427 research outputs found

    Accueil et intégration des adultes allophones à la Médiathèque Valais-Martigny

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    La Médiathèque Valais-Martigny (MV-My) constate qu’à l’heure actuelle, elle n’est que peu, voire pas fréquentée du tout par une majeure partie de la population allophone adulte locale. Or, en tant que médiathèque communale, elle a pour mission de toucher tous les publics, en priorité locaux, grâce à une offre riche et variée. Ce travail, réalisé pour la MV-My, répond donc à deux objectifs : en premier lieu, il s’agit de comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles cette partie de la population est peu présente, voire absente pour le site martignerain de l’institution Médiathèque en identifiant ses besoins et ses attentes en matière d’offre, mais également la représentation qu’elle se fait de l’institution. En deuxième lieu, il s’agit de proposer des actions concrètes, portant sur les collections, ainsi que sur des activités de médiation, qui pourraient être mises en oeuvre à la MV-My en vue de l’attirer. Ainsi, de nouvelles pistes de développements possibles ont été identifiées en vue de redéployer la mission que l’institution se doit de remplir. Afin de déterminer les obstacles à la fréquentation de la MV-My par les adultes allophones martignerains ainsi que leurs besoins et attentes en matière d’activités, de services et de documents, un sondage a été réalisé au moyen d’un questionnaire créé en ligne. En parallèle, un état de l’art des offres proposées dans d’autres bibliothèques liées à l’accueil et à l’intégration des adultes allophones a été dressé, ceci dans le but de pouvoir s’inspirer des actions ayant déjà été mises en oeuvre aussi bien en Suisse qu’à l’étranger. Grâce aux résultats du sondage, les besoins de la population-cible en matière d’offre en bibliothèque ont ainsi pu être définis. Sur la base de ces besoins et de l’état de l’art, des propositions d’actions à mettre en place ont été rédigées, dans le but de fournir à la MV-My, des pistes lui permettant d’accroître la fréquentation de la population allophone adulte locale. En proposant des actions, pour la plupart de médiation culturelle et informationnelle, ce travail s’inscrit dans le concept de « bibliothèque troisième lieu » déjà adopté par l’institution et dont l’importance ne cesse de croître, puisqu’il est un paramètre fondamental pour l’avenir des bibliothèques

    Low Dose of Propranolol Does Not Affect Rat Osteotomy Healing and Callus Strength

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    Experimental studies suggest that the β‐blocker propranolol stimulates bone formation but little work has investigated its effect on fracture healing. In this study, we examined if a low dose of propranolol, previously shown to be preventive against bone loss in rats, improves bone repair. Female Wistar rats were injected with saline or propranolol (0.1 mg/kg/day) (n = 20/group), 5 days a week for 8 weeks. Three weeks after the beginning of treatment, all rats underwent a mid‐diaphyseal transverse osteotomy in the left femur. Radiographic analysis of ostetomy healing was performed 2 and 5 weeks after osteotomy. Rats were sacrificed at 5 weeks and femora collected for measurements of fracture strength by torsional testing, callus volume, and mineral content by micro‐CT analysis and histology of fracture callus. Eighty nine percent of osteotomies achieved apparent radiological union by 5 weeks in both groups. Propranolol treatment did not significantly alter the torsional strength of the fractured femur compared with controls. The volume and mineralization of fracture callus at 5 weeks were not significantly different in both groups. Histology showed that endochondral ossification was not affected by propranolol. Altogether, our results demonstrate that propranolol using the regimen described does not significantly improve or inhibit rat osteotomy healing and mechanical strength


