165 research outputs found

    Impact reduction during running: efficiency of simple acute interventions in recreational runners

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    International audienceRunning-related stress fractures have been associated with the overall impact intensity, which has recently been described through the loading rate (LR). Our purpose was to evaluate the effects of four acute interventions with specific focus on LR: wearing racing shoes (RACE), increasing step frequency by 10 % (FREQ), adopting a midfoot strike pattern (MIDFOOT) and combining these three interventions (COMBI). Nine rearfoot-strike subjects performed five 5-min trials during which running kinetics, kinematics and spring-mass behavior were measured for ten consecutive steps on an instrumented treadmill. Electromyographic activity of gastrocnemius lateralis, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscles was quantified over different phases of the stride cycle. LR was significantly and similarly reduced in MIDFOOT (37.4 ± 7.20 BW s(-1), -56.9 ± 50.0 %) and COMBI (36.8 ± 7.15 BW s(-1), -55.6 ± 29.2 %) conditions compared to NORM (56.3 ± 11.5 BW s(-1), both P<0.001). RACE (51.1 ± 9.81 BW s(-1)) and FREQ (52.7 ± 11.0 BW s(-1)) conditions had no significant effects on LR. Running with a midfoot strike pattern resulted in a significant increase in gastrocnemius lateralis pre-activation (208 ± 97.4 %, P<0.05) and in a significant decrease in tibialis anterior EMG activity (56.2 ± 15.5 %, P<0.05) averaged over the entire stride cycle. The acute attenuation of foot-ground impact seems to be mostly related to the use of a midfoot strike pattern and to a higher pre-activation of the gastrocnemius lateralis. Further studies are needed to test these results in prolonged running exercises and in the long term

    Mechanical determinants of 100-m sprint running performance

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    International audienceSprint mechanics and field 100-m performances were tested in 13 subjects including 9 non-specialists, 3 French national-level sprinters and a world-class sprinter, to further study the mechanical factors associated with sprint performance. 6-s sprints performed on an instrumented treadmill allowed continuous recording of step kinematics, ground reaction forces (GRF), and belt velocity and computation of mechanical power output and linear force–velocity relationships. An index of the force application technique was computed as the slope of the linear relationship between the decrease in the ratio of horizontal-to-resultant GRF and the increase in velocity. Mechanical power output was positively correlated to mean 100-m speed (P0.683; P0.21). Last, anthropometric data of body mass index and lowerlimb- to-height ratio showed no significant correlation with 100-m performance. We concluded that the main mechanical determinants of 100-m performance were (1) a ‘‘velocity-oriented’’ force–velocity profile, likely explained by (2) a higher ability to apply the resultant GRF vector with a forward orientation over the acceleration, and (3) a higher step frequency resulting from a shorter contact time


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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of foot strike pattern (FSP) on shock severity and attenuation during a downhill trail run. Twenty-three runners performed a 6.5-km downhill run (-1 264 m) equipped with four tri-axial accelerometers placed at tibia, sacrum, heel and metatarsals. FSP was identified using time difference between heel and metatarsals peak accelerations. Peak accelerations, median frequencies, and shock attenuation were calculated from tibial and sacral axial, anteroposterior and resultant accelerations over six sections during the run. Linear regressions analysis revealed that FSP affected differently the components of shock acceleration, i.e. although anterior FSPs enlarged shock severity along the tibial axial axis, they lowered shock severity along the tibial and sacral antero-posterior axis

    Reconstruction with Voronoi Centered Radial Basis Functions

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    The dinosaur model is courtesy of Cyberware, other models being courtesy of the AIM@SHAPE shape repositoryWe consider the problem of reconstructing a surface from scattered points sampled on a physical shape. The sampled shape is approximated as the zero level set of a function. This function is defined as a linear combination of compactly supported radial basis functions. We depart from previous work by using as centers of basis functions a set of points located on an estimate of the medial axis, instead of the input data points. Those centers are selected among the vertices of the Voronoi diagram of the sample data points. Being a Voronoi vertex, each center is associated with a maximal empty ball. We use the radius of this ball to adapt the support of each radial basis function. Our method can fit a user-defined budget of centers: The selected subset of Voronoi vertices is filtered using the notion of lambda medial axis, then clustered to fit the allocated budget

    A simple method for measuring power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical effectiveness in sprint running

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    International audienceThis study aimed to validate a simple field method for determining force– and power–velocity relationships and mechanical effectiveness of force application during sprint running. The proposed method, based on an inverse dynamic approach applied to the body center of mass, estimates the step-averaged ground reaction forces in runner's sagittal plane of motion during overground sprint acceleration from only anthropometric and spatio-temporal data. Force– and power–velocity relationships, the associated variables, and mechanical effectiveness were determined (a) on nine sprinters using both the proposed method and force plate measurements and (b) on six other sprinters using the proposed method during several consecutive trials to assess the inter-trial reliability. The low bias (<5%) and narrow limits of agreement between both methods for maximal horizontal force (638 ± 84 N), velocity (10.5 ± 0.74 m/s), and power output (1680 ± 280 W); for the slope of the force–velocity relationships ; and for the mechanical effectiveness of force application showed high concurrent validity of the proposed method. The low standard errors of measurements between trials (<5%) highlighted the high reliability of the method. These findings support the validity of the proposed simple method, convenient for field use, to determine power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical effectiveness in sprint running


