14 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture: Charting the Territory for Academic Research

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    The concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has long been considered as a means to improve system integration and achieve better IT-business alignment by IT professionals. Recently, the subject gained significant visibility by IS academics. In this paper we provide an overview of existing EA research and practice and present key functions and benefits of EA as seen by IT professionals based on the results of the SIM Information Management Practices Survey. We then identify and discuss directions for future research, including the development of EA definition and nomological net, as well as development of theoretical propositions regarding EA business value

    T-maze behavior and early egg production in Japanese quail selected for contrasting adrenocortical responsiveness

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    Broiler chicks that traverse a T-maze quickly to reinstate contact with their companions (HP, high performance) are known to grow faster, be more social, and exhibit a reduced plasma corticosterone (B) response to acute stress than slower (LP, low performance) chicks. Genetic lines of Japanese quail selected for reduced (LS, low stress) or exaggerated (HS, high stress) plasma B response to brief restraint also differ in sociality and performance. In the present study, we asked if divergence in early T-maze behavior was associated with differential attainment of puberty and early egg production in these lines. At 3 d of age, LS and HS quail were categorized as HP or LP birds based on running times in a T-maze. Thus, there were four treatment combinations: HP-LS, HP-HS, LP-LS, and LP-HS birds. Daily egg records were kept for 8 wk. The average ages at first egg lay (FIRST), at 25% egg production (A25%EP), and weekly and cumulative hen-day egg production (HDEP) where calculated. Daily egg weight (EWT) data were also collected, and BW measures were made at the end of the trial. Mean FIRST and A25%EP responses were lower (P < 0.02) and cumulative HDEP was greater (P < 0.04) in HP than in LP quail. Despite considerable numerical reductions in FIRST and A25%EP, as well as 5% elevation in cumulative HDEP in LS quail, line differences in these variables were not significant. On the other hand, FIRST and A25%EP were reduced (P < 0.05) in HP-LS quail when compared to LP-HS ones, whereas HP-HS and LP-LS quail showed intermediate and similar responses that did not differ from the other two treatment groups. Mean cumulative HDEP findings for the interactive effect of performance category with line mimicked these puberty findings. EWI and BW measures were not affected by any of the treatments or their interactions. Our results suggest that rapid negotiation of the T-maze by quail chicks is associated with accelerated puberty and increased HDEP in quail of two genetically diverse lines. This effect is particularly evident in quail selected for reduced adrenocortical responsiveness, suggesting possible additive effects.Fil: Marin, Raul Hector. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Satterlee, D. G.. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Cadd, G. G.. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Jones, R. B.. Roslin Institute; Reino Unid