1,541 research outputs found

    Petrogenesis of calcic plagioclase megacrysts in Archean rocks

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    Anorthositic complexes with large equidimensional plagioclase grains of highly calcic composition occur in nearly all Archean cratons. Similar plagioclase occur as megacrysts in many Archean sills, dikes, and volcanic flows. In the Canadian Shield these units occur throughout the Archean portions of the entire shield and are particularly common as dikes over an area of a few 100,000 sq km in Ontario and Manitoba during a period of at least 100 m.y. in many different rock types and metamorphic grades. The plagioclase generally occurs in three modes: as inclusions in mafic intrusions at various stages of fractionation, as crystal segregations in anorthosite complexes, or as megacrysts in fractionated sills, dikes, and flows. Most occurrences suggest that the plagioclase was formed elsewhere before being transported to its present location. The evidence seems to be quite clear that occurrences of these types of calcic plagioclase require: (1) ponding of a relatively undifferentiated Archean tholeiitic melt at some depth; (2) isothermal crystallization of large, equidimensional homogeneous plagioclase crystals; (3) separation of the plagioclase crystals from any other crystalline phases; (4) further fractionation of melt; (5)transport of various combinations of individual plagioclase crystals and clusters of crystals by variously fractionated melts; and (6) emplacement as various types of igneous intrusions or flows

    Archaean megacrystic plagioclase units and the tectonic setting of greenstones

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    Large (up to 20 cm), equidimensional, commonly euhedral, plagioclase megacrysts of highly calcic composition (An sub 80-90) occur commonly in all Archean cratons in one or more of three distinct associations: (1) as cumulate crystal segregations of anorthosite or as megacrysts in basaltic dikes, sills, and flows in greenstone belts that vary in metamorphic grade from greenschist to granulite. Throughout 100's of thousands of square kilometers of northwestern Ontario and Manitoba the plagioclase megacrysts occur in pillowed and massive flows, sills, dikes, large inclusions in dikes, and intrusive anorthositic complexes with areas of up to a few 100 sq km and spanning a period of at least 100 m.y. in the 2.7 to 2.8 b.y. time frame; (2) as basaltic dike swarms in stable cratonic areas forming parallel to subparallel patterns over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers intruding both granitic gneisses and supracrustal belts including greenstones. These swams include the Ameralik-Saglek system at 3.1 to 3.4 b.y., the Matachewan system at 2.5 to 2.6 b.y., and the Beartooth-Bighorn system at 2.2 to 2.3 b.y.; and, (3) as anorthositic complexes associated with marbles and quartzites (Sittampundi, India and Messina, South Africa) in granulite grade terrains. Initial attempts to correlate tectonic settings of similar modern crystbearing units with their Archean counterparts were only partially successful

    The Petrogenetic significance of Plagioclase megacrysts in Archean rocks

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    The petrogenetic significance of plagioclase megacryst-bearing Archean rocks was considered. It was suggested that these developed in mid-to upper-crustal magma chambers that were repeatedly replenished. Crystallization of megacrysts from a primitive liquid that evolves to an Fe-rich tholeiite (with LREE enrichment) is nearly isothermal and is an equilibrium process. Cumulates probably form near the margins of the chambers and liquids with megacrysts are periodically extracted and can appear as volcanics. Some flows and intrusives are found in arc-like settings in greenstone belts. Megacrystic dikes represent large volumes of melt and dike swarms such as the Metachawan swarm of Ontario suggest multiple sources of similar compositions. A complex series of melt ponding and migration are probable and involve large amounts of liquid

    Tectonic implications of Archean anorthosite occurrences

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    The occurrences of megacrystic anorthosite and basalt in a variety of geologic settings were reviewed and it was found that these rock types occur in a variety of tectonic settings. Anorthosites and megacrystic basalts are petrogenetically related and are found in oceanic volcanic crust, cratons, and shelf environments. Although megacrystic basalts are most common in Archean terranes, similar occurrences are observed in rocks of early Proterozoic age, and even in young terranes such as the Galapagos hotspot. Based on inferences from experimental petrology, all of the occurrences are apparently associated with similar parental melts that are relatively Fe-rich tholeiites. The megacrystic rocks exhibit a two- (or more)-stage development of plagioclase, with the megacrysts having relatively uniform composition produced under nearly isothermal and isochemical conditions over substantial periods of time. The anorthosites appear to have intruded various crustal levels from very deep to very shallow. The petrogenetic indicators, however, suggest that conditions of formation of the Precambrian examples were different from Phanerozoic occurrences

