95 research outputs found

    Prolegomeni a una "educazione tecno-estetica"

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    Il saggio si pone come riflessione filosofica sull’opportunità odierna di un’educazione tecnoestetica, partendo dal presupposto che la sensibilità umana sia naturalmente predisposta a prolungarsi negli artefatti tecnici che l’uomo ha nei secoli utilizzato come protesi. Il modo in cui l’essere umano interagisce con l’ambiente risulta essere esternalizzato nelle tecniche esistenti e da queste orientato. Particolare rilevanza viene data ad alcune riflessioni di Simondon e di Kant, e ai concetti di senso comune e di immaginazione come schematismo tecnico. Nella parte conclusiva del saggio l’attenzione si sposta sulle caratteristiche di innovazione delle tecnologie digitali, e sul loro ruolo nell’influenzare senso comune, lavoro dell’immaginazione e – pertanto – natura dell’educazione tecno-estetica

    The Imagination and Its Technological Destiny

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    AbstractThe tradition of Kant's critical philosophy developed the concept of imagination rigorously and productively. In this article, I shall defend the suitability of placing this concept in a paleoanthropological frame and linking it to the cognitive practices – predominantly sensorimotor, interactive and those directed at the emergence of technologies – which preceded and prepared for the advent of articulated speech. Special attention will be paid to the internalization processes of these practices and their effects on human conduct. On the basis of this discussion, I shall defend the theory by which the advent of denotative articulated speech entailed a profound reorganization of the technical performances attributable to the imagination and the relative internalization processes. Moreover, the origin of articulated speech inaugurated a singular story, that of the relationship between word and image. In my conclusions, I shall describe a major outcome of this within the framework of the new electronic technologies

    Schiller. Il "politico" e lo "storico" ai confini dell'estetica.

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    Abstract: Muovendo da un’indicazione molto sintetica presentata da Heidegger nel suo libro su Nietzsche, il testo argomenta distesamente la tesi secondo la quale nell’estetica di Schiller, e in particolare nelle Lettere sull’educazione estetica, trovino ampio e originale sviluppo i temi della politicità e della storicità dell’esperienza artistica, che restano liminari in Kant (alla cui filosofia critica Schiller si ricollega in modo diretto) e costituiscono uno dei punti nodali del dibattito filosofico contemporaneo sulle arti. Abstract: Moving from the consideration of a synthetic observation made by Heidegger in his book on Nietzsche, the text discusses at length the idea there introduced that Schiller's aesthetics, particularly in his Letters on the Aesthetic Education, developed extensively and originally the question of the political and historical character of the aesthetic experience, which constitutes one of the pivotal issues in the contemporary philosophical debate on the arts. Although Schiller overtly referred to the critical philosophy, this idea remained marginal in Kant's aesthetics

    Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage 653 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage 653 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods: A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici Diabetologi, AMD) initiative constitutes the study population. Urinary albumin excretion (ACR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) were retrieved and analyzed. The incidence of stage 653 CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or eGFR reduction > 30% from baseline was evaluated. Results: The mean estimated GFR was 98 \ub1 17 mL/min/1.73m2 and the proportion of patients with albuminuria was 15.3% (n = 654) at baseline. About 8% (n = 337) of patients developed one of the two renal endpoints during the 4-year follow-up period. Age, albuminuria (micro or macro) and baseline eGFR < 90 ml/min/m2 were independent risk factors for stage 653 CKD and renal function worsening. When compared to patients with eGFR > 90 ml/min/1.73m2 and normoalbuminuria, those with albuminuria at baseline had a 1.69 greater risk of reaching stage 3 CKD, while patients with mild eGFR reduction (i.e. eGFR between 90 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) show a 3.81 greater risk that rose to 8.24 for those patients with albuminuria and mild eGFR reduction at baseline. Conclusions: Albuminuria and eGFR reduction represent independent risk factors for incident stage 653 CKD in T1DM patients. The simultaneous occurrence of reduced eGFR and albuminuria have a synergistic effect on renal function worsening

    Nuovi compiti per la teoria del cinema

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    L'autore prende in considerazione il cinema nella sua capacitĂ  di intrecciare le funzioni di un laboratorio creativo con quelle di un osservatorio critic

    I due tempi dell'interpretazione

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    Centro Internaz. di Semiotica, UniversitĂ  di UrbinoCenter Internat. Semiotics, University of Urbin
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