227 research outputs found
A Software Package Generating Long Term and Near Real Time Predictions of the Critical Frequencies of the F2 Layer over Europe and Its Applications.
Long term prediction and near real time (nowcasting) maps of the critical frequency of the F2 layer (foF2), over the geographic area extending in latitude from 34˚N to 60˚N and in longitude from −5˚W to 40˚E, have been provided since 2006 by the DIAS (European Digital Upper Atmosphere
Server) system. This work describes the software package PRODUCTION_DATABASE_foF2 &
Extract_Real_Time_Grid_foF2 constituted by two original software packages called PRODUCTION_ DATABASE_foF2 and Extract_Real_Time_Grid_foF2 which have been developed in the framework of
the ESA SSA Programme P2-SWE-1, in order to provide numerical grids of foF2 prediction on a mapping area more extended than that offered by the DIAS both in latitude (from 34˚N to 80˚N) and in longitude (from −10˚W to 40˚E). PRODUCTION_DATABASE_foF2, by means of the CCIR and
SIRM models, provides a database of long term predictions of foF2 for all the months and the solar activities characterized by the 12-month smoothed mean value of the monthly sunspots number
(R12) ranged between −50 and 150 with step = 1. On the basis of two effective sunspots numbers, R12eff_Northern and R12eff_Southern, which are calculated each hour using the foF2 autoscaled values provided by some reference stations, Extract_Real_Time_Grid_foF2 extracts from the database of long term predictions of foF2 the numerical grids representing the near real time ionospheric conditions
for the hour and month under consideration. Some applications of PRODUCTION_DATABASE_
foF2 and Extract_Real_Time_Grid_foF2 in terms of long term forecast and nowcasting maps of foF2 are shown and their usefulness is discussed
A short-term ionospheric forecasting empirical regional model (IFERM) to predict the critical frequency of the F2 layer during moderate, disturbed, and very disturbed geomagnetic conditions over the European area
A short-term ionospheric forecasting empirical regional model (IFERM) has been developed to predict the state of the critical frequency of the F2 layer (foF2) under different geomagnetic conditions.
IFERM is based on 13 short term ionospheric forecasting empirical local models (IFELM) developed to predict foF2 at 13 ionospheric observatories scattered around the European
area. The forecasting procedures were developed by taking into account, hourly measurements of foF2, hourly quiettime
reference values of foF2 (foF2QT), and the hourly timeweighted accumulation series derived from the geomagnetic
planetary index ap, (ap(Ï„ )), for each observatory.
Under the assumption that the ionospheric disturbance index ln(foF2/foF2QT) is correlated to the integrated geomagnetic
disturbance index ap(Ï„ ), a set of statistically significant regression coefficients were established for each observatory, over 12 months, over 24 h, and under 3 different ranges of geomagnetic activity. This data was then used as input to
compute short-term ionospheric forecasting of foF2 at the 13 local stations under consideration.
The empirical storm-time ionospheric correction model (STORM) was used to predict foF2 in two different ways:
scaling both the hourly median prediction provided by IRI (STORM foF2MED,IRI model), and the foF2QT values (STORM foF2QT model) from each local station.
The comparison between the performance of
the foF2QT values, was made on the basis of root mean square deviation (r.m.s.) for a large number of periods characterized by moderate, disturbed, and very disturbed
geomagnetic activity.
The results showed that the 13 IFELM perform much better than STORM foF2MED,IRI and STORM foF2QT especially in the eastern part of the European area during the summer months (May, June, July, and August) and equinoctial
months (March, April, September, and October) under disturbed and very disturbed geomagnetic conditions, respectively.
The performance of IFELM is also very good
in the western and central part of the Europe during the summer months under disturbed geomagnetic conditions.
STORM foF2MED,IRI performs particularly well in central Europe during the equinoctial months under moderate geomagnetic
conditions and during the summer months under
very disturbed geomagnetic conditions.
The forecasting maps generated by IFERM on the basis of the results provided by the 13 IFELM, show very large areas located at middle-high and high latitudes where the foF2 predictions quite faithfully match the foF2 measurements, and consequently IFERM can be used for generating short-term
forecasting maps of foF2 (up to 3 h ahead) over the European area
On the solar cycle dependence of the amplitude modulation characterizing the mid-latitude sporadic E layer diurnal periodicity
Spectral analyses are employed to investigate how the diurnal periodicity of the critical frequency of the sporadic E (Es) layer varies with solar activity. The study is based on ionograms recorded at the ionospheric station of Rome (41.8°N, 12.5°E), Italy, from 1976 to 2009, a period of time covering three solar cycles. It was confirmed that the diurnal periodicity is always affected by an amplitude modulation with periods of several days, which is the proof that Es layers are affected indirectly by planetary waves through their non linear interaction with atmospheric tides at lower altitudes. The most striking features coming out from this study is however that this amplitude modulation is greater for high-solar activity than for low-solar activity
On the influence of solar activity on the mid-latitude sporadic E layer
To investigate the influence of solar cycle variability on the sporadic E layer (Es), hourly measurements of the critical frequency
of the Es ordinary mode of propagation, foEs, and of the blanketing frequency of the Es layer, fbEs, recorded from January 1976
to December 2009 at the Rome (Italy) ionospheric station (41.8° N, 12.5° E), were examined. The results are: (1) a high positive correlation between the F10.7 solar index and foEs as well as between F10.7 and fbEs, both for the whole data set and for each solar cycle separately, the correlation between F10.7 and fbEs being much higher than the one between F10.7 and foEs; (2) a
decreasing long-term trend of the F10.7, foEs and fbEs time series, with foEs decreasing more rapidly than F10.7 and fbEs;
(3) clear and statistically significant peaks at 11 years in the foEs and fbEs time series, inferred from Lomb-Scargle periodograms
Electronic density contours and gravity waves
A campaign of ionospheric vertical sounding with an interval of 10 minutes between all the ionograms was performed in November 1995 in the station of Rome.
