197 research outputs found

    Deltas Legacies in Launch Cost Reduction

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    Delta launches nave had a high success ratio. One factor has oeen successful field processing. Review of hard experience and study of critical costs, produced a test philosophy which led to development of improved methods and equipment. This test philosophy saw several virtues in the minimization of human access to flight hardware, both in and out of test. Planning and precision were the adopted characteristics of people performance. Automation and mechanization of test exercises and of data-taking were implemented by launch site concepting, designing, and fabricating special test equipments. These are illustrated and discussed. The success of these methods and equipments has had time to mature in routine use. Evaluation indicates they made a major contribution to the outstanding cost effectiveness and reliability of the DELTA LAUNCH VEHICLE

    Framing research: conceptualization, contextualization, representation and legitizimation

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    Nos países anglófonos do Norte e do Ocidente, tem havido demonstrações de preocupação quanto à identidade, ao valor e à utilidade da pesquisa em educação ambiental. À medida que a educação ambiental se globaliza, torna-se possível para o Sul aprender lições referentes às tendências da educação ambiental praticada no Norte e às questões emergentes na pesquisa em educação ambiental. A Introdução deste artigo esboça os riscos envolvidos na explicação de como a educação ambiental e a sua pesquisa estão configuradas. Em primeiro lugar, resumem-se as grandes correntes do currículo em educação ambiental e das práticas pedagógicas; em segundo lugar, destacam-se algumas das mais importantes implicações da pesquisa em educação ambiental. Introduz-se a noção de "enquadramento" a fim de dotar os pesquisadores de um conjunto de conceitos que lhes possibilite examinar de modo mais criativo as hipóteses que eles mesmos abordam no seu trabalho de pesquisa, ao mesmo tempo que se encoraja um maior grau de reflexividade sobre o futuro do campo. É possível que esse futuro incorpore uma estética à ética e à política de pesquisa e, ao fazer isso, forneça respostas mais sensíveis à necessidade de se dar mais atenção ao desenvolvimento da tríade ontologia-epistemologia-metodologia no contexto da pesquisa em educação ambiental e da sua práxis. Uma ênfase na arte e na técnica do enquadramento convida o(s) pesquisador(es) a avaliar criticamente, por um lado, a conceitualização, contextualização, representação e legitimação do "trabalho" de pesquisa, e, por outro lado, a identidade, o valor e a utilidade tanto do pesquisador em sua individualidade quanto do campo. Exemplos da pesquisa deste autor são usados para ilustrar a noção de enquadramento. Uma versão prévia deste artigo foi entregue no V EPEA (Encontro de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental), "Configuração do Campo de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental", realizado entre os dias 30 de outubro e 2 de novembro de 2009. Essa versão retoma algumas considerações oriundas de uma oficina de pré-conferência realizada pelo autor na Universidade Federal de São Carlos ao longo de três dias.Concerns have been expressed about the identity, value and usefulness of environmental education research in the anglo-speaking North/West. As environmental education research becomes globalized, important lessons might be learned in the South about trends in Northern environmental education and emerging issues in environmental education research. The Introduction outlines the risks in explaining how environmental education and its research is configured. The paper, first, summarizes the major 'currents' in environmental education curriculum and pedagogical practices and, second, highlights some of the major implications for environmental education research. The notion of 'framing' is introduced to provide a set of concepts for researchers to more creatively examine the assumptions they make in approaching their scholarly work while also encouraging a greater degree of reflexivity about the field's future. This future might incorporate an aesthetics into the ethics and politics of research and, in doing so, respond more sensitively to the need for greater attention to be devoted to developing the triad of ontology, epistemology, methodology in environmental education research and its praxis. An emphasis on the art and craft of framing invites researcher(s) to critically assess the conceptualization, contextualization, representation and legitimization of research 'work,' both the individual researcher's and the field' identity, value and usefulness. Examples of the author's research are used to illustrate the notion of framing. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at V EPEA Encontro de Pesquisa em Educacao Ambiental "Configuracao do Campo de Pesquisa em Educacao Ambiental" (30 de octubro a 2 de novembro de 2009) and uses information from a pre-conference 3 day workshop conducted by the author at the Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos

    Predictive Ability from ePortfolios of Student Achievement Associated with Professional Teaching Standards: An Exploratory Case Study

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    This exploratory case study, focused on a music teacher preparation program, examined the coursework ePortfolios of pre-service music teachers to determine if any parts of the ePortfolio process predicted teaching effectiveness in the classroom during the student teaching semester. Sixty-five undergraduate pre-service music teachers made up the sample of the study. Data collected for each student consisted of coursework ePortfolios, summative student teaching assessments from both elementary and secondary placements, and selected licensure-related requirements as mandated by the state board of education. Multiple regression analyses revealed significant relationships between ePortfolio performance and student teaching assessments. Specifically, student teacher reflections (as part of the portfolio process) were found to be the lone significant predictor of teaching effectiveness for both elementary and secondary placements as measured by Danielson’s framework. While not significant, it should be noted that the Praxis II: Music Content Test should be examined further as the numbers of cases increased due to the nature of its relationship with the domain of planning and preparation in the secondary area. As this is an exploratory case study, further examination of the predictive ability of the ePortfolio process should be undertaken to better define the impact of the portfolio process within a pre-service teacher program

    The illogic of the biological weapons taboo.