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    Poor general health, low awareness and high levels of anxiety are factors that affect the performance of employees in their daily lives. Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) is a contextual therapy that teaches the participant to feel the comfortable and uncomfortable experiences in order for them to live a full life in the field of work, health, among other areas. The present study sought to increase general health and mindful awareness, as well as to decrease anxiety in 15 employees of a company. For this purpose, three two-hour sessions of ACT were provided. Participants were assessed for general health with the GHQ-28 test, for mindfulness with the MAAS and for anxiety with the AAQ-2 both before and after each of the three sessions. Significant differences were found in the GHQ and MAAS scores, but not in the AAQ-2 before and after receiving treatment with ACT. A moderate effect size was also found on the GHQ-28 scores (G=0.64), a large effect size on the MAAS (G=0.81) and a mild effect size on the AAQ-2 (D=.44). With this research, it was concluded that acceptance and commitment therapy seems to generate an increase in participants' general health and mindfulness, but not a significant decrease in anxiety. La pobre salud general, la baja toma de conciencia y el alto nivel de ansiedad son factores que afectan el rendimiento de los colaboradores en su día a día. La terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso es una terapia contextual que enseña al que la recibe a sentir las experiencias cómodas e incómodas en aras de vivir una vida plena en el ámbito del trabajo, la salud, entre otras áreas. El presente estudio buscó aumentar la salud general y la conciencia plena, así como disminuir la ansiedad de 15 colaboradores de una empresa. Para ello, se les brindó tres sesiones de dos horas de terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) por cada sesión. A los participantes se les evaluó la salud general con la prueba GHQ-28, a la conciencia plena con el MAAS y a la ansiedad con el AAQ-2 tanto antes como después de cada una de las tres sesiones. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los puntajes del GHQ y MAAS, pero no en el AAQ-2 antes y después del tratamiento con ACT. También se encontró un tamaño de efecto moderado en las puntuaciones del GHQ-28 (G=0.64), un tamaño de efecto grande en el MAAS (G=0.81) y un tamaño de efecto leve en el AAQ-2 (D=.44). Con esta investigación se concluyó que la ACT parece generar un aumento en la salud general y conciencia plena de los participantes, más no un decremento significativo en la ansiedad de los mismos.&nbsp


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    Human beings undertake migration for various reasons, whether by land, sea or air, alone or in groups, facing difficult paths and adverse conditions until they reach their destination. That is why we have carried out a study that aimed to analyze the possible risk and protective factors involved in the development of mental health conditions in migrants  just days after crossing the Darién jungle. In addition, this investigation seeks to expose the common motivations that lead a person to cross this jungle, the experiences they lived on their way and the assistance they received in the shelters of Lajas Blancas and San Vicente, in Darien, Panama. The type of research was qualitative, since it was possible to interact with migrants who lived in Lajas Blancas and San Vicente between December 2022 and June 2023. Stories were collected through notes, interviews, focus groups and life stories, following a phenomenological design. The results revealed that some risk factors for migrants' mental health could include exposure to dangerous routes, having been victims of physical and/or sexual assaults, witnessing deaths in the jungle, experiencing difficulties falling asleep, and managing emotions such as anxiety, sadness, guilt, and fear. On the other hand, protective factors that could mitigate the risk of developing mental health problems in migrants were identified, such as traveling in group, receiving free medical care at immigration reception points, having a support network and economic resources. We are considering exploring the causal relationship between these risk and protective factors and the deterioration of migrants' mental health in order to obtain more precise conclusions in future research.El ser humano emprende la migración por diversas motivaciones, ya sea a través de tierra, mar o aire, en solitario o en grupo, enfrentando caminos difíciles y condiciones adversas hasta alcanzar su destino. Es por ello que hemos realizado un estudio que tuvo como propósito analizar los posibles factores de riesgo y protectores involucrados en el desarrollo de condiciones de salud mental en migrantes apenas días después de atravesar la selva del Darién. Además, busca exponer las motivaciones comunes que llevan a una persona a cruzar esta selva, las vivencias durante esta travesía y la asistencia no gubernamental recibida en los refugios de Lajas Blancas y San Vicente, en Panamá. El tipo de investigación fue cualitativa, ya que se pudo interactuar con migrantes alojados en Lajas Blancas y San Vicente entre diciembre de 2022 y junio de 2023. Se recopilaron relatos a través de anotaciones, entrevistas, grupos de enfoque e historias de vida, siguiendo un diseño fenomenológico. Los resultados revelaron que algunos factores de riesgo para la salud mental de los migrantes podrían incluir la exposición a rutas peligrosas, haber sido víctimas de asaltos físicos y/o sexuales, presenciar muertes en la selva, experimentar dificultades para conciliar el sueño y manejar emociones como ansiedad, tristeza, culpa y miedo. Por otro lado, se identificaron factores protectores que podrían mitigar el riesgo de desarrollar problemas de salud mental en los migrantes, como el viajar en grupo, recibir atención médica gratuita en los puntos de recepción migratoria, contar con una red de apoyo y recursos económicos. Se considera explorar la relación causal entre estos factores de riesgo y protectores y el deterioro de la salud mental de los migrantes para obtener conclusiones más precisas en futuras investigaciones