    Gravitational waves from an accreting neutron star with a magnetic mountain

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    We calculate the amplitude of gravitational waves from a neutron star accreting symmetrically at its magnetic poles. The magnetic field, which is compressed into an equatorial belt during accretion, confines accreted matter in a mountain at the magnetic pole, producing gravitational waves. We compute hydromagnetic equilibria and the corresponding quadrupole moment as a function of the accreted mass, Ma, finding the polarization- and orientation- averaged wave strain at Earth to be h_c = 6.3 × 10^(–25)(M_a/10^(–5)M_☉)(ƒ/0.6kHz)^2(d/1kpc)^(–1) for a range of conditions, where ƒ is the wave frequency and d is the distance to the source. This is ~ 10^2 times greater than previous estimates, which failed to treat the mass-flux distribution self-consistently with respect to flux-freezin

    Quantitative estimation of plant characteristics using spectral measurement: A survey of the literature

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    Expected characteristics of the subclass of Supernova Gamma-ray Bursts (S-GRBs)

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    The spatial and temporal coincidence between the gamma-ray burst (GRB) 980425 and supernova (SN) 1998bw has prompted speculation that there exists a class of GRBs produced by SNe (``S-GRBs''). Robust arguments for the existence of a relativistic shock have been presented on the basis of radio observations. A physical model based on the radio observations lead us to propose the following characteristics of supernovae GRBs (S-GRBs): 1) prompt radio emission and implied brightness temperature near or below the inverse Compton limit, 2) high expansion velocity of the optical photosphere as derived from lines widths and energy release larger than usual, 3) no long-lived X-ray afterglow, and 4) a single pulse (SP) GRB profile. Radio studies of previous SNe show that only type Ib and Ic potentially satisfy the first condition. Accordingly we have investigated proposed associations of GRBs and SNe finding no convincing evidence (mainly to paucity of data) to confirm any single connection of a SN with a GRB. If there is a more constraining physical basis for the burst time-history of S-GRBs beyond that of the SP requirement, we suggest the 1% of light curves in the BATSE catalogue similar to that of GRB 980425 may constitute the subclass. Future optical follow-up of bursts with similar profiles should confirm if such GRBs originate from some fraction of SN type Ib/Ic.Comment: 11 pages of LaTeX with 1 figure. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Timing the millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae

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    In the last 10 years 20 millisecond pulsars have been discovered in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Hitherto, only 3 of these had published timing solutions. Here we improve upon these 3 and present 12 new solutions. These measurements can be used to determine a variety of physical properties of the pulsars and of the cluster. The 15 pulsars have positions determined with typical uncertianties of only a few milliarcsec and they are all located within 1.2 arcmin of the cluster centre. We have also measured the proper motions of 5 of the pulsars, which are consistent with the proper motion of 47 Tuc based on Hipparcos data. The period derivatives measured for many of the pulsars are dominated by the dynamical effects of the cluster gravitational field, and are used to constrain the surface mass density of the cluster. All pulsars have characteristic ages T > 170 Myr and magnetic fields B < 2.4e9 Gauss, and the average T > 1 Gyr. We have measured the rate of advance of periastron for the binary pulsar J0024-7204H, implying a total system mass 1.4+-0.8 solar masses.Comment: 17 pages, 11 included figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Formation of Relativistic Outflows in Shearing Black Hole Accretion Coronae

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    We examine the possibility that the relativistic jets observed in many active galactic nuclei may be powered by the Fermi acceleration of protons in a tenuous corona above a two-temperature accretion disk. In this picture the acceleration arises as a consequence of the shearing motion of the magnetic field in the corona, which is anchored in the underlying Keplerian disk. The protons in the corona have a power-law distribution because the density there is too low for proton-proton collisions to thermalize the energy supplied via Fermi acceleration. The same shear acceleration mechanism also operates in the disk itself, however, there the density is high enough for thermalization to occur and consequently the disk protons have a Maxwellian distribution. Particle acceleration in the corona leads to the development of a pressure-driven wind that passes through a critical point and subsequently transforms into a relativistic jet at large distances from the black hole. We combine the critical conditions for the wind with the structure equations for the disk and the corona to obtain a coupled disk/corona/wind model. Using the coupled model we compute the asymptotic Lorentz factor Γ∞\Gamma_\infty of the jet as a function of the cylindrical starting radius at the base of the outflow, in the corona. Our results suggest that \Gamma_\infty \lapprox 10, which is consistent with observations of superluminal motion in blazars. We show that collisions between the jet and broad-line emission clouds can produce high-energy radiation with a luminosity sufficient to power the γ\gamma-rays observed from blazars. Subject headings: radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, accretion, accretion disks, acceleration of particles, gamma rays: theoryComment: 50 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ, 199
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