602 research outputs found

    ZaŔtitna aluminijska prevlaka izvedena izravno u ljevačkom kalupu na čeliku otpornom prema puzanju

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    The structure of coatings and their ability to protect the castings made of G-X25NiCrSi 36-17 (DIN 17006) cast steel against carburization have been described. Al-Cu and Al-Si protective coatings, produced directly in a casting mould, have a considerable thickness (400 - 2000 Āµm), and complex multiphase structure. Its main structural constituents are: (Fe, Ni, Cr), (Fe, Ni, Cr), Al(Ni, Fe), carbides M23C6 and M7C3. In Al-Si ferritic coatings are also present: (Ni, Fe), (Fe, Al, Ni, Cr) and (Cr, Si)3Ni2Si. Carburisation changes substantially the structure of coatings, what results in an increase of the amount of (Fe, Ni, Cr) or (Ni, Fe) and carbides, and a decrease of the amount of (Fe, Ni, Cr) and Al(Ni, Fe). Apart from above mentioned changes, the investigated coatings reduce the carbon diffusion by 20 - 65 % Al-Cu, about 55 % Al-Si (austenitic), and 75 % Al-Si (ferritic), so they can provide a temporary protection against high-temperature corrosion.U radu je opisana struktura prevlaka i njihova sposobnost lijevanja od G-X25NiCrSi 36-17 (DIN 17006) u svrhu zaÅ”tite protiv naugljičavanja. ZaÅ”titne prevlake Al-Cu i Al-Si, napravljene izravno u ljevačkom kalupu, imaju znatnu debljinu (400 - 2000 Āµm) i složenu multifaznu strukturu. Glavni strukturni element su: g(Fe, Ni, Cr), a(Fe, Ni, Cr), bAl(Ni, Fe), karbidi M23C6 i M7C3. U feritnim prevlakama Al-Si prisutni su i: g(Ni, Fe), a(Fe, Al, Ni, Cr) i (Cr, S)3Ni2Si. Naugljičavanje mijenja suÅ”tinu strukture prevalaka, a to dovodi do povećanja količine g(Fe, Ni, Cr) ili g(Ni, Fe) i karbida, a smanjuje količinu a(Fe, Ni, Cr) i bAl(Ni, Fe). Neovisno o gore spomenutim promjenama prevlake smanjuju difuziju ugljika za 20-60 % Al-Cu, oko 55 % Al-Si (austenitni) i 75 % Al-Si (feritni) pa mogu osigurati privremenu zaÅ”titu protiv korozije na visokoj temperaturi

    Bilateral breast cancer - two primary cancers or one primary cancer and its metastasis

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    Should we begin to assess the expression of PTEN protein in each patient with breast cancer?

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    Mastectomy is an over-treatment in patients with occult breast cancer

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