    A systematic review of vitamin D status in populations worldwide

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    Vitamin D deficiency is associated with osteoporosis and is thought to increase the risk of cancer and CVD. Despite these numerous potential health effects, data on vitamin D status at the population level and within key subgroups are limited. The aims of the present study were to examine patterns of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels worldwide and to assess differences by age, sex and region. In a systematic literature review using the Medline and EMBASE databases, we identified 195 studies conducted in forty-four countries involving more than 168000 participants. Mean population-level 25(OH)D values varied considerably across the studies (range 4·9-136·2nmol/l), with 37·3% of the studies reporting mean values below 50nmol/l. The highest 25(OH)D values were observed in North America. Although age-related differences were observed in the Asia/Pacific and Middle East/Africa regions, they were not observed elsewhere and sex-related differences were not observed in any region. Substantial heterogeneity between the studies precluded drawing conclusions on overall vitamin D status at the population level. Exploratory analyses, however, suggested that newborns and institutionalised elderly from several regions worldwide appeared to be at a generally higher risk of exhibiting lower 25(OH)D values. Substantial details on worldwide patterns of vitamin D status at the population level and within key subgroups are needed to inform public health policy development to reduce risk for potential health consequences of an inadequate vitamin D statu


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    Irrational beliefs, according to cognitive behavior theories, are thoughts that someone maintain in an inflexible way and are not supported by logical or realistic facts. These beliefs are often cognitive distortions that negatively influence the emotions and behaviors of the people who hold them (Lega et al. 1997). The objective of this research is to evaluate the effects of Psic. 430 course on Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which includes a new module on mindfulness training. A quasi-experimental design (pre and post-test) was used with a three month and a half follow up and a control group. The Irrational Beliefs Test (Jones-Calvet-Cardeñoso, 1999) and the Irrational Beliefs and Attitudes Scale (Lega, L. Caballo V. and Ellis, A., 1997) were used to evaluate 36  IV year students in the experimental group and 38 II year students, as a control group, all from the Psychology Department at the University of Panama. The results of this research confirmed that the program based on cognitive behavior therapy has significan effects on decreasing the intensity of irrational beliefs and attitudes on the students that have taken the course.Las creencias irracionales, según la perspectiva de la terapia cognitivo-conductual, son aquellos pensamientos que una persona sostiene de manera inflexible y que no están respaldados por evidencias lógicas o realistas. Estas creencias suelen ser distorsiones cognitivas que influyen de manera negativa en las emociones y comportamientos de las personas que las tienen. (Lega L. y otros 1997). El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en evaluar los efectos de la asignatura Psic. 430 Terapia cognitivo-conductual (la cual incluye un nuevo módulo sobre el aprendizaje de técnicas de mindfulness) en las intensidades de las creencias y de las actitudes irracionales de los estudiantes matriculados en esta asignatura. Se empleó un diseño cuasiexperimental (pretest y postest), con una fase de seguimiento de tres meses y medio y un grupo control. Se aplicaron el Test de Creencias Irracionales (Jones–Calvete-Cardeñoso, 1999) y la Escala de Creencias y Actitudes Irracionales (Lega, L., Caballo V. y Ellis, A., 1997) a 36 estudiantes de IV año, participantes del curso, y a 38 estudiantes de II año, como grupo control, todos estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Panamá. Los resultados de esta investigación confirman que el programa de terapia cognitivo-conductual tiene un efecto significativo en reducir las intensidades de las creencias y actitudes irracionales de los estudiantes matriculados en esta asignatura

    Transcriptomic analysis of field-droughted sorghum from seedling to maturity reveals biotic and metabolic responses.

