1,024 research outputs found

    Preferences for HIV testing services among men who have sex with men in the UK: A discrete choice experiment.

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    BACKGROUND: In the UK, approximately 4,200 men who have sex with men (MSM) are living with HIV but remain undiagnosed. Maximising the number of high-risk people testing for HIV is key to ensuring prompt treatment and preventing onward infection. This study assessed how different HIV test characteristics affect the choice of testing option, including remote testing (HIV self-testing or HIV self-sampling), in the UK, a country with universal access to healthcare. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Between 3 April and 11 May 2017, a cross-sectional online-questionnaire-based discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted in which respondents who expressed an interest in online material used by MSM were asked to imagine that they were at risk of HIV infection and to choose between different hypothetical HIV testing options, including the option not to test. A variety of different testing options with different defining characteristics were described so that the independent preference for each characteristic could be valued. The characteristics included where each test is taken, the sampling method, how the test is obtained, whether infections other than HIV are tested for, test accuracy, the cost of the test, the infection window period, and how long it takes to receive the test result. Participants were recruited and completed the instrument online, in order to include those not currently engaged with healthcare services. The main analysis was conducted using a latent class model (LCM), with results displayed as odds ratios (ORs) and probabilities. The ORs indicate the strength of preference for one characteristic relative to another (base) characteristic. In total, 620 respondents answered the DCE questions. Most respondents reported that they were white (93%) and were either gay or bisexual (99%). The LCM showed that there were 2 classes within the respondent sample that appeared to have different preferences for the testing options. The first group, which was likely to contain 86% of respondents, had a strong preference for face-to-face tests by healthcare professionals (HCPs) compared to remote testing (OR 6.4; 95% CI 5.6, 7.4) and viewed not testing as less preferable than remote testing (OR 0.10; 95% CI 0.09, 0.11). In the second group, which was likely to include 14% of participants, not testing was viewed as less desirable than remote testing (OR 0.56; 95% CI 0.53, 0.59) as were tests by HCPs compared to remote testing (OR 0.23; 95% CI 0.15, 0.36). In both classes, free remote tests instead of each test costing £30 was the test characteristic with the largest impact on the choice of testing option. Participants in the second group were more likely to have never previously tested and to be non-white than participants in the first group. The main study limitations were that the sample was recruited solely via social media, the study advert was viewed only by people expressing an interest in online material used by MSM, and the choices in the experiment were hypothetical rather than observed in the real world. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that preferences in the context we examined are broadly dichotomous. One group, containing the majority of MSM, appears comfortable testing for HIV but prefers face-to-face testing by HCPs rather than remote testing. The other group is much smaller, but contains MSM who are more likely to be at high infection risk. For these people, the availability of remote testing has the potential to significantly increase net testing rates, particularly if provided for free

    Fish to 2050 in the ASEAN region

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    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has emerged as a global fish producer, owing to the rapid growth of aquaculture in Southeast Asia and its large offshore fishing fleet. Fish is a regional commodity that is traded globally, and this region is at the frontline of the global trend toward meeting seafood demand by 2050. Fisheries and aquaculture are increasingly becoming a primary source of protein and micronutrients, foreign exchange, livelihoods and well-being for the population in the region. Therefore, it is imperative for ASEAN decision-makers to enhance policies nationally and regionally to maximize the synergies between socioeconomic development and protecting natural resources and the environment in the region. This paper presents a baseline (business-as-usual) projection of fish supply, net trade, consumption and nutrition in the ASEAN region to 2050

    Postoperative nausea and vomiting following orthognathic surgery

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence and risk factors associated with postoperative nausea (PON) and vomiting (POV) after orthognathic surgery. A review of the clinical records of consecutively enrolled subjects (2008–2012) at a single academic institution was conducted between 9/2013 and 3/2014. Data on the occurrence of PON and POV and potential patient-related, intraoperative, and postoperative explanatory factors were extracted from the medical records. Logistic models were used for the presence/absence of postoperative nausea and vomiting separately. Data from 204 subjects were analyzed: 63% were female, 72% Caucasian, and the median age was 19 years. Thirty-three percent had a mandibular osteotomy alone, 27% a maxillary osteotomy alone, and 40% had bimaxillary osteotomies. Sixty-seven percent experienced PON and 27% experienced POV. The most important risk factors for PON in this series were female gender, increased intravenous fluids, and the use of nitrous oxide, and for POV were race, additional procedures, and morphine administration. The incidence of PON and POV following orthognathic surgery in the current cohort of patients, after the introduction of the updated 2007 consensus guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting, has not decreased substantially from that reported in 2003–2004

    Screening current effects in Josephson junction arrays

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    The purpose of this work is to compare the dynamics of arrays of Josephson junctions in presence of magnetic field in two different frameworks: the so called XY frustrated model with no self inductance and an approach that takes into account the screening currents (considering self inductances only). We show that while for a range of parameters the simpler model is sufficiently accurate, in a region of the parameter space solutions arise that are not contained in the XY model equations.Comment: Figures available from the author

    Preserving the palaeoenvironmental record in Drylands: Bioturbation and its significance for luminescence-derived chronologies

