52 research outputs found

    The Hepatokine TSK does not affect brown fat thermogenic capacity, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis

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    Objectives Hepatokines are proteins secreted by the liver that impact the functions of the liver and various tissues through autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signaling. Recently, Tsukushi (TSK) was identified as a new hepatokine that is induced by obesity and cold exposure. It was proposed that TSK controls sympathetic innervation and thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and that loss of TSK protects against diet-induced obesity and improves glucose homeostasis. Here we report the impact of deleting and/or overexpressing TSK on BAT thermogenic capacity, body weight regulation, and glucose homeostasis. Methods We measured the expression of thermogenic genes and markers of BAT innervation and activation in TSK-null and TSK-overexpressing mice. Body weight, body temperature, and parameters of glucose homeostasis were also assessed in the context of TSK loss and overexpression. Results The loss of TSK did not affect the thermogenic activation of BAT. We found that TSK-null mice were not protected against the development of obesity and did not show improvement in glucose tolerance. The overexpression of TSK also failed to modulate thermogenesis, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis in mice

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Omecamtiv mecarbil in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, GALACTIC‐HF: baseline characteristics and comparison with contemporary clinical trials

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    Aims: The safety and efficacy of the novel selective cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is tested in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure (GALACTIC‐HF) trial. Here we describe the baseline characteristics of participants in GALACTIC‐HF and how these compare with other contemporary trials. Methods and Results: Adults with established HFrEF, New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA) ≄ II, EF ≀35%, elevated natriuretic peptides and either current hospitalization for HF or history of hospitalization/ emergency department visit for HF within a year were randomized to either placebo or omecamtiv mecarbil (pharmacokinetic‐guided dosing: 25, 37.5 or 50 mg bid). 8256 patients [male (79%), non‐white (22%), mean age 65 years] were enrolled with a mean EF 27%, ischemic etiology in 54%, NYHA II 53% and III/IV 47%, and median NT‐proBNP 1971 pg/mL. HF therapies at baseline were among the most effectively employed in contemporary HF trials. GALACTIC‐HF randomized patients representative of recent HF registries and trials with substantial numbers of patients also having characteristics understudied in previous trials including more from North America (n = 1386), enrolled as inpatients (n = 2084), systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg (n = 1127), estimated glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 528), and treated with sacubitril‐valsartan at baseline (n = 1594). Conclusions: GALACTIC‐HF enrolled a well‐treated, high‐risk population from both inpatient and outpatient settings, which will provide a definitive evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this novel therapy, as well as informing its potential future implementation

    « Le nuclĂ©aire : une Ă©nergie jeune et une filiĂšre d’excellence »

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    En France, la filiĂšre nuclĂ©aire ouvre une nouvelle page de son histoire : le programme de rĂ©novation du parc nuclĂ©aire (« Grand carĂ©nage ») a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ©, son renouvellement est Ă©tudiĂ©, et les Ă©quipes sont Ă  l’Ɠuvre pour dĂ©velopper les technologies de demain. Ces projets offrent aux nouvelles gĂ©nĂ©rations la possibilitĂ© de donner un nouvel Ă©lan Ă  l’un des secteurs industriels majeurs du pays. Dans les 2 500 entreprises du secteur, dans tous les mĂ©tiers, Ă  tous niveaux de formation, et partout en France, les besoins en recrutement de la filiĂšre sont importants. Des opportunitĂ©s se dessinent pour des jeunes motivĂ©s et dĂ©sireux de travailler dans une industrie qui rĂ©concilie « technologies de pointe » et « enjeux climatiques »

    Les trajectoires de balles

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    Varin Philippe. Les trajectoires de balles. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°26, 2000. Informatique et sports collectifs. pp. 107-115