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    Drought is the most important environmental stress limiting crop yields. The C4 cereal sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a critical food, forage, and emerging bioenergy crop that is notably drought-tolerant. We conducted a large-scale field experiment, imposing preflowering and postflowering drought stress on 2 genotypes of sorghum across a tightly resolved time series, from plant emergence to postanthesis, resulting in a dataset of nearly 400 transcriptomes. We observed a fast and global transcriptomic response in leaf and root tissues with clear temporal patterns, including modulation of well-known drought pathways. We also identified genotypic differences in core photosynthesis and reactive oxygen species scavenging pathways, highlighting possible mechanisms of drought tolerance and of the delayed senescence, characteristic of the stay-green phenotype. Finally, we discovered a large-scale depletion in the expression of genes critical to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, with a corresponding drop in AM fungal mass in the plants' roots

    A three-in-one-bullet for oesophageal cancer: Replication fork collapse, spindle attachment failure and enhanced radiosensitivity generated by a ruthenium(II) metallo-intercalator

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    Substitutionally inert ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes have been developed as DNA intercalating agents yet cellular DNA damage responses to this binding modality are largely unexplored. Here, we show the nuclear-targeting complex [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, tpphz = tetrapyridophenazine) generates rapid and pronounced stalling of replication fork progression in p53-deficient human oesophageal cancer cells. In response, replication stress and double-strand break (DSB) DNA damage response (DDR) pathways are activated and cell proliferation is inhibited by growth arrest. Moreover, mitotic progression is compromised by [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+, where the generation of metaphase chromosome spindle attachment failure results in spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) activation. This dual mechanism of action results in preferential growth inhibition of rapidly-proliferating oesophageal cancer cells with elevated mitotic indices. In addition to these single-agent effects, [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ functions as a radiosensitizer with efficiency comparable to cisplatin, which occurs through a synergistic enhancement of DNA damage. These results establish that DNA replication is the target for [Ru(phen)2(tpphz)]2+ and provide the first experimental evidence that ruthenium-based intercalation targets multiple genome integrity pathways in cancer cells, thereby achieving enhanced selectivity compared to existing DNA-damaging agents such as cisplatin

    Novel, mercury-free synthetic pathway for trifluoromethylthio-substituted metallocenes

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    A novel synthetic pathway for trifluoromethylthioferrocene (3), which does not involve the use of toxic mercury(II)-based reagents, is described. The novel approach involves first the treatment of the commercially available bromoferrocene (1a) with NaSCN in the presence of copper(+I) to yield thiocyanatoferrocene (1), and then the reaction of 1 with the Rupper-Prakash reagent and tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) to give 3 in an overall yield of 60%. This approach could be extended for the preparation of thiocyanato-(4) and trifluoromethylthio-ruthenocene (7), which are herein both reported for the first time. Interestingly, diferrocenyl disulfide (2a) and diruthenocenyl disulfide (5) could be isolated as side-products during the synthesis of 3 and 7, respectively. All new compounds were unambiguously characterized by (1)H, (13)C, and (19)F NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, cyclic voltammetry, elemental analysis, as well by X-ray crystallography for 1, 4, 4b, 5, 6, and 7. 1-7 were further tested for their toxic activity on cervical cancer (HeLa) and noncancerous (MRC-5) cell lines. All organometallic compounds were found either to be nontoxic or to have a moderate toxicity toward the cell lines used in this study