37 research outputs found

    IKKΞ² regulates essential functions of the vascular endothelium through kinase-dependent and -independent pathways

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    Vascular endothelium provides a selective barrier between the blood and tissues, participates in wound healing and angiogenesis, and regulates tissue recruitment of inflammatory cells. Nuclear factor (NF)-ΞΊB transcription factors are pivotal regulators of survival and inflammation, and have been suggested as potential therapeutic targets in cancer and inflammatory diseases. Here we show that mice lacking IKKΞ², the primary kinase mediating NF-ΞΊB activation, are smaller than littermates and born at less than the expected Mendelian frequency in association with hypotrophic and hypovascular placentae. IKKΞ²-deleted endothelium manifests increased vascular permeability and reduced migration. Surprisingly, we find that these defects result from loss of kinase-independent effects of IKKΞ² on activation of the serine-threonine kinase, Akt. Together, these data demonstrate essential roles for IKKΞ² in regulating endothelial permeability and migration, as well as an unanticipated connection between IKKΞ² and Akt signalling

    Novel Evidence of HBV Recombination in Family Cluster Infections in Western China

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    Two hepatitis B virus (HBV) C/D recombinants were isolated from western China. No direct evidence indicates that these new viruses arose as a result of recombination between genotype C and D or a result of convergence. In this study, we search for evidence of intra-individual recombination in the family cluster cases with co-circulation of genotype C, D and C/D recombinants. We studied 68 individuals from 15 families with HBV infections in 2006, identified individuals with mixed HBV genotype co-infections by restriction fragment length polymorphism and proceeded with cloning and DNA sequencing. Recombination signals were detected by RDP3 software and confirmed by split phylogenetic trees. Families with mixed HBV genotype co-infections were resampled in 2007. Three of 15 families had individuals with different HBV genotype co-infections in 2006. One individual (Y2) had a triple infection of HBV genotype C, D and C/D recombinant in 2006, but only genotype D in 2007. Further clonal analysis of this patient indicated that the C/D recombinant was not identical to previously isolated CD1 or CD2, but many novel recombinants with C2, D1 and CD1 were simultaneously found. All parental strains could recombine with each other to form new recombinant in this patient. This indicates that the detectable mixed infection and recombination have a limited time window. Also, as the recombinant nature of HBV precludes the possibility of a simple phylogenetic taxonomy, a new standard may be required for classifying HBV sequences

    Redox proteomics of the inflammatory secretome identifies a common set of redoxins and other glutathionylated proteins released in inflammation, influenza virus infection and oxidative stress

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    Protein cysteines can form transient disulfides with glutathione (GSH), resulting in the production of glutathionylated proteins, and this process is regarded as a mechanism by which the redox state of the cell can regulate protein function. Most studies on redox regulation of immunity have focused on intracellular proteins. In this study we have used redox proteomics to identify those proteins released in glutathionylated form by macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) after pre-loading the cells with biotinylated GSH. Of the several proteins identified in the redox secretome, we have selected a number for validation. Proteomic analysis indicated that LPS stimulated the release of peroxiredoxin (PRDX) 1, PRDX2, vimentin (VIM), profilin1 (PFN1) and thioredoxin 1 (TXN1). For PRDX1 and TXN1, we were able to confirm that the released protein is glutathionylated. PRDX1, PRDX2 and TXN1 were also released by the human pulmonary epithelial cell line, A549, infected with influenza virus. The release of the proteins identified was inhibited by the anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX), which also inhibited tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Ξ± release, and by thiol antioxidants (N-butanoyl GSH derivative, GSH-C4, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which did not affect TNF-Ξ± production. The proteins identified could be useful as biomarkers of oxidative stress associated with inflammation, and further studies will be required to investigate if the extracellular forms of these proteins has immunoregulatory functions

    A Multicentre Molecular Analysis of Hepatitis B and Blood-Borne Virus Coinfections in Viet Nam

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) infection is endemic in Viet Nam, with up to 8.4 million individuals estimated to be chronically infected. We describe results of a large, multicentre seroepidemiological and molecular study of the prevalence of HBV infection and blood-borne viral coinfections in Viet Nam. Individuals with varying risk factors for infection (nβ€Š=β€Š8654) were recruited from five centres; Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa and Can Tho. A mean prevalence rate of 10.7% was observed and levels of HBsAg were significantly higher in injecting drug users (IDUs) (17.4%, nβ€Š=β€Š174/1000) and dialysis patients (14.3%, nβ€Š=β€Š82/575) than in lower-risk groups (9.4%; p<0.001). Coinfection with HIV was seen in 28% of HBV-infected IDUs (nβ€Š=β€Š49/174) and 15.2% of commercial sex workers (CSWs; nβ€Š=β€Š15/99). HCV infection was present in 89.8% of the HBV-HIV coinfected IDUs (nβ€Š=β€Š44/49) and 40% of HBV-HIV coinfected CSWs (nβ€Š=β€Š16/40). Anti-HDV was detected in 10.7% (nβ€Š=β€Š34/318) of HBsAg positive individuals. Phylogenetic analysis of HBV S gene (nβ€Š=β€Š187) showed a predominance of genotype B4 (82.6%); genotypes C1 (14.6%), B2 (2.7%) and C5 (0.5%) were also identified. The precore mutation G1896A was identified in 35% of all specimens, and was more frequently observed in genotype B (41%) than genotype C (3%; p<0.0001). In the immunodominant β€˜a’ region of the surface gene, point mutations were identified in 31% (nβ€Š=β€Š58/187) of sequences, and 2.2% (nβ€Š=β€Š4/187) and 5.3% (nβ€Š=β€Š10/187) specimens contained the major vaccine escape mutations G145A/R and P120L/Q/S/T, respectively. 368 HBsAg positive individuals were genotyped for the IL28B SNP rs12979860 and no significant association between the IL28B SNP and clearance of HBsAg, HBV viral load or HBeAg was observed. This study confirms the high prevalence of HBV infection in Viet Nam and also highlights the significant levels of blood-borne virus coinfections, which have important implications for hepatitis-related morbidity and development of effective management strategies

    Management of multiple drug-resistant malaria in Viet Nam.

