28 research outputs found

    dbVar structural variant cluster set for data analysis and variant comparison

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    dbVar houses over 3 million submitted structural variants (SSV) from 120 human studies including copy number variations (CNV), insertions, deletions, inversions, translocations, and complex chromosomal rearrangements. Users can submit multiple SSVs to dbVAR that are presumably identical, but were ascertained by different platforms and samples, to calculate whether the variant is rare or common in the population and allow for cross validation. However, because SSV genomic location reporting can vary – including fuzzy locations where the start and/or end points are not precisely known – analysis, comparison, annotation, and reporting of SSVs across studies can be difficult. This project was initiated by the Structural Variant Comparison Group for the purpose of generating a non-redundant set of genomic regions defined by counts of concordance for all human SSVs placed on RefSeq assembly GRCh38 (RefSeq accession GCF_000001405.26). We intend that the availability of these regions, called structural variant clusters (SVCs), will facilitate the analysis, annotation, and exchange of SV data and allow for simplified display in genomic sequence viewers for improved variant interpretation. Sets of SVCs were generated by variant type for each of the 120 studies as well as for a combined set across all studies. Starting from 3.64 million SSVs, 2.5 million and 3.4 million non-redundant SVCs with count \u3e=1 were generated by variant type for each study and across all studies, respectively. In addition, we have developed utilities for annotating, searching, and filtering SVC data in GVF format for computing summary statistics, exporting data for genomic viewers, and annotating the SVC using external data sources

    Related eIF3 subunits TIF32 and HCR1 interact with an RNA recognition motif in PRT1 required for eIF3 integrity and ribosome binding

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    eIF3 binds to 40S ribosomal subunits and stimulates recruitment of Met-tRNA(i)(Met) and mRNA to the pre-initiation complex. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains an ortholog of human eIF3 subunit p35, HCR1, whose interactions with yeast eIF3 are not well defined. We found that HCR1 has a dual function in translation initiation: it binds to, and stabilizes, the eIF3–eIF5– eIF1–eIF2 multifactor complex and is required for the normal level of 40S ribosomes. The RNA recognition motif (RRM) of eIF3 subunit PRT1 interacted simultaneously with HCR1 and with an internal domain of eIF3 subunit TIF32 that has sequence and functional similarity to HCR1. PRT1, HCR1 and TIF32 were also functionally linked by genetic suppressor analysis. We propose that HCR1 stabilizes or modulates interaction between TIF32 and the PRT1 RRM. Removal of the PRT1 RRM resulted in dissociation of TIF32, NIP1, HCR1 and eIF5 from eIF3 in vivo, and destroyed 40S ribosome binding by the residual PRT1–TIF34–TIF35 subcomplex. Hence, the PRT1 RRM is crucial for the integrity and ribosome-binding activity of eIF3

    A subcomplex of three eIF3 subunits binds eIF1 and eIF5 and stimulates ribosome binding of mRNA and tRNA(i)(Met)

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    Yeast translation initiation factor 3 contains five core subunits (known as TIF32, PRT1, NIP1, TIF34 and TIF35) and a less tightly associated component known as HCR1. We found that a stable subcomplex of His(8)-PRT1, NIP1 and TIF32 (PN2 subcomplex) could be affinity purified from a strain overexpressing these eIF3 subunits. eIF5, eIF1 and HCR1 co-purified with this subcomplex, but not with distinct His(8)-PRT1– TIF34–TIF35 (P45) or His(8)-PRT1–TIF32 (P2) sub complexes. His(8)-PRT1 and NIP1 did not form a stable binary subcomplex. These results provide in vivo evidence that TIF32 bridges PRT1 and NIP1, and that eIFs 1 and 5 bind to NIP1, in native eIF3. Heat-treated prt1-1 extracts are defective for Met-tRNA(i)(Met) binding to 40S subunits, and we also observed defective 40S binding of mRNA, eIFs 1 and 5 and eIF3 itself in these extracts. We could rescue 40S binding of Met- tRNA(i)(Met) and mRNA, and translation of luciferase mRNA, in a prt1-1 extract almost as well with purified PN2 subcomplex as with five-subunit eIF3, whereas the P45 subcomplex was nearly inactive. Thus, several key functions of eIF3 can be carried out by the PRT1–TIF32–NIP1 subcomplex

    dbVar structural variant cluster set for data analysis and variant comparison [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    dbVar houses over 3 million submitted structural variants (SSV) from 120 human studies including copy number variations (CNV), insertions, deletions, inversions, translocations, and complex chromosomal rearrangements. Users can submit multiple SSVs to dbVAR  that are presumably identical, but were ascertained by different platforms and samples,  to calculate whether the variant is rare or common in the population and allow for cross validation. However, because SSV genomic location reporting can vary – including fuzzy locations where the start and/or end points are not precisely known – analysis, comparison, annotation, and reporting of SSVs across studies can be difficult. This project was initiated by the Structural Variant Comparison Group for the purpose of generating a non-redundant set of genomic regions defined by counts of concordance for all human SSVs placed on RefSeq assembly GRCh38 (RefSeq accession GCF_000001405.26). We intend that the availability of these regions, called structural variant clusters (SVCs), will facilitate the analysis, annotation, and exchange of SV data and allow for simplified display in genomic sequence viewers for improved variant interpretation. Sets of SVCs were generated by variant type for each of the 120 studies as well as for a combined set across all studies. Starting from 3.64 million SSVs, 2.5 million and 3.4 million non-redundant SVCs with count >=1 were generated by variant type for each study and across all studies, respectively. In addition, we have developed utilities for annotating, searching, and filtering SVC data in GVF format for computing summary statistics, exporting data for genomic viewers, and annotating the SVC using external data sources

    The VAAST Variant Prioritizer (VVP): ultrafast, easy to use whole genome variant prioritization tool

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    Abstract Background Prioritization of sequence variants for diagnosis and discovery of Mendelian diseases is challenging, especially in large collections of whole genome sequences (WGS). Fast, scalable solutions are needed for discovery research, for clinical applications, and for curation of massive public variant repositories such as dbSNP and gnomAD. In response, we have developed VVP, the VAAST Variant Prioritizer. VVP is ultrafast, scales to even the largest variant repositories and genome collections, and its outputs are designed to simplify clinical interpretation of variants of uncertain significance. Results We show that scoring the entire contents of dbSNP (> 155 million variants) requires only 95 min using a machine with 4 cpus and 16 GB of RAM, and that a 60X WGS can be processed in less than 5 min. We also demonstrate that VVP can score variants anywhere in the genome, regardless of type, effect, or location. It does so by integrating sequence conservation, the type of sequence change, allele frequencies, variant burden, and zygosity. Finally, we also show that VVP scores are consistently accurate, and easily interpreted, traits not shared by many commonly used tools such as SIFT and CADD. Conclusions VVP provides rapid and scalable means to prioritize any sequence variant, anywhere in the genome, and its scores are designed to facilitate variant interpretation using ACMG and NHS guidelines. These traits make it well suited for operation on very large collections of WGS sequences