891 research outputs found

    Ground state of a partially melted Wigner molecule

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    We consider three spinless fermions free to move on 2d square lattice with periodic boundary conditions and interacting via a U/r Coulomb repulsion. When the Coulomb energy to kinetic energy ratio r_s is large, a rigid Wigner molecule is formed. As r_s decreases, we show that melting proceeds via an intermediate regime where a floppy two particle molecule coexists with a partially delocalized particle. A simple ansatz is given to describe the ground state of this mesoscopic solid-liquid regime.Comment: to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Metal-insulator transition in three dimensional Anderson model: universal scaling of higher Lyapunov exponents

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    Numerical studies of the Anderson transition are based on the finite-size scaling analysis of the smallest positive Lyapunov exponent. We prove numerically that the same scaling holds also for higher Lyapunov exponents. This scaling supports the hypothesis of the one-parameter scaling of the conductance distribution. From the collected numerical data for quasi one dimensional systems up to the system size 24 x 24 x infinity we found the critical disorder 16.50 < Wc < 16.53 and the critical exponent 1.50 < \nu < 1.54. Finite-size effects and the role of irrelevant scaling parameters are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Critical conductance of two-dimensional chiral systems with random magnetic flux

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    The zero temperature transport properties of two-dimensional lattice systems with static random magnetic flux per plaquette and zero mean are investigated numerically. We study the two-terminal conductance and its dependence on energy, sample size, and magnetic flux strength. The influence of boundary conditions and of the oddness of the number of sites in the transverse direction is also studied. We confirm the existence of a critical chiral state in the middle of the energy band and calculate the critical exponent nu=0.35 +/- 0.03 for the divergence of the localization length. The sample averaged scale independent critical conductance _c turns out to be a function of the amplitude of the flux fluctuations whereas the variance of the respective conductance distributions appears to be universal. All electronic states outside of the band center are found to be localized.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Long-Range Energy-Level Interaction in Small Metallic Particles

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    We consider the energy level statistics of non-interacting electrons which diffuse in a d d -dimensional disordered metallic conductor of characteristic Thouless energy Ec. E_c. We assume that the level distribution can be written as the Gibbs distribution of a classical one-dimensional gas of fictitious particles with a pairwise additive interaction potential f(ε). f(\varepsilon ). We show that the interaction which is consistent with the known correlation function of pairs of energy levels is a logarithmic repulsion for level separations ε<Ec, \varepsilon <E_c, in agreement with Random Matrix Theory. When ε>Ec, \varepsilon >E_c, f(ε) f(\varepsilon ) vanishes as a power law in ε/Ec \varepsilon /E_c with exponents 12,2, -{1 \over 2},-2, and 32 -{3 \over 2} for d=1,2, d=1,2, and 3, respectively. While for d=1,2 d=1,2 the energy-level interaction is always repulsive, in three dimensions there is long-range level attraction after the short-range logarithmic repulsion.Comment: Saclay-s93/014 Email: [email protected] [2017: missing figure included

    h/2eh/2e--Oscillations for Correlated Electron Pairs in Disordered Mesoscopic Rings

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    The full spectrum of two interacting electrons in a disordered mesoscopic one--dimensional ring threaded by a magnetic flux is calculated numerically. For ring sizes far exceeding the one--particle localization length L1L_1 we find several h/2eh/2e--periodic states whose eigenfunctions exhibit a pairing effect. This represents the first direct observation of interaction--assisted coherent pair propagation, the pair being delocalized on the scale of the whole ring.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded PostScript, containing 5 figures

    Thermal Enhancement of Interference Effects in Quantum Point Contacts

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    We study an electron interferometer formed with a quantum point contact and a scanning probe tip in a two-dimensional electron gas. The images giving the conductance as a function of the tip position exhibit fringes spaced by half the Fermi wavelength. For a contact opened at the edges of a quantized conductance plateau, the fringes are enhanced as the temperature T increases and can persist beyond the thermal length l_T. This unusual effect is explained assuming a simplified model: The fringes are mainly given by a contribution which vanishes when T -> 0 and has a decay characterized by a T-independent scale

    Quantum Hall effects in layered disordered superconductors

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    Layered singlet paired superconductors with disorder and broken time reversal symmetry are studied. The phase diagram demonstrates charge-spin separation in transport. In terms of the average intergrain transmission and the interlayer tunnelling we find quantum Hall phases with spin Hall coefficients of 0 and 2 separated by a spin metal phase. We identify a spin metal-insulator localization exponent as well as a spin conductivity exponent of ~0.9. In presence of a Zeeman term an additional phase with spin Hall coefficient of 1 appears.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A matrix ensemble with a preferential basis and its application to disordered metals and insulators

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    URL: http://www-spht.cea.fr/articles/s93/085The standard ensembles of the random matrix theory are invariant under change of basis. For non interacting electrons in disordered systems, this invariance is broken and deviations from the random matrix theory predictions occur, especially for strong disorder. We consider a generalization of the standard ensembles which includes a preferential basis and which gives rise to a ``screening'' of the logarithmic pairwise interaction between energy levels. In the unitary case, we recover a mathematically tractable distribution of energy levels first introduced by Gaudin. This simplified model provides a qualitative description of level statistics in the metal, insulator and at the mobility edge, which only depends on the dimensionless conductance gg

    Failure of single-parameter scaling of wave functions in Anderson localization

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    We show how to use properties of the vectors which are iterated in the transfer-matrix approach to Anderson localization, in order to generate the statistical distribution of electronic wavefunction amplitudes at arbitary distances from the origin of Ld1×L^{d-1} \times \infty disordered systems. For d=1d=1 our approach is shown to reproduce exact diagonalization results available in the literature. In d=2d=2, where strips of width L64 L \leq 64 sites were used, attempted fits of gaussian (log-normal) forms to the wavefunction amplitude distributions result in effective localization lengths growing with distance, contrary to the prediction from single-parameter scaling theory. We also show that the distributions possess a negative skewness SS, which is invariant under the usual histogram-collapse rescaling, and whose absolute value increases with distance. We find 0.15S0.300.15 \lesssim -S \lesssim 0.30 for the range of parameters used in our study, .Comment: RevTeX 4, 6 pages, 4 eps figures. Phys. Rev. B (final version, to be published