54 research outputs found

    Uso de iodóforo tópico em feridas crônicas: revisão da literatura

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    La investigación trata de una revisión de la literatura a cerca de la utilización del yodo tópico y/o compuestos en el tratamiento de las heridas crónicas. Se buscaran los ensayos clínicos en el Cochrane. Catorce (n=24) publicaciones estaban de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión, y fueran analizadas según las características de las revistas y ensayos y clasificadas como: yodo versus otros agentes tópicos (7/ 50%); yodo versus curativos (6/ 42,9%) y yodo versus sin yodo (1/ 7,1%). Fueran obtenidos resultados favorables a la utilización del yodo y/o compuestos en 50% de los artículos analizados. Cuanto a las tendencias de los resultados, 6 de 8 publicaciones, a cerca de la de cicatrización de las heridas y prevención de infección, fueran favorables; 4 de 5 fueran no favorables solamente para la cicatrización, y el resultado del único trabajo con indicación del uso para tratamiento de infección de herida fue no favorable.Trata-se de revisão de literatura relacionada ao uso de iodóforos tópicos no tratamento de feridas crônicas. Os ensaios clínicos foram localizados por meio da Base de Dados Cochrane de Revisões Sistemáticas e Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados. Quatorze (58,3%), dentre 24 artigos, atenderam os critérios de inclusão, analisados quanto às características dos periódicos e dos estudos e classificados em três grupos: iodóforo versus outros agentes tópicos (7 ou 50%); iodóforo versus coberturas (6 ou 42,9%) e iodóforo versus sem iodóforo (1 ou 7,1%). Resultados favoráveis à utilização dos iodóforos ocorreram em 50% dos artigos analisados. Quanto às tendências dos resultados, seis, dentre oito artigos, que tratavam de cicatrização de feridas e prevenção de infecção, foram favoráveis; quatro, dentre cinco, foram desfavoráveis somente para a cicatrização e no único ensaio em que houve indicação do seu uso para tratamento de infecção de ferida o resultado foi desfavorável.This study aimed to do a review of the literature regarding the use of topic iodine and/or compounds in the treatment of chronic wounds. The clinical trials were searched in the Cochrane database. Fourteen (58.3%) among 24 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The articles were analyzed regarding journal and study characteristics and classified into three groups: Iodine versus other topic agents (7/ 50%); Iodine versus different dressings (6/ 42.9%); Iodine versus without Iodine (1/ 7.1%). Favorable results for the use of Iodine or similar product occurred in 50% of the analyzed studies. Six out of 8 trials showed favorable results for healing and infection prevention/ treatment; 4 out of 5 were not favorable when the healing objective was investigated and 1 study for infection treatment showed no favorable result

    Characterization of the Fungal Microbiota (Mycobiome) in Healthy and Dandruff-Afflicted Human Scalps

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    The human scalp harbors a vast community of microbial mutualists, the composition of which is difficult to elucidate as many of the microorganisms are not culturable using current culture techniques. Dandruff, a common scalp disorder, is known as a causative factor of a mild seborrheic dermatitis as well as pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis. Lipophilic yeast Malassezia is widely accepted to play a role in dandruff, but relatively few comprehensive studies have been reported. In order to investigate fungal biota and genetic resources of dandruff, we amplified the 26S rRNA gene from samples of healthy scalps and dandruff-afflicted scalps. The sequences were analyzed by a high throughput method using a GS-FLX 454 pyrosequencer. Of the 74,811 total sequence reads, Basidiomycota (Filobasidium spp.) was the most common phylum associated with dandruff. In contrast, Ascomycota (Acremonium spp.) was common in the healthy scalps. Our results elucidate the distribution of fungal communities associated with dandruff and provide new avenues for the potential prevention and treatment of dandruff

    Luciferase expression allows bioluminescence imaging but imposes limitations on the orthotopic mouse (4T1) model of breast cancer

