5 research outputs found
Family wages: The roles of wives and mothers in U.S. working-class survival strategies, 1880–1930
- Author
- Anderson Margo J.
- Anderson Mary
- Anderson Mary
- Bell Thomas
- Benson Susan Porter
- Blewett Mary H.
- Blewett Mary H.
- Bodnar John E.
- Boris Eileen
- Bose Christine E.
- Carter Susan B.
- DeVault Ileen A.
- Dinnerstein Leonard
- Enstad Nan
- Gabaccia Donna R.
- Glenn Evelyn N
- Glenn Susan A
- Glickman Lawrence B.
- Hall Jacquelyn D
- Hareven Tamara K.
- Hewitt Nancy A.
- Hill Joseph A.
- Hill Joseph A.
- Hunter Tera W.
- Ileen A. DeVault
- Janiewski Dolores E.
- Lamphere Louise
- Manning Caroline
- O'Neill William L.
- Peiss Kathy L
- Pidgeon Mary E
- Schneider Dorothee
- Skocpol Theda
- Stein Leon
- Tentler Leslie W
- Turbin Carole
- United States
- Van Vorst Mrs.John
- Yans-McLaughlin V
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Military Conversion Policies in the USA: 1940s and 1990s
- Author
- ACDA (US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency)
- Ballard Jack Stokes
- Baruch Bernard M.
- Benoit Emile
- Blank Rebecca
- Boulding Kenneth E.
- Boulding Kenneth, E.
- Bowles Chester
- Bruner Jerome, S.
- CBO (Congressional Budget Office)
- CED (Committee for Economic Development)
- Cook Fred J.
- Craf John F.
- DCC (Defense Conversion Commission)
- DeGrasse Robert, Jr
- Farrell Christopher
- Hansen Alvin
- Harris Seymour E.
- Harris Seymour, E.
- Henry David K.
- Kaplan Abraham, D. H.
- Kessler-Harris Alice
- Melman Seymour
- Melman Seymour
- Mosley Hugh G.
- Myers Henry F.
- Nash Gerald, D.
- National Research Council
- Nelson Donald
- Olgeirson Ian
- OMB (Office of Management and Budget)
- Pidgeon Mary E.
- President's Economic Adjustment Committee and the Office of Economic Adjustment
- Pursell Carroll W.
- Ricks Thomas, E.
- Samuelson Paul
- Somers Herman S.
- Trey J. E.
- US Bureau of Economic Analysis
- US Bureau of Economic Analysis
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- US Bureau of the Census
- US President
- Wartzman Rick
- Wartzman Rick
- Weidenbaum Murray
- Weidenbaum Murray
- White Gerald T.
- Williams Kenneth B.
- Wool Harold
- Zurcher Arnold J.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cold War, chilly climate: Exploring the roots of gendered discourse in organization and management theory
- Author
- Albert J. Mills
- Anderson A. G.
- Archer J.
- Ashcraft K. L.
- Bacchi C. L.
- Balderston C. C.
- Bell D.
- Blum L. M.
- Boje D. M.
- Calás M. B.
- Cobble D. S.
- Coontz S.
- Cullen D.
- Davis R. C.
- Davis R. C.
- Folts F. E.
- Folts F. E.
- French M.
- Friedan B.
- Gramsci A.
- Grant R.
- Greenhaus J. H.
- Gross N.
- Gurin E.
- Halberstam D.
- Hartmann S. M.
- Hearn J.
- Heenan T.
- Hochschild A. R.
- Horowitz D.
- Kahn R. L.
- Katz D.
- Kennan G.
- Klatch R.
- LaFollette H.
- Mary Runté
- May E. T.
- May E. T.
- Mills A. J.
- Mills A. J.
- Mills A. J.
- Mills A. J.
- Nickerson M.
- O’Connor J. E.
- Parsons T.
- Pidgeon M.
- Robin R.
- Rosenmann R. H.
- Rowbotham S.
- Runté M.
- Samuels G.
- Schrecker E.
- Scott W. D.
- Tancred-Sheriff P.
- Terry G. R.
- Van Maanen J.
- Ware S.
- Weatherford D.
- Weedon C.
