28 research outputs found

    Censoring Sexuality – the Filtered Reception of Sexual Content in Portuguese Cinemas During the Dictatorship: The case of Helga

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    Censorship under the Portuguese Estado Novo (1933-1974) exerted influence on foreign films from the initial translation stage through to the final approval or rejection of a film for the cinema. The Estado Novo was an authoritarian State whose prudish morality and fear of uncontrolled ideas cast a wary eye on eroticism and sexuality. Scenes of kissing or nudity were cut before foreign films reached Portuguese cinemas. Sexual allusions, erotic dialogues or comments were omitted or overwritten in a more neutral tone. Helga – vom Werden des menschlichen Lebens, directed by Erich F. Bender in 1967, a sex-education film, was the only one of its kind shown in Portugal during the dictatorship.La censura del Estado Novo portugués (1933-1974) influyó en las películas extranjeras desde la traducción inicial hasta la aprobación o rechazo final. El Estado Novo era un Estado autoritario, de moral prudente y de miedo a ciertas ideas incontroladas y que se desconfiara del erotismo y la sexualidad. Las escenas de besos o desnudos fueron cortadas antes de que las películas extranjeras llegaran a los cines portugueses. Alusiones sexuales, diálogos o comentarios eróticos se omitieron o se sobrescribieron en un tono más neutral. Helga – vom Werden des menschlichen Lebens, dirigida por Erich F. Bender en 1967, una película de educación sexual, fue la única de este tipo que se proyectó en Portugal durante la dictadura

    The claws of ideology: censorship and subtitling of war films during the Estado Novo in Portugal

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    By analysing the context of censorship, fascism under the Estado Novo in Portugal and the institutionalised processes a film was subjected to before reaching the audience, some historical events, which resulted in a tightening of the censors’ reigns, will be explored. The Guerra Colonial [Colonial War] was one of the life-changing events that had a direct impact on the censorship of war films. Three films from different eras, the censorship measures − cuts, omitted subtitles and manipulation of the text − and their contents will be examined. The extent to which censorship was able to change the substance of a film will become apparent

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Self‐Healing Potential of Interpenetrating Metal–Ceramic Composites

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    An interpenetrating metal ceramic composite (IMCC) has been investigated regarding the potential as well as the feasibility of self-healing. Triggered by heating, cracks in the damaged composite located mainly in the Al2O3 ceramic or at the interface could be filled and closed by the liquid AlSi10Mg metal alloy. This healing procedure promises to reduce stress concentrations at crack tips and to improve the mechanical properties compared to the predamaged composite. Two different numerical approaches have been introduced to investigate this assumption and the potential of self-healed IMCCs for a best case scenario: 1) A simple 2D model to analyze the reduction of stress concentrations in front of a crack tip within the ceramic due to healing and 2) a 3D model based on CT-scan reconstructed microstructures to study how macroscopic mechanical properties can be restored depending on the amount of predamage. Further, the self-healing approach has been investigated experimentally for the same composite. Despite the fact that experimental self-healing of the investigated IMCC is only moderately feasible so far, the study shows the great potential that can still be exploited in order to extend the service life time of IMCC engineering components

    Numerical and experimental investigation on the self‐healing potential of interpenetrating metal–ceramic composites

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    An interpenetrating metal ceramic composite (IMCC) has been investigated regarding the potential as well as the feasibility of self-healing. Triggered by heating, cracks in the damaged composite located mainly in the Al2O3 ceramic or at the interface could be filled and closed by the liquid AlSi10Mg metal alloy. This healing procedure promises to reduce stress concentrations at crack tips and to improve the mechanical properties compared to the predamaged composite. Two different numerical approaches have been introduced to investigate this assumption and the potential of self-healed IMCCs for a best case scenario: 1) A simple 2D model to analyze the reduction of stress concentrations in front of a crack tip within the ceramic due to healing and 2) a 3D model based on CT-scan reconstructed microstructures to study how macroscopic mechanical properties can be restored depending on the amount of predamage. Further, the self-healing approach has been investigated experimentally for the same composite. Despite the fact that experimental self-healing of the investigated IMCC is only moderately feasible so far, the study shows the great potential that can still be exploited in order to extend the service life time of IMCC engineering components

    Unterrichtstextauswahl und schülerseitige Leseinteressen in der Sekundarstufe I: Ergebnisse aus der binationalen Studie TAMOLI

