268 research outputs found

    Growth in Infants with Cow's Milk Protein Allergy Fed an Amino Acid-Based Formula

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    Purpose: The present study assessed the role of an amino acid-based formula (AAF) in the growth of infants with cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA). Methods: Non-breastfed, term infants aged 0-6 months with symptoms suggestive of CMPA were recruited from 10 pediatric centers in China. After enrollment, infants were started on AAF for two weeks, followed by an open food challenge (OFC) with cow's milk-based formula (CMF). Infants with confirmed CMPA remained on AAF until 9 months of age, in conjunction with a cow's milk protein-free complementary diet. Body weight, length, and head circumference were measured at enrollment and 9 months of age. Measurements were converted to weight-for-age, length-for-age, and head circumference-for-age Z scores (WAZ, LAZ, HCAZ), based on the World Health Organization growth reference. Results: Of 254 infants (median age 16.1 weeks, 50.9% male), 218 (85.8%) were diagnosed with non-IgE-mediated CMPA, 33 (13.0%) tolerated CMF, and 3 (1.2%) did not complete the OFC. The mean WAZ decreased from 0.119 to -0.029 between birth and enrollment (p=0.067), with significant catch-up growth to 0.178 at 9 months of age (p=0.012) while being fed the AAF. There were no significant changes in LAZ (0.400 vs. 0.552; p=0.214) or HCAZ (-0.356 vs. -0.284; p=0.705) from the time of enrollment to age 9 months, suggesting normal linear and head growth velocity. Conclusion: The amino acid-based study formula, in conjunction with a cow's milk protein-free complementary diet, supported normal growth till 9 months of age in a cohort of Chinese infants with challenge-confirmed non-IgE-mediated CMPA.Peer reviewe

    Exhaled nitric oxide decreases after positive food-allergen challenge

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    Background: Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a well described marker of airway inflammation in asthma and is also known to increase after chronic exposure to inhaled allergens. It is not known whether monitoring FeNO could be useful during food challenges to detect early or subclinical reactions. Methods: Forty children aged 3 to 16 years undergoing an allergen-food challenge at two centres were prospectively recruited for this study. FeNO was assessed before and repeatedly after the food-challenge. Results: Data were obtained from a total of 53 challenges (16 positive, 37 negative) and were compared between the two groups. Half of the patients with a positive food challenge exhibited clinical upper respiratory symptoms. The FeNO significantly decreased in 7 of 16 patients with a positive challenge test within 60 to 90 minutes after the first symptoms of an allergic reaction. Conclusion: Our results show a significant decrease in FeNO after a positive food challenge suggesting involvement of the lower airways despite absence of clinical and functional changes of lower airways. Prospective blinded studies are needed to confirm these results

    The Cow’s Milk-Related Symptom Score (CoMiSSℱ): A Useful Awareness Tool

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    The Cow’s Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiSSℱ) was developed as a clinical tool aimed at increasing the awareness of health care professionals for the presence and intensity of clinical manifestations possibly related to cow’s milk (CM) intake. This review summarizes current evidence on CoMiSS. We found twenty-five original studies, one pooled analysis of three studies, and two reviews on CoMiSS. Infants exhibiting symptoms possibly related to CM, present with a higher median CoMiSS (6 to 13; 16 studies) than apparently healthy infants (median from 3 to 4; and mean 3.6–4.7; 5 studies). In children with cow’s milk allergy (CMA), 11 studies found that a CoMiSS of ≄12 predicted a favorable response to a CM-free diet; however, sensitivity (20% to 77%) and specificity (54% to 92%) varied. The decrease of CoMiSS during a CM elimination diet was also predictive of a reaction to an oral food challenge to diagnose CMA. A low CoMiSS

    The Cow’s Milk-Related Symptom Score (CoMiSSℱ): A Useful Awareness Tool

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    The Cow’s Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiSSℱ) was developed as a clinical tool aimed at increasing the awareness of health care professionals for the presence and intensity of clinical manifestations possibly related to cow’s milk (CM) intake. This review summarizes current evidence on CoMiSS. We found twenty-five original studies, one pooled analysis of three studies, and two reviews on CoMiSS. Infants exhibiting symptoms possibly related to CM, present with a higher median CoMiSS (6 to 13; 16 studies) than apparently healthy infants (median from 3 to 4; and mean 3.6–4.7; 5 studies). In children with cow’s milk allergy (CMA), 11 studies found that a CoMiSS of ≄12 predicted a favorable response to a CM-free diet; however, sensitivity (20% to 77%) and specificity (54% to 92%) varied. The decrease of CoMiSS during a CM elimination diet was also predictive of a reaction to an oral food challenge to diagnose CMA. A low CoMiSS

    The Cow’s Milk Related Symptom Score: The 2022 Update

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    CoMiSSÂź was developed 7 years ago to increase the awareness of health care professionals towards the possibility that symptoms presented by infants could be related to cow’s milk. While CoMiSS was conceived mostly on theoretical concepts, data is now available from 25 clinical trials. Based on this extensive research using the tool since 2015, we aim to propose an updated CoMiSS. The evidence was reviewed, debated and discussed by 10 experts, of whom seven were part of the original group. The panel concluded that the cut-off previously proposed to indicate the likelihood that symptoms may be cow’s milk related should be lowered from ≄12 to ≄10. Data in healthy infants > 6 months are missing. Since the Brussels Infant and Toddlers Stool Scale (BITSS) was recently developed for non-toilet trained children, the Bristol Stool Scale was changed to the BITSS without changing the impact of stool characteristics on CoMiSS. Overall, CoMiSS raises awareness that symptoms might be cow’s milk related. New studies are needed to determine if the change in cut-off and other small adaptions improve its sensitivity and specificity. Data for CoMiSS is still needed in presumed healthy infants between 6 and 12 months old. There may also be regional differences in CoMiSS, in healthy infants as well as in those with cow’s milk allergy. Finally, we emphasize that CoMiSS is an awareness tool and not a diagnostic test

    The Cow’s Milk Related Symptom Score: The 2022 Update

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    CoMiSSÂź was developed 7 years ago to increase the awareness of health care professionals towards the possibility that symptoms presented by infants could be related to cow’s milk. While CoMiSS was conceived mostly on theoretical concepts, data is now available from 25 clinical trials. Based on this extensive research using the tool since 2015, we aim to propose an updated CoMiSS. The evidence was reviewed, debated and discussed by 10 experts, of whom seven were part of the original group. The panel concluded that the cut-off previously proposed to indicate the likelihood that symptoms may be cow’s milk related should be lowered from ≄12 to ≄10. Data in healthy infants > 6 months are missing. Since the Brussels Infant and Toddlers Stool Scale (BITSS) was recently developed for non-toilet trained children, the Bristol Stool Scale was changed to the BITSS without changing the impact of stool characteristics on CoMiSS. Overall, CoMiSS raises awareness that symptoms might be cow’s milk related. New studies are needed to determine if the change in cut-off and other small adaptions improve its sensitivity and specificity. Data for CoMiSS is still needed in presumed healthy infants between 6 and 12 months old. There may also be regional differences in CoMiSS, in healthy infants as well as in those with cow’s milk allergy. Finally, we emphasize that CoMiSS is an awareness tool and not a diagnostic test
