849 research outputs found

    Coupled Natural Fusion Enzymes in a Novel Biocatalytic Cascade Convert Fatty Acids to Amines

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    [Image: see text] Tambjamine YP1 is a pyrrole-containing natural product. Analysis of the enzymes encoded in the Pseudoalteromonas tunicata “tam” biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) identified a unique di-domain biocatalyst (PtTamH). Sequence and bioinformatic analysis predicts that PtTamH comprises an N-terminal, pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent transaminase (TA) domain fused to a NADH-dependent C-terminal thioester reductase (TR) domain. Spectroscopic and chemical analysis revealed that the TA domain binds PLP, utilizes l-Glu as an amine donor, accepts a range of fatty aldehydes (C(7)–C(14) with a preference for C(12)), and produces the corresponding amines. The previously characterized PtTamA from the “tam” BGC is an ATP-dependent, di-domain enzyme comprising a class I adenylation domain fused to an acyl carrier protein (ACP). Since recombinant PtTamA catalyzes the activation and thioesterification of C(12) acid to the holo-ACP domain, we hypothesized that C(12) ACP is the natural substrate for PtTamH. PtTamA and PtTamH were successfully coupled together in a biocatalytic cascade that converts fatty acids (FAs) to amines in one pot. Moreover, a structural model of PtTamH provides insights into how the TA and TR domains are organized. This work not only characterizes the formation of the tambjamine YP1 tail but also suggests that PtTamA and PtTamH could be useful biocatalysts for FA to amine functional group conversion

    Evolution in prostheses for sprinters with lower-limb amputation

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    Depuis une quinzaine d'années, les progrès techniques en appareillage ont été le facteur déterminant de la progression des performances des sportifs amputés de membre inférieur. Pour l'amputé tibial, la prothèse de course comprend un manchon gel et une emboîture solidarisés par un accrochage distal ou un vide virtuel. Par ses qualités dynamiques, le pied en fibre de carbone, garni de pointes, assure des performances remarquables. Pour l'amputé fémoral, équipé des mêmes pieds prothétiques, le genou est à biellettes et à contrôle des phases d'appui et pendulaire. Par rapport au coureur valide, le temps d'appui sur le membre appareillé est raccourci tandis que celui sur le membre sain est allongé. L'asymétrie du sprint de l'amputé tibial est discrète. C'est le travail des extenseurs de hanche qui est la principale compensation au déficit de propulsion dû à l'amputation. Chez l'amputé fémoral, l'absence de genou aggrave l'asymétrie. L'extension totale du genou prothétique, précoce en fin de phase oscillante et persistant pendant toute la phase d'appui, impose une compensation par une augmentation d'extension de la hanche controlatérale. Les transferts de charge de travail entre côté amputé et sain, par l'intermédiaire d'une hyperlordose lombaire, mettent en jeu le bassin, le tronc et les épaules. Les amputés sportifs font progresser la recherche en appareillage. Leurs orthoprothésistes acquièrent avec eux un savoir-faire dont bénéficient leurs patients non-sportifs.For about 15 years, technical advances in prosthetic treatment have been the main factor in the increased performance of athletes with lower-limb amputation. For trans-tibial amputation, the prosthesis for sprinting is composed of a gel liner and a socket joined by a locking or virtual vacuum liner. Because of these dynamic properties, the carbon prosthetic foot equipped with tacks ensures outstanding performance. For trans-femoral amputation, a hydraulic swing and a stance control unit are added to the same prosthesis. In comparison with the able-bodied runner, athletes with amputation have smaller loading times in the prosthetic limb and larger ones in the sound limb. The length of the energy-storing prosthetic foot is determined by the “up-on-the-toes” running gait. The sprinting gait with trans-tibial amputation is almost symmetrical. The hip extensor effort is the main compensation of propulsion reduction with lower-limb amputation. With trans-femoral amputation, the lack of knee increases the asymmetry. The total prosthetic knee extension (early in late-swing phase and lasting during total stance phase) compensates with extension of both hips, especially the opposite one. The amputation and sound limb load transfer with lumbar hyperlordosis concern the pelvis, trunk and shoulders. Because of athletes with amputation, research in prosthetic treatment has progressed. The development of orthotics and prostheses for such athletes has benefited non-athletes with amputation

