146 research outputs found

    Las reacciones del organismo en la sífilis

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    Palacio de los Deportes

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    This building was specially built for the Mexico Olympic Games, and was the site for the basketball competition. But during the design stage it was foreseen that it could be later adapted to various other uses, such as boxing matches, ice skating displays, theatre, circus, shows, etc. It has 19.834 seats for spectators. Its circular planform has a 180 m diameter, and there are three levels of organisation. — on the lower level there is accommodation for the competitors, the press and the organisers of the Olympic Competitions; — the main level houses the entrance halls, the stairs, and access to the lower and middle spectator stands; — the top level has the washrooms for the public, the special stands and access to the middle and top stands. The outstanding feature of this sports palace is its general structure, which from the outset was regarded as the dominant element of the design, and also defined its plastic and spatial quality.Este edificio, construido para los Juegos Olímpicos de México, fue destinado a los juegos de baloncesto, pero al proyectarlo se previó que posteriormente pudiera servir para múltiples usos: celebración de combates de boxeo, espectáculos sobre hielo, teatro, circo, etc. Tiene capacidad para 19.824 espectadores sentados. Su planta es circular, con un diámetro total de 180 m, y está organizada en tres niveles: — en el nivel inferior se alojan: los servicios para deportistas, prensa y organización del Certamen Olímpico; —el nivel principal alberga: los vestíbulos, escaleras y accesos a gradería baja y media; — y en el nivel superior se distribuyen: los servicios para público, palcos y accesos a gradería media y alta. En este Palacio de los Deportes destaca su estructura general que fue considerada, desde la fase del proyecto, como el elemento dominante de la composición, y el determinante de su sentido plástico y espacial

    New Symmetrically Esterified m-Bromobenzyl Non-Aminobisphosphonates Inhibited Breast Cancer Growth and Metastases

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    1 - ArticleBACKGROUND: Although there was growing evidence in the potential use of Bisphosphonates (BPs) in cancer therapy, their strong osseous affinities that contrast their poor soft tissue uptake limited their use. Here, we developed a new strategy to overcome BPs hydrophilicity by masking the phosphonic acid through organic protecting groups and introducing hydrophobic functions in the side chain. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We synthesized non-nitrogen BPs (non N-BPs) containing bromobenzyl group (BP7033Br) in their side chain that were symmetrically esterified with hydrophobic 4-methoxphenyl (BP7033BrALK) and assessed their effects on breast cancer estrogen-responsive cells (T47D, MCF-7) as well as on non responsive ones (SKBR3, MDA-MB-231 and its highly metastatic derived D3H2LN subclone). BP7033Br ALK was more efficient in inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, migration and survival when compared to BP7033Br. Although both compounds inhibited tumor growth without side effects, only BP7033Br ALK abrogated tumor angiogenesis and D3H2LN cells-induced metastases formation. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together these data suggest the potential therapeutic use of this new class of esterified Bisphosphonates (BPs) in the treatment of tumor progression and metastasis without toxic adverse effects

    Guía de acompañamiento al duelo perinatal

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    Mort perinatal; Dol; ConsellsMuerte perinatal; Duelo; ConsejosPerinatal death; Grief; AdvicesLa pèrdua d’un fill durant la gestació, o poc temps després de néixer, no és un fet habitual, però sí que és un fet prevalent a la nostra societat. Tant la intensitat com la complexitat d’aquest fet traumàtic fan que el sistema sanitari consideri aquesta situació d’interès especial. Aquesta guia d’acompanyament s’integra en una de les línies estratègiques que defineix l’atenció sanitària accessible, resolutiva i integral per donar resposta a aquesta necessitat d’atenció per a les mares i pares que es troben en la situació de viure la mort d’un fill.La pérdida de un hijo durante la gestación, o poco tiempo después de nacer, no es un hecho habitual, pero sí es un hecho prevalente en nuestra sociedad. Tanto la intensidad como la complejidad de este hecho traumático hacen que el sistema sanitario considere esta situación de interés especial. Esta guía de acompañamiento se integra en una de las líneas estratégicas que define la atención sanitaria accesible, resolutiva e integral para dar respuesta a esta necesidad de atención para las madres y padres que se encuentran en la situación de vivir la muerte de un hijo.The loss of a child during pregnancy, or shortly after birth, is not a common occurrence, but it is a prevalent fact in our society. Both the intensity and the complexity of this traumatic event make the health system consider this situation of special interest. This accompanying guide is integrated into one of the strategic lines that defines affordable, comprehensive and comprehensive health care to respond to this need for care for mothers and parents who are in the situation of living the death of a son

