814 research outputs found

    Non-linear error correction, asymmetric adjustment and cointegration

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    This article links the intertemporal choice model with the non-linear error correction (NEC) model. It has three main components. First, it outlines a model of non-linear error correction, in which the linear error correction term ?Xt (the vector time series Xt is cointegrated, is the cointegrating vector) is replaced by the non-linear term g(?Xt), where g(.) is a non-linear function. Second, several types of asymmetries and the existence of multiple equilibria are discussed. The implications for the NEC model of trending targets are also explained. Third, it is shown that non-linear error correction is present in a trivariate series of UK employment, wage and capital stock.Publicad

    Nonlinear error correction, asymmetric adjusment and cointegration

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    This paper has three main components. First, it outlines a model of nonlinear error correction (NEC) in which the linear error correction term a'Xt (the vector time series Xt is cointegrated, a is the cointegrating vector) is replaced by the nonlinear term g(a'X),ˇ where g(.) is a nonlinear function. Second, several types of asymmetries are discussed. The NEC model is shown to have an underlying structural model in the form of an adjustment cost model, with asymmetric adjustment costs. The implications for the NEC model of trending targets are explained. Third, it is shown that nonlinear error correction is present in a trivariate series of UK employment, wage, and capital stock

    Non-linear error correction, asymmetric adjustment and cointegration.

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    This article links the intertemporal choice model with the non-linear error correction (NEC) model. It has three main components. First, it outlines a model of non-linear error correction, in which the linear error correction term ?Xt (the vector time series Xt is cointegrated, is the cointegrating vector) is replaced by the non-linear term g(?Xt), where g(.) is a non-linear function. Second, several types of asymmetries and the existence of multiple equilibria are discussed. The implications for the NEC model of trending targets are also explained. Third, it is shown that non-linear error correction is present in a trivariate series of UK employment, wage and capital stock.Non-linear error correction; Asymmetric adjustment; Multiple equilibria; Intertemporal optimization;

    Coverage and density of a low power, low data rate, spread spectrum wireless sensor network for agricultural monitoring

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    A physical layer specification for a low power, low complexity, low data rate sensor network suitable for agricultural monitoring is investigated. Code division multiple access (CDMA) with high processing gain is used to facilitate transmission powers which comply with the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) spectral mask, and this permits physically small nodes with limited energy storage capacity. The interference arising from each node is calculated, and it is shown that for the investigated scenario and specification, an aggregate data rate of 2 bytes per minute and a node population of approximately 1000 can be supported at distances up to a few kilometres from the central node, with less than 0.2% chance of failure due to multiple access interference

    Heterogeneity among Displaced Workers

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    We combine post-displacement survey data with information from a displacing firm's personnel files in order to reveal sources of worker heterogeneity in search time and wage losses. First, we detail how experience-related characteristics affect workers' labour market careers during a period of three years after the bankruptcy of the firm. We find that wage losses are large. Interestingly, firm, rank, or job tenure do not explain observed wage differences. Idiosyncratic ability, job rotations prior to displacement, and differences in pre- and post-displacement job characteristics contribute most to observed variations in wages. The individual post-displacement labor market histories allow for testing the Blanchard-Diamond (1994) ranking model for which we find no support. We then develop a dynamic reservation wage updating model. The method of updating is based on the simple idea that job seekers are informed about successful matches of their former colleagues (Rees, 1966; Granovetter, 1974). The model fits the data well.idiosyncratic ability, mass lay-off, social networks, unemployment

    Workforce Reorganization and the Worker

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    In this paper we study the joint decision process of changing the structure of jobs and laying off individual workers in a firm that downsizes its workforce. A hierarchical decision model is proposed and estimated using personnel data from a firm in demise comparing the characteristics of the individual workers and the structure of the firm's labour force before and after its reorganization. Our results show that workers in jobs in the top levels of each skill group's hierarchy are better protected against downsizing due to larger productivity shocks and larger firing costs.hierarchies, restructuring, control span, job displacement