High-repetition soundings are more useful than the routine soundings for a more precise analysis of the MSTIDs. Isodensity contours of real height vs. time were obtained. The periods of oscillations observed and the upward phase propagation suggest the existence of gravity waves in the ionosphere
The IONORT-ISP-WC system: inclusion of an electron collision frequency model for the D-layer
The IONORT-ISP system (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing – IRI-SIRMUP-PROFILES) was recently developed and tested by comparing the measured oblique ionograms over the radio link between Rome (41.89ºN, 12.48ºE), Italy, and Chania (35.51ºN, 24.02ºE), Greece, with the IONORT-ISP simulated oblique ionograms (Settimi et al., 2013). The present paper describes an upgrade of the system to include: a) electron-neutral collision have been included by using a collision frequency model that consists of a double exponential profile; b) the ISP three dimensional (3-D) model of electron density profile grid has been extended down to the altitude of the D-layer; c) the resolution in latitude and longitude of the ISP 3-D model of electron density profile grid has been increased from 2°x2° to 1°x1°. Based on these updates, a new software tool called IONORT-ISP-WC (WC means with collisions) was developed, and a database of 33 IONORT-ISP-WC synthesized oblique ionograms calculated for single (1-hop paths) and multiple (3-hop paths) ionospheric reflections. The IONORT-ISP-WC simulated oblique ionograms were compared with the IONORT-IRI-WC synthesized oblique ionograms, generated by applying IONORT in conjunction with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 3-D electron density grid, and the observed oblique ionograms over the aforementioned radio link. The results obtained show that (1) during daytime, for the lower ionospheric layers, the traces of the synthesized ionograms are cut away at low frequencies because of HF absorption; (2) during night-time, for the higher ionospheric layers, the traces of the simulated ionograms at low frequencies are not cut off (very little HF absorption); (3) the IONORT-ISP-WC MUF values are more accurate than the IONORT-IRI-WC MUF values
Magnetic and solar effects on ionospheric absorption at high latitude
Some periods of intense solar events and of strong magnetic storms have been selected and their effects on the ionospheric D region have been investigated on the basis of ionospheric absorption data derived from riometer measurements made at the Italian Antarctic Base of Terra Nova Bay (geographic coordinates: 74.69 S, 164.12 E; geomagnetic coordinates: 77.34 S, 279.41 E). It was found that sharp increases in ionospheric absorption are mainly due to solar protons emission with an energy greater than 10 MeV. Moreover, the day to night ratios of the ionospheric absorption are greater than 2 in the case of strong events of energetic protons emitted by the Sun, while during magnetic storms, these ratios range between 1 and 2
foF2 prediction in Rome observatory
A prediction procedure of the hourly values of the critical frequency of the F2 ionospheric layer, foF2, based on the local geomagnetic index ak, is presented. The geomagnetic index utilised is the time-weighted accumulation magnetic index ak(Ï„) based on recent past history of the index ak. It is utilised an empirical relationship between the log(NmF2(t)/ NmF2M), where NmF2(t) is the hourly maximum electron density at the F2 peak layer and NmF2M is its 'quiet' value, and the time weighted magnetic index. The prediction of foF2 is calculated during periods of severe magnetic activity in the current solar cycle 23 in Rome observatory
The COMPLEIK subroutine of the IONORT-ISP system for calculating the non-deviative absorption: A comparison with the ICEPAC formula
The present paper proposes to discuss the ionospheric absorption, assuming a quasi-flat layered ionospheric medium, with small horizontal gradients. A recent complex eikonal model [Settimi et al., 2013b] is applied, useful to calculate the absorption due to the ionospheric D-layer, which can be approximately characterized by a linearized analytical profile of complex refractive index, covering a short range of heights between h1= 50 km and h2= 90 km. Moreover, Settimi et al. [2013c] have already compared the complex eikonal model for the D-layer with the analytical Chapman’s profile of ionospheric electron density; the corresponding absorption coefficient is more accurate than Rawer’s theory [1976] in the range of middle critical frequencies. Finally, in this paper, the simple complex eikonal equations, in quasi-longitudinal (QL) approximation, for calculating the non-deviative absorption coefficient due to the propagation across the D-layer are encoded into a so called COMPLEIK (COMPLex EIKonal) subroutine of the IONORT (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing) program [Azzarone et al., 2012]. The IONORT program, which simulates the three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing for high frequencies (HF) waves in the ionosphere, runs on the assimilative ISP (IRI-SIRMUP-P) discrete model over the Mediterranean area [Pezzopane et al., 2011]. As main outcome of the paper, the simple COMPLEIK algorithm is compared to the more elaborate semi-empirical ICEPAC formula [Stewart, undated], which refers to various phenomenological parameters such as the critical frequency of E-layer. COMPLEIK is reliable just like the ICEPAC, with the advantage of being implemented more directly. Indeed, the complex eikonal model depends just on some parameters of the electron density profile, which are numerically calculable, such as the maximum height
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