauea's Pu'u 'O'o Eruption reveal a fine-scale mixture of mantle heterogeneities within the Hawaiian Plume

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    Long-term geochemical monitoring of lavas from the continuing 25-year-old Pu'u 'ƌƍ eruption allows us to probe the crustal and mantle magmatic processes beneath KÄ«lauea volcano in unparalleled detail. Here we present new Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope ratios

    Time scales of formation of zoned magma chambers: U-series disequilibria in the Fogo A and 1563 A.D. trachyte deposits, SĂŁo Miguel, Azores

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    High precision measurements of 226Ra–230Th–238U disequilibria and Ba concentrations are reported for samples from two chemically zoned trachyte deposits from Fogo volcano, SĂŁo Miguel, Azores. High-precision U-series disequilibria measurements by plasma ionization multicollector mass spectrometry were performed on pumice lapilli and volcanic glass separates from Fogo 1563 A.D. (∌ 0.14 km3) and the ∌ 4.7 ka Fogo A (∌ 0.7 km3) deposits in order to quantify the time scales of magmatic processes. Observed (226Ra)/Ba–(230Th)/Ba relationships in Fogo 1563 are compatible with a conventional instantaneous fractional crystallization model and a pre-eruptive magma residence time of ∌ 50 y. However, the Fogo A data cannot be explained by instantaneous fractional crystallization, and require a prolonged crystallization history. Continuous differentiation models better explain the observed 226Ra–230Th variations within the Fogo deposits and may be more realistic in general. Such models suggest magma residence times prior to eruption of ∌ 50–80 years for Fogo 1563, and ∌ 4.7 ka for the larger volume Fogo A eruption. These time scales represent liquid residence ages rather than the crystallization ages documented in most previous magmatic time scale studies, and allow constraints to be placed on the time scales necessary for the development of chemical zonation within the Fogo magma chamber. Our results indicate that calculated time scales are relatively insensitive to the precise nature of the continuous differentiation models, and further indicate that meaningful magma differentiation time scales can be obtained despite open system behavior, because the Ra–Th disequilibria are overwhelmingly controlled by feldspar fractionation. Calculated time scales are, however, extremely sensitive to DRa/DBa ratios. We therefore emphasize the crucial importance to better constrain the relative partitioning of Ra and Ba when employing Ra–Th disequilibrium data to constrain the rates and time scales of igneous processes