157 research outputs found

    Unstable decay and state selection II

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    The decay of unstable states when several metastable states are available for occupation is investigated using path-integral techniques. Specifically, a method is described which allows the probabilities with which the metastable states are occupied to be calculated by finding optimal paths, and fluctuations about them, in the weak noise limit. The method is illustrated on a system described by two coupled Langevin equations, which are found in the study of instabilities in fluid dynamics and superconductivity. The problem involves a subtle interplay between non-linearities and noise, and a naive approximation scheme which does not take this into account is shown to be unsatisfactory. The use of optimal paths is briefly reviewed and then applied to finding the conditional probability of ending up in one of the metastable states, having begun in the unstable state. There are several aspects of the calculation which distinguish it from most others involving optimal paths: (i) the paths do not begin and end on an attractor, and moreover, the final point is to a large extent arbitrary, (ii) the interplay between the fluctuations and the leading order contribution are at the heart of the method, and (iii) the final result involves quantities which are not exponentially small in the noise strength. This final result, which gives the probability of a particular state being selected in terms of the parameters of the dynamics, is remarkably simple and agrees well with the results of numerical simulations. The method should be applicable to similar problems in a number of other areas such as state selection in lasers, activationless chemical reactions and population dynamics in fluctuating environments.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Symmetries of the stochastic Burgers equation

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    All Lie symmetries of the Burgers equation driven by an external random force are found. Besides the generalized Galilean transformations, this equation is also invariant under the time reparametrizations. It is shown that the Gaussian distribution of a pumping force is not invariant under the symmetries and breaks them down leading to the nontrivial vacuum (instanton). Integration over the volume of the symmetry groups provides the description of fluctuations around the instanton and leads to an exactly solvable quantum mechanical problem.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, replaced with published versio

    Mode-coupling theory and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for nonlinear Langevin equations with multiplicative noise

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    In this letter, we develop a mode-coupling theory for a class of nonlinear Langevin equations with multiplicative noise using a field theoretic formalism. These equations are simplified models of realistic colloidal suspensions. We prove that the derived equations are consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We also discuss the generalization of the result given here to real fluids, and the possible description of supercooled fluids in the aging regime. We demonstrate that the standard idealized mode-coupling theory is not consistent with the FDT in a strict field theoretic sense.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Learning-specific changes in long-term depression in adult perirhinal cortex

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    Learning is widely believed to involve synaptic plasticity, using mechanisms such as those used in long-term potentiation (LTP). We assess whether the mechanisms used in alternative forms of plasticity, long-term depression (LTD) and depotentiation, play a role in learning. We have exploited the involvement of the perirhinal cortex in two different forms of learning to compare simultaneously, within the same brain region, their effects on LTD and depotentiation. Multiple-exposure learning but not single-exposure learning in vivo prevented, in a muscarinic receptor-dependent manner, subsequent induction of LTD and depotentiation, but not LTP, in perirhinal cortex in vitro. The contrast in the effects of the two types of learning under these particular experimental conditions indicate that the in vitro change is unlikely to be attributable to synapse-specific plastic changes registering the precise details of the individual learned associations. Instead, it is concluded that the lack of LTD and depotentiation arises from, and establishes the importance of, a learning-related generalized change in plasticity gain. The existence of this additional mechanism has important implications for interpretations of how plasticity relates to learning

    A central role for hepatic conventional dendritic cells in supporting Th2 responses during helminth infection

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the key initiators of T-helper (Th) 2 immune responses against the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni. Although the liver is one of the main sites of antigen deposition during infection with this parasite, it is not yet clear how distinct DC subtypes in this tissue respond to S. mansoni antigens in vivo, or how the liver microenvironment might influence DC function during establishment of the Th2 response. In this study, we show that hepatic DC subsets undergo distinct activation processes in vivo following murine infection with S. mansoni. Conventional DCs (cDCs) from schistosome-infected mice upregulated expression of the costimulatory molecule CD40 and were capable of priming naive CD4+ T cells, whereas plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) upregulated expression of MHC class II, CD86 and CD40 but were unable to support the expansion of either naive or effector/memory CD4+ T cells. Importantly, in vivo depletion of pDCs revealed that this subset was dispensable for either maintenance or regulation of the hepatic Th2 effector response during acute S. mansoni infection. Our data provides strong evidence that S. mansoni infection favors the establishment of an immunogenic, rather than tolerogenic, liver microenvironment that conditions cDCs to initiate and maintain Th2 immunity in the context of ongoing antigen exposure

    Perceptions and attitudes to sustainable roundworm control by European sheep farmers

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    Trabajo presentado al: 28th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP). Dublín. 19-22 julio. Virtual meeting

    A unique DNA methylation signature defines a population of IFN-γ/IL-4 double-positive T cells during helminth infection

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    Th1 and Th2 cell fates are traditionally viewed as mutually exclusive, but recent work suggests that these lineages may be more plastic than previously thought. When isolating splenic CD4(+) T cells from mice infected with the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni, we observed a defined population of IFN-γ/IL-4 double-positive cells. These IFN-γ(+)IL-4(+) cells showed differences in DNA methylation at the Ifng and Il4 loci when compared with IFN-γ(+)IL-4(−) (Th1) and IFN-γ(−)IL-4(+) (Th2) cells, demonstrating that they represent a distinct effector cell population. IFN-γ(+)IL-4(+) cells also displayed a discrete DNA methylation pattern at a CpG island within the body of the Gata3 gene, which encodes the master regulator of Th2 identity. DNA methylation at this region correlated with decreased Gata3 levels, suggesting a possible role in controlling Gata3 expression. These data provide important insight into the molecular mechanisms behind the co-existence of Th1 and Th2 characteristics

    In search of community history

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    This editorial response to the preceding article by Dennis Mills addresses the meaning of community history. Rejecting an over-tight definition, we argue for a methodologically distinct community history, combining a micro-historical approach with a sensitivity to the discursive construction of the term 'community'. Furthermore the role of family and community historians should be to adapt a critical stance towards contemporary meanings of both past 'communities' and past 'families'. The article concludes that Withington and Shephard's schema for approaching the history of 'community' offers a practical way forward for the family and community historian
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