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    Malaria is still the most common infectious cause of mortality and morbidity in Viet Nam as it is in many developing countries in the tropics. The presence of resistance to available antimalarials and compliance in the target population are factors that influence the choice of drugs and regimens. In order to develop an ideal treatment for malaria, we conducted several clinical trials in patients with the disease in different settings. The results of these trials suggest that a combination of single dose artemisinin (or its derivatives) and mefloquine is the most effective, safe and practical treatment for acute non-complicated malaria due to multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. Concerning severe and complicated malaria, parenteral or rectal multi-doses of artemisinin or analogues are recommended due to their rapid parasite clearance time and other possible anti-cytoadherence effects. With its rapid parasite clearance, very early treatment of uncomplicated cases with artemisinin (and derivatives), especially at a health post level may help to prevent the development of complications, consequently reducing the number of severe cases and the malaria mortality rate

    Corticosteroids for dengue - why don't they work?

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    BACKGROUND: Dysregulated immune responses may contribute to the clinical complications that occur in some patients with dengue. FINDINGS: In Vietnamese pediatric dengue cases randomized to early prednisolone therapy, 81 gene-transcripts (0.2% of the 47,231 evaluated) were differentially abundant in whole-blood between high-dose (2 mg/kg) prednisolone and placebo-treated patients two days after commencing therapy. Prominent among the 81 transcripts were those associated with T and NK cell cytolytic functions. Additionally, prednisolone therapy was not associated with changes in plasma cytokine levels. CONCLUSION: The inability of prednisolone treatment to markedly attenuate the host immune response is instructive for planning future therapeutic strategies for dengue

    Measurement of isomeric cross-section ratios for the Sc-45(gamma,n)Sc-44m,Sc-g, Ti-nat (gamma,x)Sc-44m,Sc-g, Rh-103(gamma,4n)Rh-99m,Rh-g, and Fe-nat (gamma,x)Mn-52m,Mn-g reactions induced by 65-MeV bremsstrahlung

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    We measured isomeric cross-section ratios for the Sc-45(gamma,n)(SC)-S-44m,g, Ti-nat (gamma,x)(SC)-S-44m,g, Rh-103(gamma,4n)Rh-99m,Rh-g, and Fe-nat(gamma,x)Mn-52m,Mn-g reactions at the 65-MeV electron linac of the Po-hang Accelerator Laborator by using the activation method. Samples of natural Sc, Ti, Rh, and Fe metallic foils were irradiated in an uncollimated bremsstrahlung beam. The isomeric cross-section ratios were determined from the activity measurement with a high-purity germanium detector. The measured isomeric ratios were 0.21 +/- 0.03, 0.12 +/- 0.03, 1.43 +/- 0.20, and 0.28 +/- 0.04 for the Sc-45(gamma,n)Sc-44m,Sc-g, Ti-nat (gamma,x)Sc-44m,Sc-g, Rh-103(gamma,4n)Rh-99m,Rh-g, and Fe-nat(gamma,x)Mn-52m,Mn-g reactions, respectively. The present results for the Sc-45(gamma,n)Sc-44m,Sc-g and Fe-nat(gamma,x)Mn-52m,Mn-g reactions are in good agreement with other measurements. The present results for Ti-nat(gamma,x)(44m,g) Sc and Rh-103(gamma,4n)Rh-99m,Rh-g reactions are the first such measurements.11sciescopuskc

    Feasibility of establishing a rehabilitation programme in a Vietnamese intensive care unit

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    Increasing numbers of people are surviving critical illness throughout the world, but survivorship is associated with long-term disability. In high-income settings physical rehabilitation is commonly employed to counter this and improve outcomes. These utilize highly-trained multidisciplinary teams and are unavailable and unaffordable in most low and middle income countries (LMICs). We aimed to design a sustainable intensive care unit (ICU) rehabilitation program and to evaluate its feasibility in a LMIC setting. In this project patients, care-givers and experts co-designed an innovative rehabilitation programme that can be delivered by non-expert ICU staff and family care-givers in a LMIC. We implemented this programme in adult patient with patients with tetanus at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City over a 5-month period, evaluating the programme's acceptability, enablers and barriers. A 6-phase programme was designed, supported by written and video material. The programme was piloted in total of 30 patients. Rehabilitation was commenced a median 14 (inter quartile range (IQR) 10-18) days after admission. Each patient received a median of 25.5 (IQR 22.8-34.8) rehabilitation sessions out of a median 27 (22.8-35) intended (prescribed) sessions. There were no associated adverse events. Patients and staff found rehabilitation to be beneficial, enhanced relationships between carers, patients and staff and was deemed to be a positive step towards recovery and return to work. The main barrier was staff time. The programme was feasible for patients with tetanus and viewed positively by staff and participants. Staff time was identified as the major barrier to ongoing implementation