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    Anhand der Angaben von Schweizer und deutschen Lehrpersonen (N=116) und Schüler/-innen (N=2173) der Sekundarstufe I wurde untersucht, welche Texte Lehrpersonen im Unterricht einsetzen und wie sich die Auswahl zu freizeitlichen bzw. schulbezogenen Leseinteressen der Schüler/innen verhält: Es zeigt sich, dass diese je nach Leseumgebung bei den Leseinteressen unterscheiden. Für die Freizeit rücken sie Unterhaltungsgenres ins Zentrum. Fürs schulische Lesen behalten sie diese Vorliebe teilweise bei, geben aber Themen den Vorrang, die freizeitlich wenig Zuspruch erhalten (bspw. politisch-gesellschaftskritische Texte). Letztere sind in der lehrerseitigen Textauswahl stark vertreten, Freizeitgenres dagegen wenig. Für die Unterrichtstextauswahl besteht also ein größerer Schnittbereich mit schulischen Leseinteressen der Schüler/-innen als mit freizeitlichen. Das Aufgreifen von Freizeitleseinteressen im Literaturunterricht bedarf demnach kritischer Diskussion. Es sollte berücksichtigt werden, dass Schüler/-innen diese Interessen offenbar nicht durchweg im Literaturunterricht vertreten sehen möchten. Für das schulische Lesen erhalten auch Texte hohen Zuspruch, die zur kritischen Reflexion anregen. (DIPF/Orig.)Using classroom media protocols in Swiss and German secondary schools, we analysed which text genres teachers (N=116) preferred in their teaching of German-L1 literature classes. We compared the findings with information on student (N=2173) reading interests obtained through questionnaires. The results show that teachers preferred texts about political or social topics; their selection featured only a small share of entertainment genres. Student reading interests differed between contexts: For their private reading, students preferred entertainment genres, with only a minor interest in socio-political topics. For reading at school, students retained their preference for entertainment genres, but also reported a strong interest in sociopolitical topics. Hence, teachers’ text selection had a greater overlap with students’ school reading preferences. In the discussion, we argue that teaching approaches promoting the inclusion of student interests for text selection need to consider that teenage students may not simply wish to extend their private reading to the classroom. Instead, they may expect that school provides them with texts that engage them in critical thinking and group discussion

    Detailed Mapping and Sampling of the Reykjanes Ridge, Cruise No. MSM75, 29 June 2018 - 8 August 2018, Reykjavik - Reykjavik, REYKJANES

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    Hotspot-influenced spreading axes are characterized by a shallow axis, thickened crust, and possibly by higher-than-normal eruption frequency, all signs of an excess of magma and heat being supplied to such ridges by the hotspot. Despite this, these ridges are also characterized by an apparently lower-than-average incidence of high-temperature hydrothermal venting, raising questions about their thermal budget. The type example for hotspot-ridge interaction is the Reykjanes Ridge south of Iceland, which shows abnormally shallow bathymetry between the Reykjanes Peninsula at ca. 63°N and the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone at 53°N.The seafloor surrounding the present spreading axis is also characterized by V-shaped bathymetric ridges, thoughtto be produced by regions of excess melting migrating along the axis through time. Cruise MSM75aimed to produce geological maps of four key areas along the ridge -one with thickened crust where a V-shaped ridge intersects the present-day axis, one with thickened crust but no on-axis V-shaped ridge anomaly, a third with more normal crustal thickness and an axial valley and a fourth at the only known, but up to present unsampled, Reykjanes hydrothermal site Steinaholl. This geological mapping is to be usedto investigate questions of variations in eruption size or frequency away from Iceland, the interplay between magmatism and tectonism, the axial volcanology of V-shaped ridges and how thick crust is cooled in the apparent paucity of high-temperature vent fields

    Zeitgeschichte von und in Jüdischen Museen: Kontexte - Funktionen - Möglichkeiten

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    Mitten in der Stadt, direkt neben dem Viktualienmarkt, eröffnete im Frühjahr 2007 das Jüdische Museum München. Integriert in ein Ensemble aus der neuen Hauptsynagoge, dem jüdischen Gemeindezentrum und dem Stadtmuseum, soll es nicht nur ein Ort von Geschichte und Erinnerung sein, sondern ein Ort der Gegenwart, Kommunikationsraum und Haus der Begegnung. Jüdisches Leben in den verschiedensten Facetten in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zu zeigen - das ist Konzept und Ziel des neuen Museums

    Session 18. Historical perspectives

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    Measuring censorship? Determining the level of 'censoredness' of films subtitled during the dictatorship in Portugal / Katrin Pieper (University of Coimbra) ; Film and translation: more than one history, but less than two / Joshua Branson (Roehampton University) ; 'Accessibility' in early films of the twentieth century / Juan Pedro Rica-Peromingo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ángela Sáenz-Herrero (Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes). Chair: Jina Hain

    Chloromethylmuconolactones as Critical Metabolites in the Degradation of Chloromethylcatechols: Recalcitrance of 2-Chlorotoluene

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    To elucidate possible reasons for the recalcitrance of 2-chlorotoluene, the metabolism of chloromethylcatechols, formed after dioxygenation and dehydrogenation by Ralstonia sp. strain PS12 tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase and chlorobenzene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase, was monitored using chlorocatechol dioxygenases and chloromuconate cycloisomerases partly purified from Ralstonia sp. strain PS12 and Wautersia eutropha JMP134. Two chloromethylcatechols, 3-chloro-4-methylcatechol and 4-chloro-3-methylcatechol, were formed from 2-chlorotoluene. 3-Chloro-4-methylcatechol was transformed into 5-chloro-4-methylmuconolactone and 2-chloro-3-methylmuconolactone. For mechanistic reasons neither of these cycloisomerization products can be dehalogenated by chloromuconate cycloisomerases, with the result that 3-chloro-4-methylcatechol cannot be mineralized by reaction sequences related to catechol ortho-cleavage pathways known thus far. 4-Chloro-3-methylcatechol is only poorly dehalogenated during enzymatic processing due to the kinetic properties of the chloromuconate cycloisomerases. Thus, degradation of 2-chlorotoluene via a dioxygenolytic pathway is evidently problematic. In contrast, 5-chloro-3-methylcatechol, the major dioxygenation product formed from 3-chlorotoluene, is subject to quantitative dehalogenation after successive transformation by chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase and chloromuconate cycloisomerase, resulting in the formation of 2-methyldienelactone. 3-Chloro-5-methylcatechol is transformed to 2-chloro-4-methylmuconolactone