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    PAYNE, PHILLIP DAVID, Ph.D. An Investigation of Relationships Between Timbre Preference, Personality Traits, Gender, and Music Instrument Selection of Public School Band Students. (2009)Directed by Dr. James W. Sherbon. 204 pp.The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship existed between specific personality traits and timbre preference among public school music students performing in secondary school instrumental music ensembles. Secondary research objectives were associated with music instrument selection by students, matching students to their timbre preference(s), and gender stereotyping with specific instruments and timbres.Participants (N = 624) were band students in four school districts in a southwestern state. Data were collected by employing three testing instruments: a demographics questionnaire which produced a descriptive profile of the participants, Resource Associates' Lounsbury, Tatum, Gibson, Park, Sundstrom, Hamrick, and Wilburn's (2003) Adolescent Personal Style Inventory (APSI) provided results on five personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness), and Gordon's (1984) Instrument Timbre Preference Test (ITPT) indicated timbre preference.Results from a battery of multiple linear regression analyses revealed that the participants' personality trait levels of extraversion and openness were significantly related (p < .05) to Timbres A (flute), B (clarinet), C (saxophone and horn), E (trumpet), F (trombone, baritone, and horn), and G (tuba). In addition, analysis indicated that gender stereotyping was observable regarding both music instrument selection and timbre preference. In public school bands, gender was found to be a significant predictor of Timbre choices A, B, F, and G. Further, a majority of students were not performing on instruments congruent with their timbre preferences; however, the ratio of participants playing instruments congruent to their timbre preference was 26.3% for beginners and approximately 53% for high-school seniors.Significant relationships were found between personality traits, timbre preference, gender, and music instrument selection in public school band students. Levels of extraversion and openness, as well as gender and instrument choice, were found to be significant predictors of timbre preference. Knowledge of these relationships may be useful to band directors when assisting undecided, beginning-band students regarding their choices of first instruments

    Environmentalizing the curriculum: a critical dialogue of south-north framings

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    The question of how the environmentalization of the curriculum might occur inthe higher education sector in a sustainable manner has become a local, national,regional and global concern for environmental educators, specifically, and educators,generally. The contemporary ACES framework includes ten characteristics of“environmentalization” deemed appropriate for incorporation into teacher educationprograms, and has been adopted by some Brazilian public universities among othersin Latin America and Europe. This highly influential framework was developed by agroup of “Latin” academics from Europe and Latin America. We bring that frameworkinto critical dialogue with the development of the “socially critical” and “post-critical”perspectives in environmental education curriculum and framings of its research,as this critical discourse has developed in the Anglo-speaking North over the pastthirty years. We reflexively identify a number of key similarities and differences in thisSouth-North dialogue. Brazilian educators, curriculum specialists and researchers, forwhom this article is primarily written, might further refine the critical possibilitiesof the ACES framework in their efforts to environmentalize the curriculum. Morebroadly, this article exemplifies a non-colonial approach to globalizing the discourseof environmental education

    Which anthropometric and lower body power variables are predictive of professional and amateur playing status in male rugby union players?

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    The purpose of this study was to compare anthropometric and lower body power measurements between current professional and amateur male rugby union players. The present study also sought to determine which anthropometric and physical performance variables were predictive of playing standard. Thirty professional and 30 amateur RU players performed Wattbike 6 s maximal effort (WB6S) and countermovement (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) assessments, anthropometric measures were also taken. Dependant variables recorded and analysed including: body mass, stature, Σ8 site skinfolds, WB6S absolute and relative peak power, CMJ and SJ average concentric force, jump height, peak velocity, time to peak force, rate of force development (RFD) and absolute and relative peak force and power. Professional players were heavier, taller and leaner than their amateur counterparts (p < 0.05). Professional players performed significantly better in all physical performance measures except CMJ and SJ time to peak force, CMJ RFD and SJ relative peak force. Variables which were predictive of playing standard were: Σ8 skinfolds, CMJ peak velocity and WB6S absolute and relative peak power (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that the current body of male professional RU players is anthropometrically and physically superior to their amateur counterparts, although not all variables assessed here were predictive of playing standard. Data presented here indicate that Σ8 skinfolds, WB6S absolute and relative power and CMJ peak velocity are predictive of playing standard, whereas other anthropometric and strength and power variables are not

    Synthesis of Rhamnosylated Arginine Glycopeptides and Determination of the Glycosidic Linkage in Bacterial Elongation Factor P

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    A new class of N-linked protein glycosylation – arginine rhamnosylation – has recently been discovered as a critical modification for the function of bacterial elongation factor P (EF-P). Herein, we describe the synthesis of suitably protected α- and β-rhamnosylated arginine amino acid “cassettes” that can be directly installed into rhamnosylated peptides. Preparation of a proteolytic fragment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa EF-P bearing both α- and β-rhamnosylated arginine enabled the unequivocal determination of the native glycosidic linkage to be α through 2D NMR and nano-UHPLC-tandem mass spectrometry studies

    Estimating truck transport costs for grain and fertilizer

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references (page 40)

    Construction of challenging proline–proline junctions via diselenide–selenoester ligation chemistry

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    Polyproline sequences are highly abundant in prokaryotic 10 and eukaryotic proteins, where they serve as key components of 11 secondary structure. To date, construction of the proline−proline motif 12 has not been possible owing to steric congestion at the ligation junction, 13 together with an n → π* electronic interaction that reduces the 14 reactivity of acylated proline residues at the C-terminus of peptides. 15 Here, we harness the enhanced reactivity of prolyl selenoesters and a 16 trans-γ-selenoproline moiety to access the elusive proline−proline 17 junction for the first time through a diselenide−selenoester ligation− 18 deselenization manifold. The efficient nature of this chemistry is 19 highlighted in the high-yielding one-pot assembly of two proline-rich 20 polypeptide targets, submaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 3B 21 and lumbricin-1. This method provides access to the most challenging of ligation junctions, thus enabling the construction of 22 previously intractable peptide and protein targets of increasing structural complexity