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    Ratio of forces (RF) were investigated during early acceleration by analysing block and standing starts in trained sprinters. RF variables over the initial block exit/push-off and the first four steps were determined from force plate data, and a simple macroscopic model was also applied to obtain RF variables from the velocity time-history over the entire acceleration phase. Large positive correlations existed between mean early acceleration RF and early acceleration performance from both standing (r = 0.82) and block (r = 0.89) starts, and both theoretical maximal RF and the rate of decline in RF combined to be important predictors (adj. R2 = 92-97%) of performance. From the simple macroscopic model, maximum RF was nearly perfectly correlated with early acceleration performance (r = 0.96) and thus appears to be an excellent simple measure for early acceleration

    Uphill sprinting load – and force – velocity profiling : Assessment and potential applications

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    This study aimed to quantify the validity and reliability of load–velocity (LV) relationship of hill sprinting using a range of different hill gradients and to describe the effect of hill gradient on sprint performance. Twenty-four collegiate-level athletes performed a series of maximal sprints on either flat terrain or hills of gradients 5.2, 8.8 and 17.6%. Velocity–time curves were recorded using a radar device. LV relationships were established using the maximal velocity achieved in each sprinting condition, whilst force–velocity–power (FVP) profiles were established using only the flat terrain sprint. LV profiles were shown to be valid (R2 = 0.99) and reliable (TE < 4.4%). For every 1-degree increase in slope, subjects’ velocity decreased by 1.7 ± 0.1% on average. All the slopes used represented low resistance relative to the entire LV spectrum (<25% velocity loss). Subjects who exhibited greater horizontal force output at higher velocities on flat terrain were most affected by the gradient of the hill. Hills of gradients up to 17.6% do not provide sufficient resistance to optimize power development. However, such hills could be used to develop late-stage technical ability, due to the prolonged horizontally oriented body position that occurs as subjects attempt to overcome the acceleration due to gravity

    Effect of the Fatigue Induced by a 110-km Ultramarathon on Tibial Impact Acceleration and Lower Leg Kinematics

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    Ultramarathon runners are exposed to a high number of impact shocks and to severe neuromuscular fatigue. Runners may manage mechanical stress and muscle fatigue by changing their running kinematics. Our purposes were to study (i) the effects of a 110-km mountain ultramarathon (MUM) on tibial shock acceleration and lower limb kinematics, and (ii) whether kinematic changes are modulated according to the severity of neuromuscular fatigue. Twenty-three runners participated in the study. Pre- and post-MUM, neuromuscular tests were performed to assess knee extensor (KE) and plantar flexor (PF) central and peripheral fatigue, and a treadmill running bouts was completed during which step frequency, peak acceleration, median frequency and impact frequency content were measured from tibial acceleration, as well as foot-to-treadmill, tibia-to-treadmill, and ankle flexion angles at initial contact, and ankle range of motion using video analysis. Large neuromuscular fatigue, including peripheral changes and deficits in voluntary activation, was observed in KE and PF. MVC decrements of ~35% for KE and of ~28% for PF were noted. Among biomechanical variables, step frequency increased by ~2.7% and the ankle range of motion decreased by ~4.1% post-MUM. Runners adopting a non rearfoot strike pre-MUM adopted a less plantarflexed foot strike pattern post-MUM while those adopting a rearfoot strike pre-MUM tended to adopt a less dorsiflexed foot strike pattern post-MUM. Positive correlations were observed between percent changes in peripheral PF fatigue and the ankle range of motion. Peripheral PF fatigue was also significantly correlated to both percent changes in step frequency and the ankle angle at contact. This study suggests that in a fatigued state, ultratrail runners use compensatory/protective adjustments leading to a flatter foot landing and this is done in a fatigue dose-dependent manner. This strategy may aim at minimizing the overall load applied to the musculoskeletal system, including impact shock and muscle stretch

    Relationship between vertical and horizontal force-velocity-power profiles in various sports and levels of practice

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    This study aimed (i) to explore the relationship between vertical (jumping) and horizontal (sprinting) force–velocity–power (FVP) mechanical profiles in a large range of sports and levels of practice, and (ii) to provide a large database to serve as a reference of the FVP profile for all sports and levels tested. A total of 553 participants (333 men, 220 women) from 14 sport disciplines and all levels of practice participated in this study. Participants performed squat jumps (SJ) against multiple external loads (vertical) and linear 30–40 m sprints (horizontal). The vertical and horizontal FVP profile (i.e., theoretical maximal values of force (F0), velocity (v0), and power (Pmax)) as well as main performance variables (unloaded SJ height in jumping and 20-m sprint time) were measured. Correlations coefficient between the same mechanical variables obtained from the vertical and horizontal modalities ranged from −0.12 to 0.58 for F0, −0.31 to 0.71 for v0, −0.10 to 0.67 for Pmax, and −0.92 to −0.23 for the performance variables (i.e, SJ height and sprint time). Overall, results showed a decrease in the magnitude of the correlations for higher-level athletes. The low correlations generally observed between jumping and sprinting mechanical outputs suggest that both tasks provide distinctive information regarding the FVP profile of lower-body muscles. Therefore, we recommend the assessment of the FVP profile both in jumping and sprinting to gain a deeper insight into the maximal mechanical capacities of lower-body muscles, especially at high and elite levels
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