    Estimating the Underwater Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient with a Low-Cost Instrument: The KdUINO DIY Buoy

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    A critical parameter to assess the environmental status of water bodies is the transparency of the water, as it is strongly affected by different water quality related components (such as the presence of phytoplankton, organic matter and sediment concentrations). One parameter to assess the water transparency is the diffuse attenuation coefficient. However, the number of subsurface irradiance measurements obtained with conventional instrumentation is relatively low, due to instrument costs and the logistic requirements to provide regular and autonomous observations. In recent years, the citizen science concept has increased the number of environmental observations, both in time and space. The recent technological advances in embedded systems and sensors also enable volunteers (citizens) to create their own devices (known as Do-It-Yourself or DIY technologies). In this paper, a DIY instrument to measure irradiance at different depths and automatically calculate the diffuse attenuation Kd coefficient is presented. The instrument, named KdUINO, is based on an encapsulated low-cost photonic sensor and Arduino (an open-hardware platform for the data acquisition). The whole instrument has been successfully operated and the data validated comparing the KdUINO measurements with the commercial instruments. Workshops have been organized with high school students to validate its feasibility

    Support to Design for Air Traffic Management: An Approach with Agent-Based Modelling and Evolutionary Search

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    To enhance Air Traffic Management (ATM) and meet the future traffic demand and environmental requirements, present ATM system is going to be modified (SESAR Joint Undertaking, 2017), designing new services to be integrated in future architecture considering the evolution of present fragmented structure of the airspace and the entanglement of air routes. Such a change process is complicated due to the nature of ATM, which is a large-scale Socio-Technical System (STS), typically involving a complex interaction between humans, machines and the environment. In such kind of systems, managing their evolution is a complex and difficult task since the social and technical implications of any proposed concept should be fully assessed before a choice is made whether or not to proceed with the related development. Often, simulation tools are also used to support the design of the concept itself by enabling what-if-analyses. However, these may be too effort and time consuming due to the exponential growth of the required analysis cases. A quite common mismatch between the performance evaluations in simulated conditions and those achieved in real life is represented by the partial assessment of human aspects that can be performed throughout the new concept lifecycle from its lowest maturity level up to “ready to market”. The proposed work defines an approach to support the design of new ATM solutions, including the evaluation on human behaviour. The approach adopts a combined paradigm, which involves Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS) to specify and analyse the ATM models, and Agent-based Evolutionary Search (AES) to optimize the design of the new solutions. A specific case study is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Transition from Direct Routing Airspace (DRA) to Free Routing Airspace (FRA), respectively described by Solution #32 and Solution #33 in the SESAR solutions catalogue (SESAR Joint Undertaking, 2017), is used for both validation and experimentation activities. In detail, the proposed experimentation case regards the design of sector collapsing/decollapsing configuration to optimize controller workloads. The achieved results are presented and discussed

    A personalized eHealth intervention for lifestyle changes in patients with cardiovascular disease::Randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Behavior change methods involving new ambulatory technologies may improve lifestyle and cardiovascular disease outcomes. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to provide proof-of-concept analyses of an intervention aiming to increase (1) behavioral flexibility, (2) lifestyle change, and (3) quality of life. The feasibility and patient acceptance of the intervention were also evaluated. METHODS: Patients with cardiovascular disease (N=149; mean age 63.57, SD 8.30 years; 50/149, 33.5% women) were recruited in the Do Cardiac Health Advanced New Generation Ecosystem (Do CHANGE) trial and randomized to the Do CHANGE intervention or care as usual (CAU). The intervention involved a 3-month behavioral program in combination with ecological momentary assessment and intervention technologies. RESULTS: The intervention was perceived to be feasible and useful. A significant increase in lifestyle scores over time was found for both groups (F2,146.6=9.99; P<.001), which was similar for CAU and the intervention group (F1,149.9=0.09; P=.77). Quality of life improved more in the intervention group (mean 1.11, SD 0.11) than CAU (mean -1.47, SD 0.11) immediately following the intervention (3 months), but this benefit was not sustained at the 6-month follow-up (interaction: P=.02). No significant treatment effects were observed for behavioral flexibility (F1,149.0=0.48; P=.07). CONCLUSIONS: The Do CHANGE 1 intervention was perceived as useful and easy to use. However, no long-term treatment effects were found on the outcome measures. More research is warranted to examine which components of behavioral interventions are effective in producing long-term behavior change. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02946281; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02946281