- Werbel J. D.
- Wickert F. R.
- Wilson F. M.
- Wrege C. D.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Images of women in popular song lyrics: A bibliography
- Author
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- B. Lee Cooper
- Barnes Ruth A.
- Barol Bill
- Bayton Mavis
- Betrock Alan
- Bradby Barbara
- Brown Mary Ellen
- Bufwack Mary A.
- Bufwack Mary A.
- Caputi Jane
- Chappie Steve
- Charles Don
- Cheney Joyce
- Cohen Mitchell
- Cook Susan C
- Cooper B. Lee
- Cooper Sarah
- Crafts Susan D.
- Dahl Linda
- Douglas Susan J.
- Eaglen Audrey
- Endres Kathleen L.
- Evans Liz
- Forte Jeanie K.
- Gaar Gillian G.
- Gamman Lorraine
- George‐Warren Holly
- Goldstein Richard M.
- Goodard Terri
- Gordon Deborah
- Gow Joe
- Gray John
- Greig Charlotte
- Gudgeon Chris
- Harrison Dapne Duval
- Harron Mary
- Hiwatt Susan
- Hixon Don L.
- Horowitz David
- Horstman Dorothy
- Jones Hettie
- Katz Susan
- Koskoff Ellen
- Laird Ross
- Leonard Virginia W.
- Lewis Lisa A.
- Lont Cynthia M.
- Lueck Therese L.
- Lundy Karen Saucier
- Lustig Jessica
- Maglin Nan Bauer
- McDonald James R.
- McLary Susan
- Meade Marion
- Meilers Wilfrid
- Moonoogian George
- Morris Kenneth E.
- Nehring Neil
- Nevenfeldt Karl William
- Nuechterlein Dot
- O'Brien Karen
- O'Brien Lucy
- Orloff Katherine
- Pavletich Aida
- Pidgeon John
- Placksin Sally
- Prater Robert
- Reinartz Kay F.
- Reynolds Simon
- Roberts Robin
- Rogers Jimmie N.
- Rumsey Gina
- Saucier Karen A.
- Schlattmann Tim
- Seidenberg Steven
- Shaw Greg
- Sheperd John
- Sicoli M. L. Corbin
- Silverman Jerry
- Sims Barbara B.
- Slim Almost
- Spottswood Richard K.
- Steward Sue
- Thomson Liz
- Thébaud Francoise
- Vincent Richard C
- Vincent Richard C.
- Walser Robert
- Weiss Paulette
- Wells Alan
- Wenner Hilda E.
- Whiteley Sheila
- Wicks Sammie Ann
- Willis Ellen
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cultural Aspects of Risk to Environmental Changes and Hazards: A Review of Perspectives
- Author
- Bankoff Greg
- Bankoff Greg
- Barker Chris
- Blaikie Piers
- Boas Franz
- Bose Nirmal Kumar
- Bradshaw
- Burgos Julián
- Casagrande David
- Cashman Katharine V
- Davis Kristin E
- Dekens Julie
- Douglas Mary
- Dynes Russell R
- Ensor Marisa Oliva
- Fairchild Henry Pratt
- Field Christopher B
- Hewitt Ken
- Hewitt Kenneth
- Hoffman Susannah M
- Hofstede Geert H
- Hofstede Geert H
- Howell Philippa
- Howitt Richard
- Huntington Samuel P
- Inglis
- Kasperson Jeanne X
- Kroeber Alfred Louis
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- Menghin Oswald
- Oliver-Smith Anthony
- Oliver-Smith Anthony
- Parry Marten L
- Parsons Talcott
- Parsons Talcott
- Pidgeon Nick F
- Pratt Christopher
- Schipper E. Lisa F.
- Schipper E. Lisa F.
- Shaw Rajib
- Simmel Georg
- Sorokin Pitirim A
- Spencer-Oatey Helen
- Stevenson Angus
- UNESCAP and UNISDR (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Paci c and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2010.
- UNESCAP and UNISDR (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Paci c and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2012.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2005.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2008.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2011a.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2011b.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2013a.
- UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2013b.
- White Leslie
- Wildavsky Aaron B
- Wisner Ben
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study