3,833 research outputs found

    Stochasticity effects in quantum radiation reaction

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    When an ultrarelativistic electron beam collides with a sufficiently intense laser pulse, radiation-reaction effects can strongly alter the beam dynamics. In the realm of classical electrodynamics, radiation reaction has a beneficial effect on the electron beam as it tends to reduce its energy spread. Here, we show that when quantum effects become important, radiation reaction induces the opposite effect, i.e., the electron beam spreads out after interacting with the laser pulse. We identify the physical origin of this opposite tendency in the intrinsic stochasticity of photon emission, which becomes substantial in the full quantum regime. Our numerical simulations indicated that the predicted effects of the stochasticity can be measured already with presently available lasers and electron accelerators.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Complete treatment of single-photon emission in planar channeling

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    Approximate solutions of the Dirac equation are found for ultrarelativistic particles moving in a periodic potential, which depends only on one coordinate, transverse to the largest component of the momentum of the incoming particle. As an example we employ these solutions to calculate the radiation emission of positrons and electrons trapped in the planar potential found between the (110) planes in Silicon. This allows us to compare with the semi-classical method of Baier, Katkov and Strakhovenko, which includes the effect of spin and photon recoil, but neglects the quantization of the transverse motion. For high-energy electrons, the high-energy part of the angularly integrated photon energy spectrum calculated with the found wave functions differs from the corresponding one calculated with the semi-classical method. However, for lower particle energies it is found that the angularly integrated emission energy spectra obtained via the semi-classical method is in fairly good agreement with the full quantum calculation except that the positions of the harmonic peaks in photon energy and the photon emission angles are shifted

    The IR-Completion of Gravity: What happens at Hubble Scales?

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    We have recently proposed an "Ultra-Strong" version of the Equivalence Principle (EP) that is not satisfied by standard semiclassical gravity. In the theory that we are conjecturing, the vacuum expectation value of the (bare) energy momentum tensor is exactly the same as in flat space: quartically divergent with the cut-off and with no spacetime dependent (subleading) ter ms. The presence of such terms seems in fact related to some known difficulties, such as the black hole information loss and the cosmological constant problem. Since the terms that we want to get rid of are subleading in the high-momentum expansion, we attempt to explore the conjectured theory by "IR-completing" GR. We consider a scalar field in a flat FRW Universe and isolate the first IR-correction to its Fourier modes operators that kills the quadratic (next to leading) time dependent divergence of the stress energy tensor VEV. Analogously to other modifications of field operators that have been proposed in the literature (typically in the UV), the present approach seems to suggest a breakdown (here, in the IR, at large distances) of the metric manifold description. We show that corrections to GR are in fact very tiny, become effective at distances comparable to the inverse curvature and do not contain any adjustable parameter. Finally, we derive some cosmological implications. By studying the consistency of the canonical commutation relations, we infer a correction to the distance between two comoving observers, which grows as the scale factor only when small compared to the Hubble length, but gets relevant corrections otherwise. The corrections to cosmological distance measures are also calculable and, for a spatially flat matter dominated Universe, go in the direction of an effective positive acceleration.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. Final version, references adde

    Investigation of classical radiation reaction with aligned crystals

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    Classical radiation reaction is the effect of the electromagnetic field emitted by an accelerated electric charge on the motion of the charge itself. The self-consistent underlying classical equation of motion including radiation-reaction effects, the Landau-Lifshitz equation, has never been tested experimentally, in spite of the first theoretical treatments of radiation reaction having been developed more than a century ago. Here we show that classical radiation reaction effects, in particular those due to the near electromagnetic field, as predicted by the Landau-Lifshitz equation, can be measured in principle using presently available facilities, in the energy emission spectrum of 30-GeV30\text{-}\text{GeV} electrons crossing a 0.550.55-mm\text{mm} thick diamond crystal in the axial channeling regime. Our theoretical results indicate the feasibility of the suggested setup, e.g., at the CERN Secondary Beam Areas (SBA) beamlines.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental quantum cosmology in time-dependent optical media

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    It is possible to construct artificial spacetime geometries for light by using intense laser pulses that modify the spatiotemporal properties of an optical medium. Here we theoretically investigate experimental possibilities for studying spacetime metrics of the form ds2=c2dt2η(t)2dx2\textrm{d}s^2=c^2\textrm{d}t^2-\eta(t)^2\textrm{d}x^2. By tailoring the laser pulse shape and medium properties, it is possible to create a refractive index variation n=n(t)n=n(t) that can be identified with η(t)\eta(t). Starting from a perturbative solution to a generalised Hopfield model for the medium described by an n=n(t)n=n(t) we provide estimates for the number of photons generated by the time-dependent spacetime. The simplest example is that of a uniformly varying η(t)\eta(t) that therefore describes the Robertson-Walker metric, i.e. a cosmological expansion. The number of photon pairs generated in experimentally feasible conditions appears to be extremely small. However, large photon production can be obtained by periodically modulating the medium and thus resorting to a resonant enhancement similar to that observed in the dynamical Casimir effect. Curiously, the spacetime metric in this case closely resembles that of a gravitational wave. Motivated by this analogy we show that a periodic gravitational wave can indeed act as an amplifier for photons. The emission for an actual gravitational wave will be very weak but should be readily observable in the laboratory analogue.Comment: Version accepted fro publication in New Journal of Physic

