869 research outputs found

    Amphetamine Exerts Dose-Dependent Changes in Prefrontal Cortex Attractor Dynamics during Working Memory

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    Modulation of neural activity by monoamine neurotransmitters is thought to play an essential role in shaping computational neurodynamics in the neocortex, especially in prefrontal regions. Computational theories propose that monoamines may exert bidirectional (concentration-dependent) effects on cognition by altering prefrontal cortical attractor dynamics according to an inverted U-shaped function. To date, this hypothesis has not been addressed directly, in part because of the absence of appropriate statistical methods required to assess attractor-like behavior in vivo. The present study used a combination of advanced multivariate statistical, time series analysis, and machine learning methods to assess dynamic changes in network activity from multiple single-unit recordings from the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of rats while the animals performed a foraging task guided by working memory after pretreatment with different doses of d-amphetamine (AMPH), which increases monoamine efflux in the mPFC. A dose-dependent, bidirectional effect of AMPH on neural dynamics in the mPFC was observed. Specifically, a 1.0 mg/kg dose of AMPH accentuated separation between task-epoch-specific population states and convergence toward these states. In contrast, a 3.3 mg/kg dose diminished separation and convergence toward task-epoch-specific population states, which was paralleled by deficits in cognitive performance. These results support the computationally derived hypothesis that moderate increases in monoamine efflux would enhance attractor stability, whereas high frontal monoamine levels would severely diminish it. Furthermore, they are consistent with the proposed inverted U-shaped and concentration-dependent modulation of cortical efficiency by monoamines

    Marine benthic flora and fauna of Gourdon Bay and the Dampier Peninsula in the Kimberley region of North-Western Australia

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    Surveys undertaken to characterise the marine benthic habitats along the Dampier Peninsula and further south at Gourdon Bay in the Kimberley region of Western Australia were augmented with epibenthic sled sampling of soft and hard bottom habitats. This paper describes the species collected, their biomass and relative abundance for the main groups of marine macrophytes and invertebrates. Five localities were surveyed; Gourdon Bay, Quondong Point to Coulomb Point, Carnot Bay to Beagle Bay, Perpendicular Head and Packer Island. Sampling was limited to fifteen epibenthic dredge operations from a range of habitat types and was designed to target the most common habitat types and to obtain species identifications of the most important species and those which typified different habitat types. Surveys covered a total of 1,350 m 2 of seabed in depths between 11 and 23m. We identified 415 taxa comprising: 1 seagrass, 43 algae, 52 sponges, 30 ascidians, 10 hydroids, 14 scleractinian corals, 52 other cnidarians, 69 crustaceans, 73 molluscs and 71 echinoderms. Despite the limited nature of the sampling, a significant number of new species, range extensions and new records for Western Australia and Australia were recorded. Within the algae, one range extension (Halimeda cf. cuneata f. digitata not previously recorded in Western Australia) and one possible new species of Areschougia were recorded. Two range extensions were present in the ascidians; the solitary ascidian Polycarpa cf. intonata has previously only been recorded in Queensland and Cnemidocarpa cf. radicosa only in temperate Australian waters. There were several range extensions for the crustacea, for example, the sponge crab, Tumidodromia dormia, has only been recorded in Queensland. One species of holothurian of the genus Phyllophorus could not be identified from the literature available and may represent a new species. Similarly, a small species of the echinoid Gymnechinus could possibly be a new species. The collections of hydroids, hard corals, crinoids and molluscs contained no new species or range extensions. There was difficulty in identification of some groups to species level due to the status of the current taxonomic literature (e.g. Cnidaria, Porifera and ascidians) and there may be a number of new species among the material collected. Among the anthozoa, there is at least one new species of Chromonephthea and potentially 10 range extensions to Western Australia. Sinularia cf. acuta and Chromonephthea curvata are both new records for Australia with both previously recorded in Indonesia only. Among the better known taxa (e.g. molluscs, echinoderms, corals), most of the taxa identified to species level have been recorded to occur throughout north-western Australia, however the diversity recorded in this study is less than other parts of the Kimberley and this is almost certainly a result of the small overall area sampled and the single method of collection utilised. The most important species on soft bottom habitats in terms of biomass was the heart urchin Breynia desorii (up to 326 g.m -2). Sponges were the dominant fauna by biomass (up to 620 g.m -2) on hard bottom habitats and biomass was dominated a by a few large cup and massive sponge species (e.g. Pione velans and two unidentified Spheciospongia). The biomass of other filter feeders, especially ascidians (e.g. Aplidium cf. crateriferum), soft corals (e.g. Chromonephthea spp.), gorgonians (e.g. Junceella fragilis and Dichotella gemmacea) was also high, indicating the importance of these groups in characterising hard bottom habitats. Although low in biomass, crinoids such as Comaster multifidus and Comatula pectinata were abundant in samples that included a high biomass of other filter feeders

    Compounding Impacts of Human-Induced Water Stress and Climate Change on Water Availability