    Una estrategia para obtener regionalizaciones bióticas fiables a partir de datos incompletos: el caso de los escarabeidos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae) ibérico-baleares

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    A method to obtain regionalizations based in the organisms from incomplete distributional data is presented, using Iberian scarabaeine (Col., Scarabaeinae) as an example. A first ordination analysis was carried out using the well-sampled territorial units, where four faunistic axes were identified. Then, the scores of these axes were extrapolated to the whole Iberian territory by means of General Linear Modelling. A faunistic distance matrix was developed using the predicted values for the four axes. Using this matrix and the geographic distances among territorial units, a new matrix, reflecting both the compositional and geographic distances was obtained. This matrix was used to carry out the final classification of all the territory, where eight different faunistic regions were obtained. Finally, the results are briefly discussed, and their composition and local and regional richness are described.Se presenta un método para obtener regionalizaciones basadas en los organismos a partir de datos corológicos incompletos, utilizando como ejemplo los escarabeidos ibéricos (Col., Scarabaeinae). A partir de las unidades territoriales bien muestreadas, realizamos en primer lugar un análisis de ordenación, en el que se identificaron cuatro ejes faunísticos. Posteriormente, los valores de estos ejes se extrapolaron a todo el territorio ibérico mediante Modelos Lineales Generalizados. Con los valores predichos para estos ejes se desarrolló una matriz de distancias faunísticas. A partir de ella, y de las distancias geográficas entre unidades territoriales, se obtuvo una nueva matriz de distancias faunístico-geográficas. Esta matriz fue utilizada para realizar la clasificación final de todo el territorio, obteniéndose ocho regiones faunísticas diferentes. Finalmente, se comentan los resultados obtenidos, identificando las diferencias en su composición y riqueza regional y local

    Caffeine Encapsulation in Metal Organic Framework MIL-53(Al) at Pilot Plant Scale for Preparation of Polyamide Textile Fibers with Cosmetic Properties

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    Currently in the marketplace, we can find clothing items able to release skin-friendly ingredients while wearing them. These innovative products with high-added value are based on microencapsulation technology. In this work, due to its lightness, flexibility, porosity, chemical affinity and adsorption capacity, metal-organic framework (MOF) MIL-53(Al) was the selected microcapsule to be synthesized at a large scale and subsequent caffeine encapsulation. The synthesis conditions (molar ratio of reactants, solvents used, reaction time, temperature, pressure reached in the reactor and activation treatment to enhance the encapsulation capacity) were optimized by screening various scaling-up reactor volumes (from lab-scale of 40 mL to pilot plant production of 3.75 L). Two types of Al salts (Al(NO3)3·9H2O from the original recipe and Al2(SO4)3 as commercial SUFAL 8.2) were employed. The liporeductor cosmetic caffeine was selected as the active molecule for encapsulation. Caffeine (38 wt %) was incorporated in CAF@MIL-53(Al) microcapsules, as analyzed by TGA and corroborated by GC/MS and UV-vis after additive extraction. CAF@MIL-53(Al) microcapsules showed a controlled release of caffeine during 6 days at 25 °C (up to 22% of the initial caffeine). These capsules were incorporated through an industrial spinning process (with temperatures up to 260 °C) to manufacture PA-6 fibers with cosmetic properties. Up to 0.7 wt % of capsules were successfully incorporated into the fibers hosting 1700 ppm of caffeine. Fabrics were submitted to scouring, staining, and washing processes, detecting the presence of caffeine in the cosmetic fiber. © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society