    Modelling a Particle Detector in Field Theory

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    Particle detector models allow to give an operational definition to the particle content of a given quantum state of a field theory. The commonly adopted Unruh-DeWitt type of detector is known to undergo temporary transitions to excited states even when at rest and in the Minkowski vacuum. We argue that real detectors do not feature this property, as the configuration "detector in its ground state + vacuum of the field" is generally a stable bound state of the underlying fundamental theory (e.g. the ground state-hydrogen atom in a suitable QED with electrons and protons) in the non-accelerated case. As a concrete example, we study a local relativistic field theory where a stable particle can capture a light quantum and form a quasi-stable state. As expected, to such a stable particle correspond energy eigenstates of the full theory, as is shown explicitly by using a dressed particle formalism at first order in perturbation theory. We derive an effective model of detector (at rest) where the stable particle and the quasi-stable configurations correspond to the two internal levels, "ground" and "excited", of the detector.Comment: 13 pages, references added, final versio

    Slow energy relaxation of macromolecules and nano-clusters in solution

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    Many systems in the realm of nanophysics from both the living and inorganic world display slow relaxation kinetics of energy fluctuations. In this paper we propose a general explanation for such phenomenon, based on the effects of interactions with the solvent. Within a simple harmonic model of the system fluctuations, we demonstrate that the inhomogeneity of coupling to the solvent of the bulk and surface atoms suffices to generate a complex spectrum of decay rates. We show for Myoglobin and for a metal nano-cluster that the result is a complex, non-exponential relaxation dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    New insight into cataract formation -- enhanced stability through mutual attraction

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    Small-angle neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations combined with an application of concepts from soft matter physics to complex protein mixtures provide new insight into the stability of eye lens protein mixtures. Exploring this colloid-protein analogy we demonstrate that weak attractions between unlike proteins help to maintain lens transparency in an extremely sensitive and non-monotonic manner. These results not only represent an important step towards a better understanding of protein condensation diseases such as cataract formation, but provide general guidelines for tuning the stability of colloid mixtures, a topic relevant for soft matter physics and industrial applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Let

    The impact of the quantized transverse motion on radiation emission in a Dirac harmonic oscillator

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    We investigate the radiation emitted by an ultrarelativistic electron traveling in a 1-dimensional parabolic potential. Having in mind a simplified model for beamstrahlung, we consider the realistic case of the electron motion being highly directional, with the transverse momentum being much smaller than the longitudinal one. In this case we can find solutions of the Dirac equation and we calculate exactly the radiation emission using first-order perturbation theory. We compare the results obtained to that obtained via the semi-classical method of Baier and Katkov which includes quantum effects due to photon recoil in the radiation emission but ignores the quantum nature of the electron motion. On the one hand, we confirm a prediction of the semi-classical method that the emission spectrum should coincide with that in the case of a linearly polarized monochromatic wave. On the other hand, however, we find that the semi-classical method does not yield the exact result when the quantum number describing the transverse motion becomes small. In this way, we address quantitatively the problem of the limits of validity of the semi-classical method, which is known, generally speaking, to be applicable for large quantum numbers. Finally, we also discuss which beam conditions would be necessary to enter the studied regime where also the motion of the particles must be considered quantum mechanically to yield the correct spectrum

    Numerical approach to the semiclassical method of radiation emission for arbitrary electron spin and photon polarization

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    We show how the semiclassical formulas for radiation emission of Baier, Katkov and Strakhovenko for arbitrary initial and final spins of the electron and arbitrary polarization of the emitted photon can be rewritten in a form which numerically converges quickly. We directly compare the method in the case of a background plane wave with the result obtained by using the Volkov state solution of the Dirac equation, and confirm that we obtain the same result. We then investigate the interaction of a circularly polarized short laser pulse scattering with GeV electrons and see that the finite duration of the pulse leads to a lower transfer of circular polarization than that predicted by the known formulas in the monochromatic case. We also see how the transfer of circular polarization from the laser beam to the gamma ray beam is gradually deteriorated as the laser intensity increases, entering the nonlinear regime. However, this is shown to be recovered if the scattered photon beam is collimated to only allow for passage of photons emitted with angles smaller than 1/γ1/\gamma with respect to the initial electron direction, where γ\gamma is the approximately constant Lorentz factor of the electron. The obtained formulas also allow us to answer questions regarding radiative polarization of the emitting particles. In this respect we briefly discuss an application of the present approach to the case of a bent crystal and high-energy positrons