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    The terrestrial phase of the water cycle can be seriously impacted by water management and human water use behavior (e.g., reservoir operation, and irrigation withdrawals). Here we outline a method for assessing water availability in a changing climate, while explicitly considering anthropogenic water demand scenarios and water supply infrastructure designed to cope with climatic extremes. The framework brings a top-down and bottom-up approach to provide localized water assessment based on local water supply infrastructure and projected water demands. When our framework is applied to southeastern Australia we find that, for some combinations of climatic change and water demand, the region could experience water stress similar or worse than the epic Millennium Drought. We show considering only the influence of future climate on water supply, and neglecting future changes in water demand and water storage augmentation might lead to opposing perspectives on future water availability. While human water use can significantly exacerbate climate change impacts on water availability, if managed well, it allows societies to react and adapt to a changing climate. The methodology we present offers a unique avenue for linking climatic and hydrologic processes to water resource supply and demand management and other human interactions

    The existence problem for dynamics of dissipative systems in quantum probability

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    Motivated by existence problems for dissipative systems arising naturally in lattice models from quantum statistical mechanics, we consider the following C∗C^{\ast}-algebraic setting: A given hermitian dissipative mapping δ\delta is densely defined in a unital C∗C^{\ast}-algebra A\mathfrak{A}. The identity element in A{\frak A} is also in the domain of δ\delta. Completely dissipative maps δ\delta are defined by the requirement that the induced maps, (aij)→(δ(aij))(a_{ij})\to (\delta (a_{ij})), are dissipative on the nn by nn complex matrices over A{\frak A} for all nn. We establish the existence of different types of maximal extensions of completely dissipative maps. If the enveloping von Neumann algebra of A{\frak A} is injective, we show the existence of an extension of δ\delta which is the infinitesimal generator of a quantum dynamical semigroup of completely positive maps in the von Neumann algebra. If δ\delta is a given well-behaved *-derivation, then we show that each of the maps δ\delta and −δ-\delta is completely dissipative.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX/REVTeX v. 4.0, submitted to J. Math. Phys.; PACS 02., 02.10.Hh, 02.30.Tb, 03.65.-w, 05.30.-

    On the existence of a Bose Metal at T=0

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    This paper aims to justify, at a microscopic level, the existence of a two-dimensional Bose metal, i.e. a metallic phase made out of Cooper pairs at T=0. To this end, we consider the physics of quantum phase fluctuations in (granular) superconductors in the absence of disorder and emphasise the role of two order parameters in the problem, viz. phase order and charge order. We focus on the 2-d Bose Hubbard model in the limit of very large fillings, i.e. a 2-d array of Josephson junctions. We find that the algebra of phase fluctuations is that of the Euclidean group E2E_{2} in this limit, and show that the model is equivalent to two coupled XY models in (2+1)-d, one corresponding to the phase degrees of freedom, and the other the charge degrees of freedom. The Bose metal, then, is the phase in which both these degrees of freedom are disordered(as a result of quantum frustration). We analyse the model in terms of its topological excitations and suggest that there is a strong indication that this state represents a surface of critical points, akin to the gapless spin liquid states. We find a remarkable consistency of this scenario with certain low-T_c thin film experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Stresses in cement mantles of hip replacements: effect of femoral implant sizes, body mass index and bone quality

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    The effects of femoral prosthetic heads of diameters 22 and 28 mm were investigated on the stability of reconstructed hemi-pelves with cement mantles of thicknesses 1-4 mm and different bone qualities. Materialise medical imaging package and I-Deas finite element (FE) software were used to create accurate geometry of a hemi-pelvis from CT-scan images. Our FE results show an increase in cement mantle stresses associated with the larger femoral head. When a 22 mm femoral head is used on acetabulae of diameters 56 mm and above, the probability of survivorship can be increased by creating a cement mantle of at least 1 mm thick. However, when a 28 mm femoral head is used, a cement mantle thickness of at least 4 mm is needed. Poor bone quality resulted in an average 45% increase in the tensile stresses of the cement mantles, indicating resulting poor survivorship rate

    Project manager-to-project allocations in practice: an empirical study of the decision-making practices of a multi-project based organization

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    Empirical studies that examine how managers make project manager-to-project (PM2P) allocation decisions in multi-project settings are currently limited. Such decisions are crucial to organizational success. An empirical study of the PM2P practice, conducted in the context of Botswana, revealed ineffective processes in terms of optimality in decision-making. A conceptual model to guide effective PM2P practices was developed. The focus of this study is on deploying the model as a lens to study the PM2P practices of a large organization, with a view to identify and illustrate strengths and weaknesses. A case study was undertaken in the mining industry, where core activities in terms of projects are underground mineral explorations at identified geographical regions. A semi-structured interview protocol was used to collect data from 15 informants, using an enumeration. Integrated analysis of both data types (using univariate descriptive analysis for the quantitative data, content and thematic analysis for the qualitative data) revealed strengths in PM2P practices, demonstrated by informants’ recognition of some important criteria to be considered. The key weaknesses were exemplified by a lack of effective management tools and techniques to match project managers to projects. The findings provide a novel perspective through which improvements in working practices can be made
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