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    Luminescence (OSL) dating has revolutionised the understanding of Late Pleistocene dryland activity. However, one of the key assumptions for this sort of palaeoenvironmental work is that sedimentary sequences have been preserved intact, enabling their use as proxy indicators of past changes. This relies on stabilisation or burial soon after deposition and a mechanism to prevent any subsequent re-mobilisation. As well as a dating technique OSL, especially at the single grain level, can be used to gain an insight into post-depositional processes that may distort or invalidate the palaeoenvironmental record of geological sediment sequences. This paper explores the possible impact of bioturbation (the movement of sediment by flora and fauna) on luminescence derived chronologies from Quaternary sedimentary deposits in Texas and Florida (USA) which have both independent radiocarbon chronologies and archaeological evidence. These sites clearly illustrate the ability of bioturbation to rejuvenate ancient weathered sandy bedrock and/or to alter depositional stratigraphies through the processes of exhumation and sub-surface mixing of sediment. The use of multiple OSL replicate measurements is advocated as a strategy for checking for bioturbated sediment. Where significant OSL heterogeneity is found, caution should be taken with the derived OSL ages and further measurements at the single grain level are recommended. Observations from the linear dunes of the Kalahari show them to have no bedding structure and to have OSL heterogeneity similar to that shown from the bioturbated Texan and Florida sites. The Kalahari linear dunes could have therefore undergone hitherto undetected post-depositional sediment disturbance which would have implications for the established OSL chronology for the region

    Many-body-QED perturbation theory: Connection to the Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    The connection between many-body theory (MBPT)--in perturbative and non-perturbative form--and quantum-electrodynamics (QED) is reviewed for systems of two fermions in an external field. The treatment is mainly based upon the recently developed covariant-evolution-operator method for QED calculations [Lindgren et al. Phys. Rep. 389, 161 (2004)], which has a structure quite akin to that of many-body perturbation theory. At the same time this procedure is closely connected to the S-matrix and the Green's-function formalisms and can therefore serve as a bridge between various approaches. It is demonstrated that the MBPT-QED scheme, when carried to all orders, leads to a Schroedinger-like equation, equivalent to the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equation. A Bloch equation in commutator form that can be used for an "extended" or quasi-degenerate model space is derived. It has the same relation to the BS equation as has the standard Bloch equation to the ordinary Schroedinger equation and can be used to generate a perturbation expansion compatible with the BS equation also for a quasi-degenerate model space.Comment: Submitted to Canadian J of Physic

    Spontaneously Generated Tensor Field Gravity

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    An arbitrary local theory of a symmetric two-tensor field HμνH_{\mu \nu} in Minkowski spacetime is considered, in which the equations of motion are required to be compatible with a nonlinear length-fixing constraint Hμν2=±M2H_{\mu \nu}^{2}=\pm M^{2} leading to spontaneous Lorentz invariance violation, SLIV (MM is the proposed scale for SLIV). Allowing the parameters in the Lagrangian to be adjusted so as to be consistent with this constraint, the theory turns out to correspond to linearized general relativity in the weak field approximation, while some of the massless tensor Goldstone modes appearing through SLIV are naturally collected in the physical graviton. In essence the underlying diffeomophism invariance emerges as a necessary condition for the tensor field HμνH_{\mu \nu} not to be superfluously restricted in degrees of freedom, apart from the constraint due to which the true vacuum in the theory is chosen by SLIV. The emergent theory appears essentially nonlinear, when expressed in terms of the pure Goldstone tensor modes and contains a plethora of new Lorentz and CPTCPT violating couplings. However, these couplings do not lead to physical Lorentz violation once this tensor field gravity is properly extended to conventional general relativity.Comment: 27 pages, published version, to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Effect of Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction on the Relaxation in Amorphous Solids

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    Recently it has been experimentally demonstrated that certain glasses display an unexpected magnetic field dependence of the dielectric constant. In particular, the echo technique experiments have shown that the echo amplitude depends on the magnetic field. The analysis of these experiments results in the conclusion that the effect seems to be related to the nuclear degrees of freedom of tunneling systems. The interactions of a nuclear quadrupole electrical moment with the crystal field and of a nuclear magnetic moment with magnetic field transform the two-level tunneling systems inherent in amorphous dielectrics into many-level tunneling systems. The fact that these features show up at temperatures T<100mKT<100mK, where the properties of amorphous materials are governed by the long-range R3R^{-3} interaction between tunneling systems, suggests that this interaction is responsible for the magnetic field dependent relaxation. We have developed a theory of many-body relaxation in an ensemble of interacting many-level tunneling systems and show that the relaxation rate is controlled by the magnetic field. The results obtained correlate with the available experimental data. Our approach strongly supports the idea that the nuclear quadrupole interaction is just the key for understanding the unusual behavior of glasses in a magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Gender moderates the relationship between empathy and aggressiveness in sport: The mediating role of anger

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    This research investigated whether gender moderates, and anger mediates, the relationship between empathy (i.e., perspective taking and empathic concern) and aggressiveness in sport. In Study 1, perspective taking and empathic concern were negatively associated with aggressiveness, and this effect was stronger in women compared to men. In Study 2, perspective taking was a negative predictor of aggressiveness and antisocial behavior in sport, and anger mediated these relationships in women, but not in men. Our findings suggest that empathy and emotion-based strategies targeted at reducing aggressiveness in sport need to be tailored for males and females