    Guia d’acompanyament en el dol perinatal

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    Mort perinatal; Dol; ConsellsMuerte perinatal; Duelo; ConsejosPerinatal death; Grief; AdvicesLa pèrdua d’un fill durant la gestació, o poc temps després de néixer, no és un fet habitual, però sí que és un fet prevalent a la nostra societat. Tant la intensitat com la complexitat d’aquest fet traumàtic fan que el sistema sanitari consideri aquesta situació d’interès especial. Aquesta guia d’acompanyament s’integra en una de les línies estratègiques que defineix l’atenció sanitària accessible, resolutiva i integral per donar resposta a aquesta necessitat d’atenció per a les mares i pares que es troben en la situació de viure la mort d’un fill

    Cuidados paliativos perinatales: cuando la vida de vuestro hijo, aún no nacido, será breve [folleto]

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    Cures pal·liatives; Mort perinatal; ConsellsCuidados paliativos; Muerte perinatal; ConsejosPalliative care; Perinatal death; AdvicesAquesta guia pretén ser una eina de suport a les persones que estan passant o preveuen que passaran per la vivència de la mort del seu fill durant l’embaràs, el part o al poc temps de néixer.Esta guía pretende ser una herramienta de apoyo a las personas que están pasando o prevén que pasarán por la vivencia de la muerte de su hijo durante el embarazo, el parto o al poco tiempo de nacer.This guide aims to be a support tool for people who are going through or anticipate that they will pass through the experience of their son's death during pregnancy, childbirth or shortly after birth

    H1-antihistamines for chronic spontaneous urticaria: An abridged Cochrane Systematic Review

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    Background Chronic spontaneous urticaria is characterized by recurrent itchy wheals. First-line management is with H1-antihistamines. Objective We sought to conduct a Cochrane Review of H1-antihistamines in the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria. Methods A systematic search of major databases for randomized controlled trials was conducted. Results We included 73 studies with 9759 participants; 34 studies provided outcome data for 23 comparisons. Compared with placebo, cetirizine 10 mg daily in the short and intermediate term (RR 2.72; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.51-4.91) led to complete suppression of urticaria. Levocetirizine 20 mg daily was effective for short-term use (RR 20.87; 95% CI 1.37-317.60) as was 5 mg for intermediate-term use (RR 52.88; 95% CI 3.31-843.81). Desloratadine 20 mg was effective for the short term (RR 15.97; 95% CI 1.04-245.04) as was 5 mg in the intermediate term (RR 37.00; 95% CI 2.31-593.70). There was no evidence to suggest difference in adverse event rates between treatments. Limitations Some methodological limitations were observed. Few studies for each comparison reported outcome data that could be incorporated in meta-analyses. Conclusions At standard doses, several antihistamines are effective and safe in complete suppression of chronic spontaneous urticaria. Research on long-term treatment using standardized outcome measures and quality of life scores is needed

    Invading Basement Membrane Matrix Is Sufficient for MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells to Develop a Stable In Vivo Metastatic Phenotype

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    1 - ArticleIntroduction: The poor efficacy of various anti-cancer treatments against metastatic cells has focused attention on the role of tumor microenvironment in cancer progression. To understand the contribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) environment to this phenomenon, we isolated ECM surrogate invading cell populations from MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and studied their genotype and malignant phenotype. Methods: We isolated invasive subpopulations (INV) from non invasive populations (REF) using a 2D-Matrigel assay, a surrogate of basal membrane passage. INV and REF populations were investigated by microarray assay and for their capacities to adhere, invade and transmigrate in vitro, and to form metastases in nude mice. Results: REF and INV subpopulations were stable in culture and present different transcriptome profiles. INV cells were characterized by reduced expression of cell adhesion and cell-cell junction genes (44% of down regulated genes) and by a gain in expression of anti-apoptotic and pro-angiogenic gene sets. In line with this observation, in vitro INV cells showed reduced adhesion and increased motility through endothelial monolayers and fibronectin. When injected into the circulation, INV cells induced metastases formation, and reduced injected mice survival by up to 80% as compared to REF cells. In nude mice, INV xenografts grew rapidly inducing vessel formation and displaying resistance to apoptosis. Conclusion: Our findings reveal that the in vitro ECM microenvironment per se was sufficient to select for tumor cells with a stable metastatic phenotype in vivo characterized by loss of adhesion molecules expression and induction of proangiogenic and survival factors

    H1-antihistamines for chronic spontaneous urticaria

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