477 research outputs found

    Lussemburgo: il 2019 segna la fine del dominio cristiano-sociale

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    Sommario: 1.Quadro politico e istituzionale. \u20132.Seggi e sistema elettorale. \u20133.Elezioni europee del 2014. \u20134.Campagna elettorale e forze politiche in competizione.\u20135.Risultato elettorale.\u20136.Commenti politici e scenari futuri.\u2013Bibliografia essenziale

    Gli “Accordi preliminari” per la differenziazione regionale. Primi spunti sulla procedura da seguire per l’attuazione dell’art. 116, terzo comma, Cost.

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    Il rilancio del regionalismo differenziato con la sottoscrizione dei tre “Accordi preliminari” tra il Governo e le Regioni Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia e Veneto offre uno spunto per tornare a riflettere sull’art. 116, terzo comma, della Costituzione, che dalla sua revisione nel 2001 non è mai stato attivato. Nel contributo si propongono alcune riflessioni sulle ricadute procedimentali al livello statale, soprattutto alla luce del fatto che tali “Accordi preliminari” preannunciano il percorso parlamentare delle successive intese come ispirato al procedimento seguito dalle leggi di approvazione delle intese con confessioni religiose diverse dalla cattolica ex art. 8 Cost. The conclusion of three “Draft agreements” between the Government and the Regions Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia and Veneto opens a new season of the differentiated regionalism foreseen by art. 116.3 It. Cons., never applied since its introduction in 2001. The essay tackles the procedure to be followed at State level once that those draft agreements will be transformed in the formal pact to be approved by the Parliament, especially in the light of the provision of the same draft agreements to follow the procedure of the laws concerning the religious confessions different from the catholic one (art. 8 Const.)

    Immunohistochemical and biochemical assay of versican in human sound predentine/dentine matrix

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    Aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of versican proteoglycan within the human dentine organic matrix by means of a correlative immunohistochemical analysis with field emission in-lens scanning electron microscope (FEI-SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), fluorescence microscope (FM) and biochemical assay. Specimens containing dentine and predentine were obtained from non carious human teeth and divided in three groups: 1) FEI-SEM group: sections were exposed to a pre-embedding immunohistochemical procedure; 2) TEM group: specimens were fixed, demineralised, embedded and submitted to a post-embedding immunohistochemical procedure; 3) FM group: sections mineralised and submitted to a pre-embedding immunohistochemical procedure with fluorescence labelling. Specimens were exposed to two different antibodies to assay distribution of versican fragments and whole versican molecule. Western Blotting analysis of dentine and pulp extracts was also performed. The correlative FEI-SEM,TEM and FM analysis revealed positive immunoreaction for versican fragments both in predentine and dentine, while few gold particles identifying the whole versican molecule were found in predentine only under TEM. No labelling of versican whole molecule was detected by FEI-SEM and FM analysis. The immunoblotting analysis confirmed the morphological findings. This study suggests that in fully developed human teeth versican fragments are significant constituents of the human dentine and predentine organic matrix, while versican whole molecule can be visualised in scarce amount within predentine only. The role of versican fragments within human dentine organic matrix should be further elucidated

    Determination of an optimum set of testable components in the fault diagnosis of analog linear circuits

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    A procedure for the determination of an optimum set of testable components in the fault diagnosis of analog linear circuits is presented. The proposed method has its theoretical foundation in the testability concept and in the canonical ambiguity group concept. New considerations relevant to the existence of unique solution in the k-fault diagnosis problem of analog linear circuits are presented, and examples of application of the developed procedure are considered by exploiting a software package based on symbolic analysis techniques