7 research outputs found

    The biogenesis and function of nucleosome arrays

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    Numerous chromatin remodeling enzymes position nucleosomes in eukaryotic cells. Aside from these factors, transcription, DNA sequence, and statistical positioning of nucleosomes also shape the nucleosome landscape. The precise contributions of these processes remain unclear due to their functional redundancy in vivo. By incisive genome engineering, we radically decreased their redundancy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The transcriptional machinery strongly disrupts evenly spaced nucleosomes. Proper nucleosome density and DNA sequence are critical for their biogenesis. The INO80 remodeling complex helps space nucleosomes in vivo and positions the first nucleosome over genes in an H2A.Z-independent fashion. INO80 requires its Arp8 subunit but unexpectedly not the Nhp10 module for spacing. Cells with irregularly spaced nucleosomes suffer from genotoxic stress including DNA damage, recombination and transpositions. We derive a model of the biogenesis of the nucleosome landscape and suggest that it evolved not only to regulate but also to protect the genome

    Critical analysis of communication strategies in public health promotion: An empirical‐ethical study on organ donation in Germany

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    Given the need for organs, public organizations use social marketing strategies to increase the number of donors. Their campaigns employ a variety of moral appeals. However, their effects on audiences are unclear. We identified 14 campaigns in Germany from over the last 20 years. Our approach combined a multimodal analysis of categorized posters with a qualitative analysis of responses, collected in interviews or focus groups, of 53 persons who were either skeptical or undecided about organ donation. The combined analyses revealed that the posters failed to motivate laypersons in general to donate, and were even less effective on skeptical or undecided individuals. We explain this in terms of the types of moral messages found on posters and the limits of such social marketing strategies. Furthermore, we discuss certain ethical aspects of organ donation campaigns pertaining to communicating norms and trust in public institutions

    The biogenesis and function of nucleosome arrays

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    Numerous chromatin remodeling enzymes position nucleosomes in eukaryotic cells. Aside from these factors, transcription, DNA sequence, and statistical positioning of nucleosomes also shapes the nucleosome landscape. Precise contributions of these processes remain unclear due to their functional redundancy in vivo. By incisive genome engineering, we radically decreased their redundancy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The transcriptional machinery is strongly disruptive of evenly spaced nucleosomes, and proper nucleosome density and DNA sequence critical for their biogenesis. The INO80 remodeling complex spaces nucleosomes in vivo and positions the first nucleosome over genes in an H2A.Z-independent fashion. INO80 requires its Arp8 subunit but unexpectedly not the Nhp10 module for spacing. Spaced nucleosomes prevent cryptic transcription and protect cells against genotoxic stress such as DNA damage, recombination and transpositions. We derive a unifying model of the biogenesis of the nucleosome landscape and suggest that it evolved not only to regulate but also to protect the genome

    Unaltered hepatic wound healing response in male rats with ancestral liver injury.

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    The possibility that ancestral environmental exposure could result in adaptive inherited effects in mammals has been long debated. Numerous rodent models of transgenerational responses to various environmental factors have been published but due to technical, operational and resource burden, most still await independent confirmation. A previous study reported multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound healing response upon exposure to the hepatotoxicant carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in male rats. Here, we comprehensively investigate the transgenerational effects by repeating the original CCl4 multigenerational study with increased power, pedigree tracing, F2 dose-response and suitable randomization schemes. Detailed pathology evaluations do not support adaptive phenotypic suppression of the hepatic wound healing response or a greater fitness of F2 animals with ancestral liver injury exposure. However, transcriptomic analyses identified genes whose expression correlates with ancestral liver injury, although the biological relevance of this apparent transgenerational transmission at the molecular level remains to be determined. This work overall highlights the need for independent evaluation of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance paradigms in mammals