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    Funding Information: Experiments on the 4T1 and 4Tluc2D6 mouse models of breast cancer were supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation, grant 14-14-00882. MRI measurements were carried out on ClinScan 7T located at Center for Collective Usage (CKP) “Medical nanobiotechologies”, located in Russian National Research Medical University. Experiments on the optimization of protocols for DNA immunization were supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation grant 15-15-30039. Optimization of tumor challenge after DNA immunization was supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research grant 17-04-00583. Participants were trained in the immunization and tumor challenge experiments in the frame of the European Union Twinning project VACTRAIN, grant agreement #692293, and Swedish Institute PI project 19806/2016. Maria Isaguliants and Stefan Petkov were supported by VACTRAIN, and Maria Isaguliants, also by BALTINFECT, grant agreement #316275. Athina Kilpeläinen was supported by the individual study grant of the Swedish Institute #19061/2014. Patrik Hort is gratefully acknowledged for the language editing. Natalia Belikova is gratefully acknowledged for help with the quantification of protein expression based on the exponential calibration curves. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.Implantation of reporter-labeled tumor cells in an immunocompetent host involves a risk of their immune elimination. We have studied this effect in a mouse model of breast cancer after the orthotopic implantation of mammary gland adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells genetically labelled with luciferase (Luc). Mice were implanted with 4T1 cells and two derivative Luc-expressing clones 4T1luc2 and 4T1luc2D6 exhibiting equal in vitro growth rates. In vivo, the daughter 4T1luc2 clone exhibited nearly the same, and 4T1luc2D6, a lower growth rate than the parental cells. The metastatic potential of 4T1 variants was assessed by magnetic resonance, bioluminescent imaging, micro-computed tomography, and densitometry which detected 100-μm metastases in multiple organs and bones at the early stage of their development. After 3-4 weeks, 4T1 generated 11.4 ? 2.1, 4T1luc2D6, 4.5 ? 0.6; and 4T1luc2, 〈1 metastases per mouse, locations restricted to lungs and regional lymph nodes. Mice bearing Luc-expressing tumors developed IFN-? Response to the dominant CTL epitope of Luc. Induced by intradermal DNA-immunization, such response protected mice from the establishment of 4T1luc2-tumors. Our data show that natural or induced cellular response against the reporter restricts growth and metastatic activity of the reporter-labelled tumor cells. Such cells represent a powerful instrument for improving immunization technique for cancer vaccine applications.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    A randomised clinical study to determine the effect of a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins on plaque oral microbiome ecology

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    The numerous species that make up the oral microbiome are now understood to play a key role in establishment and maintenance of oral health. The ability to taxonomically identify community members at the species level is important to elucidating its diversity and association to health and disease. We report the overall ecological effects of using a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins compared to a control toothpaste on the plaque microbiome. The results reported here demonstrate that a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins can augment natural salivary defences to promote an overall community shift resulting in an increase in bacteria associated with gum health and a concomitant decrease in those associated with periodontal disease. Statistical analysis shows significant increases in 12 taxa associated with gum health including Neisseria spp. and a significant decrease in 10 taxa associated with periodontal disease including Treponema spp. The results demonstrate that a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins can significantly shift the ecology of the oral microbiome (at species level) resulting in a community with a stronger association to health

    Prostate carcinoma metastatic to the skin as an extrammamary Paget's disease

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    Aim: The current paper describes a case of prostatic adenocarcinoma metastatic to the skin presenting as an extrammamary Paget's disease, a very rare and poorly characterised morphological entity. We report a case of prostatic carcinoma metastatic to skin showing a pattern of extramammary Paget's disease which has not been clearly illustrated in the literature Case presentation: A 63 year-old man with prostatic adenocarcinoma developed cutaneous metastases after 16 years. The inguinal metastases were sessile and 'keratotic.' The tumour displayed solid, glandular areas as well as a polypoid region suggestive of extramammary Paget's disease were identified.Discussion and conclusions: We review the diagnostic criteria that have led to the correct histopathological diagnosis in this case. A differential diagnosis of the pagetoid spread in the skin and various forms of cutaneous metastases determined by a prostatic adenocarcinoma as well as the role of immunohistochemistry in establishing the prostatic origin are presented in the context of this case. Although, morphologically the cells presented in the skin deposits were not characteristic for adenocarcinoma of prostate, immunohistochemistry for PSA and PSAP suggested a prostatic origin.Virtual Slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1395450057455276. © 2012 Petcu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Therapeutic implications of cellular and molecular biology of cancer stem cells in melanoma

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